The Beard Strikes Back!

What's the first hot trend of 2008? Duh! The Strike Beard!
So hot, even I joined the ranks!

Now why would these guys grow these iconic beards? Unlike your average beard, it has more meaning than proving their testosterone levels. It also represents the solidarity of the writers union. And what symbol holds more power than a BEARD? Nothin.
And as a bit of a writer myself, I felt it necessary to join the ranks of the bearded faces who represent the faceless writers. And now that Letterman has already shaved his off, we need all the support we can get. So join Conan, Abe Lincoln, Billy Gibbons, and I in growing history's proudest beards. Support our writers, you razor-wielding entertainment lover! Put the blade down! And grow that beard out!
And how can you non-facial hair growing females help? You could stop shaving, uh, your legs... but that would be kinda wierd. Or you could buy fake beards and wear em around town. Or atleast, stop watching those bad reality TV shows like Tila Tequila's Shot At Love. That sort of thing does not support writers. It tells TV reps that substanceless programming works.
Labels: Conan O'Brian, late night tv, Letterman, strike beards