"To Do" List
The frost is on the pumpkin, and it's time to make the last preparations for winter, or so says the National Home Gardening Club. Here a few things "to do" now for those of us who garden in the Northeast.

Divide herbs and place in pots for a windowsill garden.
Cover ponds with netting to prevent predatory birds and animals, such as egrets and raccoons, from stealing decorative fish.

Winterize your garden tools. Clean, sharpen, and lubricate metal parts; refinish wooden handles with mineral oil or varnish.
Drain fuel from engines.
Replace worn or cheap tools with top-quality products: They're an investment in health, safety, and enjoyment.
Plant containers of pansies for winter and spring color. They're incredibly hardy, and come back during warm spells.
Mark perennials you want to divide next spring.

Pull up annuals and put them in the compost pile. Turn and aerate the pile thoroughly, and sprinkle a handful of organic compost activator if necessary.
Deeply water evergreen trees and shrubs before the ground freezes. Water deciduous trees and shrubs until they've dropped their leaves.
And don't forget your feathered friends! Put up a bird feeder to help wild birds have a secure winter.

So add these to your check list this weekend and enjoy the time outside. Remember, it won't be too long before we're all stuck inside, dreaming of next year's glorious garden!

Divide herbs and place in pots for a windowsill garden.
Cover ponds with netting to prevent predatory birds and animals, such as egrets and raccoons, from stealing decorative fish.

Winterize your garden tools. Clean, sharpen, and lubricate metal parts; refinish wooden handles with mineral oil or varnish.
Drain fuel from engines.
Replace worn or cheap tools with top-quality products: They're an investment in health, safety, and enjoyment.
Plant containers of pansies for winter and spring color. They're incredibly hardy, and come back during warm spells.
Mark perennials you want to divide next spring.

Pull up annuals and put them in the compost pile. Turn and aerate the pile thoroughly, and sprinkle a handful of organic compost activator if necessary.
Deeply water evergreen trees and shrubs before the ground freezes. Water deciduous trees and shrubs until they've dropped their leaves.
And don't forget your feathered friends! Put up a bird feeder to help wild birds have a secure winter.

So add these to your check list this weekend and enjoy the time outside. Remember, it won't be too long before we're all stuck inside, dreaming of next year's glorious garden!
Labels: bird feeder, composting, dividing perennials, herbs, icicle pansies, national home gardening club, winterize your garden