Well, the ground is frozen, the wind is chilled, the stockings are hung, the presents are wrapped, the cocoa is steaming, the logs are stacked by the fireplace, the tree lots are emptying out, and the procrastinators are out there whipping around for last minute gifts. Christmastime, is inevitably here, once again. But what is Christmastime without this classic, stirring staple? Vince Guaraldi's soft, steamy soundtrack to the Peanuts gang's holiday masterfully wraps up all the joy, zaniness, romance, frustration, and goodwill of the season under one big gleaming red bow. And this classic song in particular, isn't just a song for the season. It's what Christmas sounds like. Merry Christmas Eve Eve, from me and my favorite Christmas songs to you. Only two more days, and two more songs left!
MP3: Vince Guaraldi Trio - Christmastime Is Here (With Vocal)
Web / Buy / eMusic (purchase here for bonus tracks) / moreLabels: 12 Songs Of Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, Vince Guaraldi Trio