Friday, October 31, 2008

My Favorite Horror Flicks

Afterall the trick or treaters have absconded with all your candy, tonight's the perfect night to curl up with a great horror movie! Here's some suggestions which happen to be my all-time favorite fright flicks. Please, go and rent them, nothing ruins good horror like a commercial break!
Honorable Mentions:

Motel Hell - not actually a scary movie, but just for fun. I mean you have to love a film that's tag line is "It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters!"
Nightbreed - I love Clive Barker's horror/fantasy flick about the dead residents of Midian. Are they the real monsters or are we?
The Lost Boys - my all-time fave vampire film. Yes, it's sooo '80s, but Keifer Sutherland as the vamps scary leader ranks right up there with Dracula. And long before Buffy, there were the Frog brothers vampire hunters. You have to love a vampire flick with the two Coreys, right. Tag line "Party All Night, Sleep All Day, Live Forever. It's Fun to be a Vampire."

keifer sutherland Pictures, Images and Photos
Before he was Jack Bauer ... (2nd from left)
The Descent
- I explained this one earlier this week. It's got one of those I-almost-crapped-my-pants moments. Just pure horror. Scary in more ways than one. I mean, who wouldn't be scared trapped in a cave, trying to find an alternate way out. Then throw in the freaks who live there - I just gave myself a chill ...
Dog Soldiers - I blogged about this one last week too. And, hopefully, you already watched it, because I'll tell you now that this is the absolute best Werewolf movie ever. With the best werewolves I've ever seen on screen. Take a look and decide for yourself ...

Dog Soldiers Pictures, Images and Photos

OK, now on to my Top 10 Horror Flicks list:

10. House of 1,000 Corpses -- Rob Zombie's directorial debut features my favorite scary scenario. You're out in the middle of nowhere, with no one to help or no way to escape and there is a murderous family of freaks that wants nothing more than to torture and kill you! Not to mention a psycho named Otis, a serial killer called Dr. Satan and the craziest clown to ever hit the silver screen - Captain Spaulding "S- - t the Bed!"
Captain Spaulding Pictures, Images and Photos
Creepy Captain

9. Halloween - John Carpenter's masterpiece of the macabre. I mean, really, before this did you ever worry about walking the streets on Halloween night? Michael Myers as the killer w/o a conscience is absolutely horrifying. Tag line "The Night He Came Home."

8. Pumpkinhead - Yeah, I know, the title's a little silly. But anyone who's ever seen this flick says the same thing - the scariest demon monster ever!! Horror pro Lance Henricksen's Ed Harley conjures up this demon from the grave to avenge the accidental death of his son by a bunch of vacationing adolescents. But Pumpkinhead, himself, is the real star. The scene where he tracks the teens down in the abandoned church ... I just scared myself again. A true nightmare!
Pumpkinhead Pictures, Images and Photos
Hello Pumpkinhead

7. The Stepford Wives (1975) - You may have seen the 2004 Nicole Kidman remake of this flick, which turned it into a farce. However, the original, which I just recently rewatched, still scares me. Move to the quaint little town of Stepford and you'll never be the same! First your husband will join the local Men's Association and little by little, your lady friends and neighbors will start to change in inexplicable ways and it's only a matter of time till they get to you!

6. Rosemary's Baby - A remake is already set for a 2010 release, but you still have plenty of time to see the 1968 original. Starring Mia Farrow as a young newlywed who moves to New York City with her husband, an actor. They befriend the strange, elderly couple next door and her husband, presumably makes a deal with the devil ... to further his acting career. What a chump! Before she realizes it, she's pregnant with the spawn of hell ... sounds funny, but this is a truly chilling flick.

5. Alien - Tag line "In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream." Director Ridley Scott successfully brought us the first horror flick set in space in 1979 and introduced us to the first feminist heroin, Sigourney Weaver's Ripley. I was just a kid when I saw this flick on cable and seriously couldn't sleep well for a week. Like Pumpkinhead, Scott also introduced us to one truly chilling alien creature - and those retractable jaws, I just got goosebumps!
Alien 1979 Pictures, Images and Photos
Scariest Alien Ever!

