Monday, June 23, 2008

City Counil agenda for June 23


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as usual tonight's city council was quite entertaining, by 7:35 almost all the seats were full so I knew it was going to be interesting. Folks only come out when they have a problem (unfortunately).

On the positive:
Walgreens is probably coming to the corner of 8th and Lincoln. hwy.
All special event applications were approved, there will be plenty of events to attend in town this summer.
there will be no power plant on the flats.
the city has only spent 28% of the money budgeted for expenses so far this year.
Weed and Seed program is doing well.

Now for the NOT so positive:
All the stores at 8th and Lincoln will have to be relocated in the city before Walgreens can tear down the old building, this means that the State Store will probably be moving back into town somewhere, (not something I wanted to see).
There have been numerous home invasions and robberies in the 300 block of Chestnut st. in the last several weeks AND as someone else mentioned, a hispanic teenager was raped behind a garage in that area. Not good.
There have been numerous arson fires in the westend in the last couple of weeks also.
police presence is lacking in the westend. (already knew that).
police are stopping and frisking folks for no real reason, (I knew that would happen).

That's most of it in a nutshell, if anyone has anything else to add please do so.

June 23, 2008 9:21 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as usual tonight's city council was quite entertaining, by 7:35 almost all the seats were full so I knew it was going to be interesting. Folks only come out when they have a problem (unfortunately).

On the positive:
Walgreens is probably coming to the corner of 8th and Lincoln. hwy.
All special event applications were approved, there will be plenty of events to attend in town this summer.
there will be no power plant on the flats.
the city has only spent 28% of the money budgeted for expenses so far this year.
Weed and Seed program is doing well.

Now for the NOT so positive:
All the stores at 8th and Lincoln will have to be relocated in the city before Walgreens can tear down the old building, this means that the State Store will probably be moving back into town somewhere, (not something I wanted to see).
There have been numerous home invasions and robberies in the 300 block of Chestnut st. in the last several weeks AND as someone else mentioned, a hispanic teenager was raped behind a garage in that area. Not good.
There have been numerous arson fires in the westend in the last couple of weeks also.
police presence is lacking in the westend. (already knew that).
police are stopping and frisking folks for no real reason, (I knew that would happen).

That's most of it in a nutshell, if anyone has anything else to add please do so.

June 23, 2008 9:22 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I so hope Walgreens does go in. That will at least be the start of new stores. As for moving those other stores no great loss. Maybe if they move they will clean themselves up.

June 24, 2008 4:40 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Walgreens has a good loss prevention department cause they will need it. Low lifes will be boosting left and right!

June 24, 2008 10:28 AM 

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