Monday, December 3, 2007

I Ain't Afraid of No Sequel: Ghostbusters 3

After years and years (and years) of waiting for a long-promised third Ghostbusters movie, Ghostbusters 3 is finally taking shape.

However, it's not gonna be like the first two movies. It'll be a VIDEO GAME.

But don't worry! Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson are ALL returning as the "who ya gonna call" boys for the third installment of the series. The script will even be penned by Aykroyd and Ramis. Although it won't be the "Ghostbusters Go To Hell" storyline that was originally conceived for a third film.

What I'm a little concerned about Rick Moranis?! Doesn't look like Sigourney Weaver is gonna lend her voice either. But if that means more dialogue space for Venkman, heck, why should I complain?

But while I like this idea of the videogame and keeping the same characters, I have a better idea.

Hand it over to Judd Apatow and let him recast his usual film buddies. Here's what we'd get and it would rule.
Venkman - Jonah Hill
Egon - Bill Hader
Ray - Seth Rogen
Winston - Eddie Griffin
Louis (Rick Moranis) - Christopher Mintze-Plasse (Mclovin!)

Heck, Apatow even cast Harold Ramis in a little father role on "Knocked Up." It all fits!

By the way, SUPERBAD comes out on DVD tomorrow. Get it.

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