Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Nerds Make The Best Superheros!

With the way comic-book superhero movies took off in the past decade, it was only a matter of time till the "supergroup" of comic books hit the big screen--Justice League of America. The movie has been garnering lots of talk and rumors for some time now, but a good many of us have been skeptical bout it.

But as of 2 minutes ago, I'm sailing proud on the eager boat. And I didn't even bring a life raft!

It's no secret to my friends that The Flash is my fav superhero, and it's probably even more widely known that I'm an enormous Seth Brody fan--to the point where I was actually talking and bantering exactly like his OC character, Seth Cohen--nerdy lisp and all--which certainly made my girlfriend at the time wonder about me.

Well, the rumors of my favorite nerd being cast as my favorite superhero have been confirmed by the LA Times. And not just in the Justice League flick, but quite possibly in the following spin-off FLASH MOVIE.

I feel like a Cohen on Chrismakkuh!

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