Sayonara, Santiago
Hi, Ed, Mayor Palmer, you are making me throw up. The only way to give Santiago a waiver is to wave goodbye. What strong leadership does he give except deception? Yes, we are the laughing stock of the state, not so much from Santiago but you! Take a look around and see what you did to this city. You don’t drive down every street in Trenton; it is a total disgrace. You can’t get out of this one, the slums. Council, stand your ground. Don’t give up. No excuses. Palmer, you will be setting a precedent when all the police personnel can move out of Trenton for one reason or another. You can’t stop them, and what’s good for one is good for another.
Pep Talk
Is there a way to put the director on “waivers” and see if another team in the league picks him up?—Ed. Note
This is only the lastest in a long list of stage acts presented by Palmer on Santiago's behalf. Palmer knows exactly what's going on, regarding the residency rules in Santiago's situation. However, what Palmer thinks WE don't know is that he is using this time to keep the issue controversial while Santiago attempts to acquire a position elsewhere. The Mayor has never given the citizens of Trenton much credit in their understanding of the political arena. However in Santiago's situation his position is crystal clear. Palmer wants to help Santiago, that been evident from the beginning. In each of Santiago's inept of should I say lack of interest towards the citizens of this city and their safety issues, Palmer has upheld him. Perhaps what Palmer doesn't know is that as much as the citizens of Trenton want to see Santiago gone, the first name on the list is Douglas H. Palmer.
Common Sense, I agree, this is all an act on Palmer's part. His supposed firm stance on this issue is one of his worst acts ever. By refusing to give in to the councils demands, he's allowing the clock to run out. Thus allowing his cohort just enough time to secure yet another pension. As soon as Santiago's 2nd pension is in place, he'll fold his tent and move on. Thanks be to Palmer
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