Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Note Worthy

While I try to think of a good "top 5" for today, I'm gonna let you with some tid bits first.

Christian Bale. AS JOHN CONNOR in the new Terminator flick? It's beginning to look like more than just a rumor. As for who to play a new terminator.. I'd like to request Ving Rhames. (tell me that wouldn't kick butt?)

"I'm Not There" is astoundingly rad, tho a bit dizzying for those outside of the Dylaniverse. But, Cate Blanchet's remarkable performance as one of the handful of Todd Haynes' Dylans, makes it a must see. Show times.

Next year's Bonaroo Festival headliner? Talk is swirling around a little band from England. You might know them. Led Zeppelin. It's just a rumor, sure, but this is exactly how The Police's reunion this past year came to be--talk of Bonaroo.

Also, I've grown a beard for the winter. Just saying.

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