Trenton schools waste
Hey Ed, I am not in any way surprised by the failing grades in the Trenton Public Schools. How much more of middle-class property tax dollars needs to be squandered by this Abbott district?
Pocket dipped
For as long as the state supreme court decides to legislate from the bench and play favorites with select school districts. What’s the matter, you don’t want to pay your share for this special treatment? Welcome to New Jersey: Come See for Yourself, or what we have come to know as Pay-to-Stay.— Ed. Note
Ed Pocket Dip, does make somewhat of a case. The Trenton School District has long been known as a den of theives, who use every trick they can to bleed tax payer dollars into their own pockets. Abbots responsibility, is not only significant to Trenton, it's significance is felt throughout the state. All poor districts, receive Abbott Funds, certain ones obviously use this advantage for their own gain. Who do you complain to, who will assist you in reporting this waste? Certainly, the district will not tell on themselves. And the goverment officials in charge of viewing and reporting these oversites is doing the exact same thing. My theory is that the federal government spend more time on school districts that consistently report failing grades and if so, the government should run the school districts. Sounds a bit harsh, but what other choices do we have. Report to the thieves about the thieves and ask them to do what?
I call for an immediate end to all "Abbott and Costello" funding. Why? It's a joke... get it?
Trenton spends enough per pupil to any kind of schools it wants. At the current rate of expenditure, every single graduating senior should be beating down the doors of all Ivies, plus Stanford and MIT.
As it stands now, the only doors they're beating down are those of the County workhouse, the Austin Health Center, or in the case of our success stories, MCCC.
Yeah, I know there are plenty of exceptions to my broad brush stroke, but they're just that: Exceptions!
What's it gonna take? $50,000 per pupil per year to miraculously make TPS students care about getting an education, and for their parents to hold them accountable?!?
No thanks. My City property taxes are high enough as they are.
Why is it that this crazy state puts spending as the recipe for success? Newark spends twice what many suburban districts spends per pupil (see Princeton locally!) and Newark isn't exactly the candle holder for higher education. This theory of "Discount knowledge won't send you to college" is a load of bull. The Abbott decision is hopelessly flawed when they equated spending with success. We've had a long run and no success, it is now time to re-evaluate Abbott!
Accountability is the problem with Abbott funding. There is no accountability and the State does not monitor the Abbott districts closely. NJDOE receives complaints about spending of the Abbott money.In Trenton the money does not reach the classrooms. For the amount of money provided Trenton should have state of the arts classrooms with ample supplies and materials for students and teachers to work with;however that is not the case.Money is spent on extensive administrative travel and bonuses for administrators who report low incidences of violence and vandalism. Ample textbooks are also not provide with the Abbott money. A parent complained to Mayor Palmer that she spent $65 for a textbook for her child. She brought the receipt to a community meeting to show him. I guess his response was that he was outraged.The government should monitor failing districts and hire people to watchdog the spending of the money. The politicians in Trenton turn a deaf ear to complaints about Abbott spending practices. They are aware that Trenton does not use the money properly.The Abbott districts are employment mills for political cronies many of whom are uncertified.Teachers and who file complaints about the lack of supplies ,instructional materials, textbooks, and services to students are harassed.Parents and students who complain to politicians are ignored.The State and the school administrators have a duty and responsibility to ensure that funding is used appropriately however, they renege their duties .To complain is to air diry laundry which should be cleaned so their is none to air.
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