Change your plans, go see Mason Porter tonight!

I have been meaning to write something kind about Mason Porter here for a while now, but kept getting swept up into a bevy of other in-the-way things.
But I don't think you should have to suffer for my too-busy-to-blog-right-now-ness, so get to Chaplins TONIGHT if you're reading this TODAY.
If you got a fancy for folk music, or REAL country music (as opposed to the polished, over-produced, hokey junk that gets passed off as country nowadays) go to Chaplins RIGHT NOW to catch their show tonight. The West Chester band is opening for Old School Freight Train. Show starts at 7:30. Admission is $12. And the music is good. You can't lose!
And then, after you go and get swept up in their joyful show, come back here and read a review of their new self-titled EP, because I'm gonna do it. I swear!
Labels: chaplins music cafe, live shows, Mason Porter