4. Jaws - and speaking of jaws ... let's revisit the film that put Steven Spielberg on the map. Traditionally, I don't think of this flick at Halloween. I always watch it around Memorial Day Weekend. It's become as much a right of summer as going to the beach (of course, we won't dare go in the water). When it was originally released in 1975, studio execs actually worried that people would get sick in the aisles. And it didn't disappoint.
Jaws is officially the first film to ever make $100 million domestically, thus becoming the first ever summer blockbuster. It's success prompted studios to take summer movie-goers seriously, as in seriously willing to spend money at the movies. And last year AFI made the shark in Jaws (Bruce, as Steven dubbed him, after his lawyer) the No. 1 Villain in film history. Darth Vader came in second!
jaws Pictures, Images and Photos
Oops, wrong Jaws, just testing you!

3. Phantasm - Tag line "If this one doesn't scare you, you're already dead." Something's going on at the Morningside Mortuary and if you can stick around long enough, you'll be sorry you found out what. This 1979 horror film made an instant star out of Angus Grimm, who portrayed the infamous Tall Man. Trust me, after seeing this flick, you'll never look at a flying silver ball the same way again.
phantasm Pictures, Images and Photos
The Tall Man & his Little Silver Ball

2. Poltergeist - If you've been reading this blog, then you already know my feelings on this one. My all time favorite ghost story, produced by Spielberg and directed by Tobe Hooper, revolves around a little girl who goes missing inside her house. The first time I ever saw this film, at home on cable, my father snuck into the room and threw a tennis ball into my friend's lap at a pivotal moment in the film. Our screams almost shattered the windows. Watch this one and try to sleep with the lights off.

1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - I know, you probably already saw the 2004 remake and thought, "that was pretty scary, but not great." That's how I felt too. I only watched the original about five years ago, and can I just say that after years of devouring horror flicks, this truly frightened me! Same scenario as my No. 10 movie, only shot so gritty that it feels real. "Based on a True Story," TCM used the real crimes committed by Ed Gein for inspiration. In reality Gein only killed 2 people, but he saved their bones, skins and some organs as a way to covet them. There are a few films about Gein, but they're not really scary - this is the one to watch. Fave shot: The infamous Leatherface chasing Sally thru the woods, chainsaw in hand, as she screams and screams and screams and the chainsaw revs and revs and revs. Favorite part: When that annoying jerk Franklin gets it right the stomach. C'mon he was asking for it thru the whole film!
TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Pictures, Images and Photos

OK, so you're asking yourself - What about the Exorcist? Well I didn't include it because it's the easy choice that tops everyone's list, and to tell the truth, I really wasn't scared. (I'm Catholic, I've been thru worse.) To me, TCM is scarier because it really could happen ...

More info on any of these flicks can be found on the Internet Movie Database,
Have a Spooky Halloween - just don't scare yourselves too much!

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Project Runway recap, on TV tonight

