I want my check!
Ed, I‘m calling about the New Jersey homestead rebate. I live in subsidized housing, and while I do not pay for my gas and electric, I do pay almost $900 for rent. I am upset and feel it‘s unfair that I will not get a rebate check. I feel everyone in subsidized housing should get a rebate, and I want someone to look into this.
What a travesty of justice! You have to pay $900 for rent? And it includes your gas and electric? How dare they do it!! You are so right, it is unfair. Why should all those homeowners shelling out $1,500 a month for mortgage payents and $5,000-$6,000 a year in property taxes be the only recipients of the homestead rebate. You should complain. You should call your local state senator or assembly member and demand they get this inequity in the system straightened out right away.— Ed. Note
nothing like a FREE RIDE. I sure wish someone would pay my Mortgage and Gas & Electric for me. yeah then I could live FREE.maybe even leave my Job!..oH yeah and expect a rebate check.:) Come on man, get off you lazy butt and pay you own damn Bills like most people do..
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