Gardener's Block

It's nothing severe, it seems to always strike this time of year. I'm sure some of you have suffered the same symptoms ... You've gone to your favorite greenhouse/nursery, perused the aisles for the perfect plants, made your selections, purchased the items, carefully drove home, unloaded your stock, placed them on the deck/patio and marveled at your score. Now comes the hard part -- exactly where to put everything!
I love when I first bring all my new plants in to their new home. I place all the containers on my back patio (this year, in the new greenhouse) and look at all the pretty colors. Then I sit and look at the various planting gardens and try to decide which goes where ... and that's when the "block" comes into play. So many new things to plant, so many open spaces, so many colors, perennials, annuals, seedlings --- AAAARRRGGHH!!
By rights, perennials should be the first to go in the dirt, since (with any luck) they'll occupy the same spot for years to come. Then the annuals, always making sure to plant up front because they provide the most color throughout the summer. Always try to take into account that perennials from prior years are just coming up now and some will get quite tall and block out the sun for the other plants. This is a hard one to remember, because a large empty spot may not be such a great place to put a plant that requires "full sun." Especially when the ornamental grasses are only about 2 feet tall right now and will go on to tower at about 8-12 feet, blocking the sun and any light rain from the new plant. (There's a reason you didn't plant anything there last year ...)

Oh well, I'm feeling overwhelmed right now, but I'll get thru it -- I always do. At least one thing's nice for now -- I can easily water everything right on the patio, it's all in one spot. I don't have to roll out the 150-ft. hose yet!
Anyway, the lovely little plant appearing in the blog today is the dwarf rhododendron I mentioned yesterday. Isn't it cute! I first saw it in my neighbors' yard and had to know where they got it. They got it from Lowe's about a month ago and, after checking for the last 3 weeks, I finally spotted some there last Saturday.
It's officially called a Purple Gem Rhododendron and it'll get about 2-ft. tall. It's described as having deep violet blooms mid-Spring to early-Summer with tiny, dense evergreen foliage and a low-mounded growth habit. It's an "excellent border plant," and enjoys morning sunlight.

Coming up: What to do with those faded daffodils and tulips.
Labels: dwarf rhododendron, gardening, purple gem