PR finalists
The Finalists - Korto, Leanne & Kenley

Well, it's over ... and now the day after let down. Another season of Project Runway ends, and it's the last we'll see on Bravo. But what an exciting episode it was!
As predicted, Leanne Marshall was awarded the $100,000 grand prize and, as my mom put it, a nice "cheap" Saturn hybrid. But it was a close finish ... for those of you who watched, you know what I mean. My mom, sister and myself kept changing our minds throughout the show, hedging more to Korto to win ... at first we thought Korto was definitely "out" and the real competition would be between Kenley and Leanne. However, early on, continuing her signature snarkiness, Kenley got into a riff with mentor Tim Gunn over her collection ... that's a PR no-no! Even Korto went against Gunn initially and was going to show her wedding dress again. She changed her mind later, and redesigned her bridesmaid's gown instead.
Leanne wasn't satisfied with her pants, but Gunn urged her to leave them in the show anyway. Smart Leanne listened ... and the judges specifically commented on how much they liked them (ALWAYS listen to Tim!).
After casting their models, consulting with hair and make-up artists, (I could've done without the dog poop on the floor though), even Korto remade two outfits in the wee hours of the morning beforehand ... it was off to the big show in Bryant Park.
And what an event it was ... everyone was there, from show owner Harvey Weinstein, to Bravo reality star Rachel Zoe. The audience also included lots of former Project Runway contestants - Christian Siriano (looking fierce, I might add), Gillian, Blaine, Daniel, Rami, Chris March and others, I can't remember them all, sorry.
Afterwards, the judging began and it got heated. While the judges on the whole liked Kenley's collection, she was chastised for looking too much like the Balenciaga collection that was shown earlier in the week. This brought a harsh reaction from Kenley, who is sick and tired of being accused of copying others' work. "No one likes to be called a copycat when they know they're a true artist!"
Korto was praised for implementing her ethnic heritage. Former Elle fashion editor Nina Garcia said her collection was "effortlessly cohesive" - always a good word from the judge's mouth. Gunn said she "hit a bullseye" and called it "sublime," while hostess Heidi Klum considered it "overworked." That's when I knew Korto had lost - "overworked" never bodes well for a contestant.
Leanne's collection received kudos at first, but was criticized for being "too much of one note," considering her theme "waves" was well executed in all her looks. Kors was afraid she would become the Queen of the Petals - "and Petals Marshall sounds like a stripper not a designer."
In the end, we all held our breath as the shows traditional ending beats ticked down till Heidi pronounced the winner - Leanne!
Leanne dress
Leanne's flawless evening gown

Congratulations on a job well done to all - especially the producers who've achieved another great season. I only hope it continues wherever Project Runway ends up next.
Oh, by the way, for anonymous who asked about a Reunion Show - I can't find anything alluding to there being one. I guess maybe with the lawsuit between NBC and the Weinstein Co., they decided to make the finale the last show period. Bummer. And at the end of the broadcast, Bravo announced that Korto had received the Fan Favorite Award of $10,000. They usually award that during the reunion show.
In case you missed it, the 2-part finale airs again tonight beginning at 8 p.m. on Bravo.
For more info or to see screen captures of all the collections, visit

And just for fun, check out the Tim Gunn Talking Bobblehead, a great Xmas gift for any Project Runway fan on your list! Visit tim gun bobblehead

Tim bobble

"Make it work people!"

And don't forget to tune into Bravo tonight for another episode of PR's mentor - Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, which moves into its permanent spot at 10 p.m.

Oh, and I need to mention, as if we weren't having heart palpitations over the impending winner announcement, Bravo took a few extra minutes of commercial time to air a brief look at Baz Luhrman's upcoming epic Australia. I don't know about you, but hunky Hugh Jackman really had my blood pumping! I'm not a huge fan of ice queen Nicole Kidman, but I think I might have to put up the $10 to see this one ... for info vi
Australia Pictures, Images and Photos

On TV tonight: At 8 p.m. on CBS, it's time to get down and dirty with those wacky castaway's on Survivor: Gabon! Tonight an overwhelming hunger and homesickness jeopardizes one castaway. Oh, and "G Sizzle" gets lost! Hope he's next to go ... for info

My TV dilemma will be at 9 p.m. when CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural and Kitchen Nightmares all vy for my Nielsen rating ...Here's my plan: CSI was fantastic last week, dealing with the death of one of their own, investigator Warrick Brown ... however, tonight's episode will center around a murderous hypnotist ... I think I'll pass, maybe tape-worthy.

Grey's Anatomy (ABC, 9 pm) will center on McDreamy finding Meredith's mother's diary (oh boy, here goes, more problems for medicine's most morose couple), while Callie prepares for her first real date with Erica. How long are they going to draw out the lesbian hook-up storyline? I mean really, we get it, they like each other. Funny how everyone else on the show has no problem hoping in and out of bed with each other, but this flirt-fest has been going on since last Spring. Get over it already! As you can guess, I'll be skipping this one ...

Over on Fox, malicious chef Gordon Ramsay will unleash his fury on another failing restaurant on Kitchen Nightmares. This is one of my guiltiest pleasures. I hated this guy when Fox started airing Hell's Kitchen. Months later I caught his BBC America show (Kitchen Nightmares), same show, only filmed in Europe and came to greatly appreciate and respect this often scary man. So when Fox started an American version, I was right there for the premiere. Whether you love or hate him, you have to admit, he really knows his way around the kitchen and managing successful restaurants (according to Wikipedia, he owns 11 around the world).

