Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Whitey

All right stop, collaborate and listen - Steele's back with a brand new invention. Kind of.
Yes, friends, Michael Steele, the face of the new, minority-friendly GOP, recently told to the Washington Times that the party of one idea needs a make-over.
"But how will he accomplish this?" you might well ask. "By pushing for the closure of corporate tax loopholes? By setting new policy on obstructionist legislators? How about health care subsidies for the poor?"
What are ya, simple?
No, Steele has his sights set on the bigger picture: tricking uneducated urban youths into thinking the GOP reflects their values by throwing a lot of outdated urban slang around.
"We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles," he told the Times. "But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings."
Steel said - and I swear I'm not making this up - the new campaign will be "off the hook" and "beyond cutting-edge," whatever the hell that means.
This, from the same man who called Obama's stimulus package "bling bling," is no surprise. It also won't be a surprise when the campaign fails worse than the McSquid in any other market but Edo.
I haven't seen this kind of blatant pandering since Mitt Romney demonstrated his firm grasp on hip-hop culture to a group of potential black voters when he earnestly inquired (about five years too late) who had let the dogs out. It was, until now, the whitest thing I'd ever seen a Republican do - aside from slash funding for education and funnel it into defense, or approve tax cuts for the wealthy, of course.
But now we've got Steele - the rich man's Barack Obama - who is going to save the Grand Old Party by turning it into the Grand Old Par-tay!
Admittedly, it is a bold and stupid plan, but Steele is not concerned. After all, out-of-touch white folks have been hawking this same gibberish for years to "urban types" in an attempt to demonstrate that they, too, are "down."
If it wasn't insulting coming from them, why in the world would it be insulting coming from a guy who was undeniably installed as the RNC chairman by virtue of simply being a black man?



Blogger Tracy Ramone said...

Damn Blogger for being incapable of posting the fantastic Bulworth photo I dug up for fantastic commentness.

Damn you I say!

February 20, 2009 4:06 PM 

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