Monday, March 24, 2008

Forget Fitty Cent, Meet 75 Cent!

A month ago, The Mercury was promoting the fact that we were still a good local newspaper you could pick up for 50 Cents. So being the young hip newspaper tycoon I am, I got 50 Cent to help us promote the paper.

But as of today, we had to let go of his services. He just wasn't cuttin it. So we're upping our efforts to bring you the best in local everything. The Mercury is now going for 3 quarters a copy instead of 2. I "relieved" Fitty Cent of his spokesman duties and hunted down a new Mercury man to help us push papers. Ladies and gentlemen, meet 75 Cent. He gives you more bang for your hard-earned buck.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Our New Spokesman

If you pay attention to newspaper prices (being in the newspaper business, WE certainly do), you may know that The Philly Inquirer just went up in price. The Mercury has not. We're still only 50 cents daily. So I sat here thinking "Chris, what's the best way we can show people that we're the best bang for their buck." While this was denied by my higher ups for viable promotion, I feel it gets the point across.

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