Santiago graffiti
Ed, I just read where Santiago said the Mill Hill graffiti incident was just kids out on a mischievous night, unsupervised. But guess what, if this was a swastika cut in a cornfield in the middle of nowhere, it would be treated as a bias crime. I think this should be treated the same way. All they are trying to do is instill fear. It doesn‘t matter how old they are, or what‘s going on, that‘s their background.
Everybody seems to be missing one very important aspect of this graffiti incident — where did these little kiddies learn these gang tags? Seems a good bet, you learn things by being involved — in some way or another.— Ed. Note
The difference is that in other communities, childhood mischief might be egging or toilet-papering someone's car. In Trenton, child's play is spraypainting menacing gang graffiti!
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