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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Calling all couples

The Women's Fellowship of St. Basil the Great, in Kimberton, is sponsoring "Fireproof," a feature-length movie about the importance of God's love in couples' lives. The film will be followed by a series of short talks by Fr. Jeffery Rott of Ss. Simon and Jude Parish.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. in the school gym and the day concludes with Benediction in the Chapel. Coffee and danish will be served during registration, and a soup lunch will be provided.

The film and program are recommended for: Mature teens, dating, engaged and married couples, young and old, parents and grandparents.

Come learn about the "Love Dare" and how it can change our lives.

RSVP to June Weiland, Spirituality Chair, at 610-933-6120 or via e-mail at


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