Friday, December 12, 2008

A Few Words For Jeff

Ed, time and again I have been silent about Jeff Edelstein’s moronic leftist views and idiotic opinions regarding football, but no more. First and foremost the Steelers are not beatable, especially to a loser team like the Jets. Don’t even think that a washed-up QB like Favre can compete on the same level as Big Ben. Secondly, your comment weeks ago about how if the Florida recount were different we would have undoubtedly had Gore (scary thought) as president, then in ’04 we would have had another Democrat. Yeah, I don’t know if you were aware but the majority of the country voted for Bush in ’04. Now as far as your recent comments regarding us playing God when we drive, hunt or do any day-to-day activity is just so absurd. First of all, hunting was something that was OK’d by God, that’s why we have certain animals that we can eat. (Granted I guess all animals could be edible but let’s not go there.) Stem cells curing anything? No, there is no factual proof that stem cells have or are able to cure anything, so to justify murdering unborn babies to experiment with this is not right. Edelstein, I know these are your opinions but I feel the need to tell you mine.
The Anti Jeff
Do you have “factual proof” that killing animals was OK’d by God?—Ed. Note


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