Margot And The Nuclear So And So's Want You

Well, Margot & The Nuclear So And Sos want to make that experience even more personal with their next couple records. They want to write a full length album about some random dude or dudette who surf Myspace and the music blogosphere. They want to write about YOU! or ME! or US! OTHER PEOPLE! What a concept. Songs based off any wacko's dental records, love letters, and self-awareness.
Seriously, scope the link out. If you're like me and think you're a mixtape waiting to be written, go ahead and work up your own little 500 word essay and pass it to them. You can bet I did. You might end up in everybody's headphones! I think it's the coolest most unique idea I've heard come from anyone in the music biz in a super long time.
Plus, if I was going to trust my story to some songwriters I never met...Margot and his So Sos would be one of the few groups I'd entrust such a delicate and worthy tale to. The only dude off the top of my head I'd want singing songs about me even more is HUEY LEWIS, who most recently sang about Jimmy Kimmel's love affair with Ben Affleck (see post below). It's hip to be square!