Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mercury Rising

Come to think of it, I don't believe I properly introduced myself when I started this blog.

HI! My name is Chris, and I broke ground here at The Mercury in Pottstown as their new Promotions/Marketing Coordinator about a month ago. My job entails having my limbs pulled a little bit in every direction of the building. I straddle the fences that didn't even used to be looked over in 'quality journalism.' I've been working on setting up reader contests and putting together programs for special events such as the recent Carousel of Flavor, as well as the upcoming Schuylkill River Fest...among a whole array of other things.

And this River Fest, as awesome as it's shaping up to be, is keeping me quite busy. Tonight will be a long night full of WaWa coffee and whirring computer screens. So bare with the bogged down blogging while I roll it out and do my part with it. So while I'm busy, you get busy at checking out some of the awesome things The Mercury has going on. We're raising the barometer around here, if I do say so myself.

Are you the only kid on the block without a Wii? Dude, what are you waiting for? Join the rest of us here in the 21st century with the sweetest gaming system around. But don't worry about BUYING one. We're GIVING one away. (click for details)

I was just talking about Riverfest. You should plan on coming. Sat, Oct 13. Riverfront Park and MontCo College, Pottstown. Music on 2 stages, all day long? Hot air balloon rides? Arts and crafts out the wazoo? Stuff for the kids? Kayaking? Geo-caching? There is much great times to be had. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS!

And while you're at it. Pick up the paper if you want to win a free balloon ride at the Riverfest. Or if you want to learn about how you can be the Eagles Fan Of The Week. Or if you want to collect some collectible Phillies posters. (You'll wish you had them when they're trotting around the bases in The World Series.)