However, as part of my Halloween Horror Watch, I'll be watching the CW's Supernatural at 9 p.m. Tonight's episode has demon hunter bros Sam and Dean chasing a shape-shifter, killing its victims disguised as classic movie monsters i.e. the wolfman, Dracula, the mummy, etc. Yeah, I'm definitely a horror junkie, especially every October ...

Then I'll probably switch on over to the Discovery Channel at 10 p.m. for Tornado Rampage 2008, a rehash, with lots of new footage, I hope, of all the tornadic carnage during tornado season last spring. I don't know what it is, but I just can't resist watching these amazing weather phenomena on TV - way better than seeing them in person!

For those of you not intersted in any of the above, why not tune in to HBO, which will be airing a mini-thon of the last three episodes of its vampire drama True Blood. Catch up on what people are talking about and get a little "taste" for yourself.

Or you can get all teary and sentimental over on the ABC Family Channel beginning at 8 p.m. with that heart-tugging epic The Notebook. Starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams as young star-crossed lovers in this tale told by an aging man in a nursing home to an Alzheimer's victim. Be sure to have lots of tissues on hand!
The Notebook Pictures, Images and Photos

Late Night Tonight: Presidential candidate John McCain finally makes his long-due debut on the Late Show with David Letterman (CBS, 11:35 pm). After cancelling a prior appearance, Dave has been really riding the Republican, let's hope he can make amends tonight.
Meanwhile, Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden sits down with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show (NBC, 11:35 pm).
And, Max Payne himself, Mark Wahlberg, stops by Jimmy Kimmel (ABC, 12:05 am) to chat up his latest flick, opening tomorrow.

And back to McCain ... apparently Obama supporter Jon Bon Jovi isn't too pleased with the Republican camp using his song, "Who Says You Can't Go Home." Jon recently told, "We wrote this song as a thank you to those who have supported us over the past 25 years. Although we were not asked, we do not approve of their use of 'Home.'" Heart and Jackson Browne have also objected to the GOP's use of their songs.(Of course, I'm just using this as an excuse to post a hot photo of Jon, enjoy!)
jon bon jovi Pictures, Images and Photos
Love ya Jon!

In more serious news: A huge get well soon to Gale Harold, who was involved in a serious motorcycle crash in Los Angeles earlier this week. Best known for his portrayal of Brian on Showtime's Queer As Folk, the handsome Harold is currently playing Susan's (Teri Hatcher's) love interest on Desparate Housewives. As of Wednesday, he was still listed in critical condition with a fractured shoulder, but expected to make a full recovery.
Gale Harold 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
Get Well Gale

And apparently there's a backlash brewing over those DirecTV commercials featuring classic movie scenes, using one of the original stars to promote the TV service.You've seen them, Sigourney Weaver in Aliens and Robert Patrick as the T1000 from the Terminator 2 helicopter scene ...
poltergeist Pictures, Images and Photos
Well, folks aren't taking too well to the latest one, featuring the famous "They're here" clip from Poltergeist (which by the way is on my Top 5 All-Time Horror Movies List).
Craig T. Nelson is the one who promotes the service from his bed, but it's the appearance of tiny Heather O'Rourke who utters the famous line that's getting everyone all bent out of shape.
O'Rourke died in 1988 at age 12 of septic shock while undergoing an operation to remove a bowel obstruction ... thus adding to the folklore of the Poltergeist Curse.
In 1982 Dominique Dunne, who played older sister Dana, was murdered by her boyfriend shortly after the film's release.
In 1985, Julian Beck, who portrayed the "bad spirit" in Poltergeist II, died of stomach cancer. It wasn't unexpected, since he had been diagnosed in 1984.
In 1987 Will Sampson, who played the "good spirit" Indian helping Nelson in Poltergeist II, died after receiving a heart-lung transplant.
However, Poltergeist's creepy psychic Tangina (Zelda Rubenstein), long-rumored dead is alive and well and still working ...

And here's a bonus -- how many of you had nightmares over this uncredited star of Poltergeist
geistclown Pictures, Images and Photos

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