It ain't easy bein' green--NEW Hulk Trailer!

Looks like that guy just watched the Ang Lee directed movie from a few years back, don't it?
If you had the patience to ask every single person who saw "that" Hulk movie, you'd find about 5 people who liked it. And I'm not one of them. You probably aren't either. (Sorry if you are.) I however loved the cinemotography and some of the comic-styled shots, but the movie crawled along like a wounded possum that's been hit by a dump truck and thrown into a foggy canyon. And I don't know how familiar you are with roadkill, but that means it didn't move much.
However, lots of people dig Ed Norton's movie chops. Fight Club? American History X? Death To Smoochy? The Illusionist? These are good flicks and he is a great actor. For his screenwriting debut, he's resurrecting THE HULK from the comic-book adapted movie junkpile wasteland it's been rotting in, waiting for another chance for the past few years.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the new Bruce Banner. Check out those veins!
What you think? I think the revamped and Norton-0-fied Hulk looks like it plans to cash in some serious redemption chips. But only time will tell. It better not be boring. That would make me angry. You wouldn't like to see me angry. HULK SMASH!
Labels: comic book movies, Ed Norton, The Hulk