Ed, there was an item in BackTalk recently and I was so glad to see it. This gentleman said “Don’t call me an African-American, I am an American.” I think that is hurtful to this country because many black women and men gave their lives so that you and I could be free. They don’t live in Africa. This is America. I congratulate that man.
It’s a funny thing. There are other people who definitely prefer the term African-American. As a description of race for a person of color it can often be less than fully accurate, because a person may be partially of African descent and partially, for example, of Asian or European descent. There is no definitive conclusion to this discussion. I’d like to hear from more BackTalkers on this one.—Ed. Note
I agree with this man Dont call me african American I am American. I know no one from Africa not even my great great great Grandmother. Also, I am okay with colored I am of color. American would be just fine.
I would rather be called American also. Why don't white people call themselves European Americans or British Americans? They are just American. I've never been to africa and at this point my blood is so mixed I probably have more white genes then african. So they came here stole the land and called it America. I was born here so I'm American.
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