Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"To Do" List
The frost is on the pumpkin, and it's time to make the last preparations for winter, or so says the National Home Gardening Club. Here a few things "to do" now for those of us who garden in the Northeast.
Divide herbs and place in pots for a windowsill garden.
Cover ponds with netting to prevent predatory birds and animals, such as egrets and raccoons, from stealing decorative fish.
Winterize your garden tools. Clean, sharpen, and lubricate metal parts; refinish wooden handles with mineral oil or varnish.
Drain fuel from engines.
Replace worn or cheap tools with top-quality products: They're an investment in health, safety, and enjoyment.
Plant containers of pansies for winter and spring color. They're incredibly hardy, and come back during warm spells.
Mark perennials you want to divide next spring.
Pull up annuals and put them in the compost pile. Turn and aerate the pile thoroughly, and sprinkle a handful of organic compost activator if necessary.
Deeply water evergreen trees and shrubs before the ground freezes. Water deciduous trees and shrubs until they've dropped their leaves. And don't forget your feathered friends! Put up a bird feeder to help wild birds have a secure winter.
So add these to your check list this weekend and enjoy the time outside. Remember, it won't be too long before we're all stuck inside, dreaming of next year's glorious garden!
Labels: bird feeder, composting, dividing perennials, herbs, icicle pansies, national home gardening club, winterize your garden
Friday, October 3, 2008
Glick's Update
For those of you, like me, who haven't gotten around to your fall decorating yet, I just received an email from my favorite greenhouse, Glick's, in Oley, stating "Last Chance for Mums."Yikes, is it that time already? Am I actually that late ... I mean, I haven't even gotten the chance to get down to Ott's Exotic Plants yet to see the Mountain of Mums in the parking lot. (If you've never been, it's really something to see.) Ott's is on Route 29 in Schwenksville. A quick search of the Internet didn't turn up a website, but there are directions available on various map sites.
Back to Glick's: Beginning today, fully blooming mums are being discounted to $3.50 each or 3 for $10. Purple Fountain Grass is only $5 a pot and the dollar sale remains in place for 2-qt. and 1-gallon perennials. 1-qt. perennials are only 50 cents! Now's a great time to stock up on these, get them in the ground immediately and reap the benefits next Spring!However, don't plan on planting any mums after using them for display this fall. They won't have enough time to get established before the ground freezes.Of course, they're still offering partially blooming mums for $4.25 each or 5 for $20and ornamental kale/cabbage for the same prices. Icicle pansies, blooming now and again in early winter, are $4.50 per 6-pack. For more information on this attractive winter flower visit
So get on out this weekend and get those Fall bargains! Even if you don't want to make the trip to Glick's, I sure all the local greenhouses and nurseries are full of things to decorate your landscape with.Glick's Greenhouse is located at 57 Fisher Mill Road in Oley. For information visit or call 610-689-9856. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Closed Sunday.Labels: cabbage, fall decorating, Glick's Greenhouses, icicle pansies, kale, mums
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Glick's Update
Sorry to have left you all hanging for a few days, but I'm having a hard time finding uplifting garden topics to write about. Unlike my sister, whose favorite season is Fall, I tend to spend the beginning of the season mourning the loss of yet another summer (my fave).
And I'm still trying to recoup things after my extended vacation. (And to be honest, I'm still a little absorbed by that darn Twilight Saga. I read thru it the second time while I was away.) I think the only thing that might get the pond straightened out is a partial changing of water along with a vacuuming. Definitely a job that'll have to wait for the weekend.
In the meantime, a bright light has shown on me in the form of an email from my favorite greenhouse, Glick's in Oley ( . Along with tips on gathering and storing seeds from summer, there's lots going on at the greenhouse in the form of Fall colors.Chrysanthemums are now available, 9-inch for $4.25 each/10 for $40 and 5-inch for $2.95 each. The .99 cent perennial sale is still on for what's left, and flowering cabbage and kale (9-inch) are $4.25 each/10 for $40. Purple fountain grass, which looks great through November, is on sale for $7.95, while Icicle Pansies, which bloom now and again in late winter are $4.50 per 6-pack. They're also offering pumpkins, cornstalks and more for all your fall decorating needs.
And besides Glick's, I'm sure all of our local nurseries and greenhouses are gearing up for a great Fall season, so take the time to check them out. Also, now's the time to start looking thru all those Fall catalogs that clogged your mailbox last month. Ordering now is best to ensure you get what you want ... more on that later.
PS -- And with the nights getting longer and gardening time getting shorter, why not check out my new blog "On the Set"? You can access it thru this blog or thru The Mercury's website for information, updates, reviews, previews and my general musings on what's happening on television. Labels: cabbage, chrysanthemums, fountain grass, Glicks Greenhouse, icicle pansies, kale, mums, on the set, perennials, pumpkins