Friday, February 1, 2008

Over The Ledge

Thank God someone had the good taste to pull the plug on this crap.

I really didn't see the relation of this to his death, at least at this point, before we even know what he really died from. This was more unnecessarily sensational than typical Paris Hilton coverage. I wag my finger at you ET, you bad dog.

I mean, sure, I'm a factory worker in the industry of truth, but we have no solid proof the dude died of a drug overdose, and from the looks of it--it looks like an accidental OD on sleeping pills, as opposed to a death from stuffing his head with coke. And it's a video from 2 years ago? Whoopdee do. Maybe it documents the beginning of the end, but please ET, let dust settle before you start sweeping it out the door.

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