Cool Your Jets
Democracy, and by extension free speech, is sometimes messy.
Yes, we want to know what you think about almost any issue. What we don’t want is for people to take the forum that we’ve given them and use it in inappropriate ways. I’m not really going to go into the specifics of what happened that forced us to shut down the posting of comments on all stories related to the PASD and KES site.
I will say that it was a cowardly display, one unworthy of a self-respecting American. It in essence violated the personal priva
cy and expectations of safety of a public official and his family, and that is unacceptable.
If the post under discussion had only called into question this particular person’s performance as an employee of the state, then that would have been fair game. The post that has forced us to put an end to comments on these stories went far beyond the pale of what is acceptable in public discourse. Most of you have obeyed the rules of the posts and kept a civil tongue, and we thank you for that. Unfortunately, some of you have shown incapable of handling the responsibility that comes with participating in a free forum. For this reason, we are disabling comments on these stories for the foreseeable future.
Posted by
Nick Danna
Yes, we want to know what you think about almost any issue. What we don’t want is for people to take the forum that we’ve given them and use it in inappropriate ways. I’m not really going to go into the specifics of what happened that forced us to shut down the posting of comments on all stories related to the PASD and KES site.
I will say that it was a cowardly display, one unworthy of a self-respecting American. It in essence violated the personal priva

If the post under discussion had only called into question this particular person’s performance as an employee of the state, then that would have been fair game. The post that has forced us to put an end to comments on these stories went far beyond the pale of what is acceptable in public discourse. Most of you have obeyed the rules of the posts and kept a civil tongue, and we thank you for that. Unfortunately, some of you have shown incapable of handling the responsibility that comes with participating in a free forum. For this reason, we are disabling comments on these stories for the foreseeable future.
Posted by
Nick Danna
tough town...i have got to the point that if as long as it above the fold and they spell my name right... there seems to be a group who will never be happy here in the ville. i feel bad if people felt threatened....someone said they did not want to come to the fund raiser we had tonight because they were threatened in the paper.
hey folk...please let us be more responsible when posting...some of this gets out of control...i had people posting nasty stuff on my daughter's blog one time. just mean nasty people...but it is what it is...i think everyone should take a step back on this one.
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No, Mr. Cassidy, people have no problem with you;what they have a problem with is the expense in which they are being held to pay with no accountability. We are tired of ineptitude from our elected leaders, from Borough, to School Board, to county and state leadership. You are merely a luxury that we cannot afford. By stating that as long as they spell your name right and put it above the fold.... only proves to show that you think entirely too highly of yourself.
So you now have Council's protection, the local DM's protection and as it appears, now the papers protection as they seem to be removing blogs that are critical of you.
So cheers to you, that is all you seem to care about anyway.
So again, silence all rather than the idiot who cannot stick to topic??
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