Monday, December 29, 2008

My Top 5 Films of 2008

OK, as promised, here's my Top 5 Films of 2008. They've already been posted over on The Mercury's Scene & Heard blog, so I'm posting them here for my readers. Please check out the other posting here along with my fellow blogger Chris March's Top 5 Flicks. He's even added trailers for each flick.

I'm not a pro-critic, so don't expect to see all those serious Oscar hopefuls here. I'm just a movie fan like the rest of you. Besides, most of "those" movies just came out this past weekend for the general public.

I've been sidelined over the holiday with that dreaded stomach flu that won't quit, but, hopefully, before the New Year I'll have my Top 5 (maybe 10) TV Shows of 2008, as well as those of the Elfman!

Here goes:

wall-e Pictures, Images and Photos

5. WALL-E: When I first saw the preview for this one, I thought it looked like all those cute, animated kids’ movies and immediately put it in the “rental” category. It wasn’t until it started making all the critics end-of-year lists that I finally sat down, watched it, and totally loved it! The story of a lonely Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class (WALL-E), who’s only friend is a cockroach, left behind to clean up the Earth after the humans packed up and left their wasted planet, is compelling and very well done. Appealing to both children and adults alike.

Cloverfield Pictures, Images and Photos

4. Cloverfield: Yes, I’m prepared to take the heat for this choice. You either love or hate this monster flick from last January. And I loved it! I loved it so much that after watching it for free on the Internet, I actually paid with a bunch of coworkers to see it in the theater. Shot with a hand-held camera, a la Blair Witch Project, this film followed four friends trying to escape New York City after some sort of monster attack. Think 2000’s Godzilla, only much, much better! It was edge-of-your-seat entertainment from beginning to end.

tropic Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Tropic Thunder: In a word, Hilarious! I saw the preview ahead of Iron Man back in May and couldn’t wait for August to arrive so I could see the rest of the film. And it didn’t disappoint. Depicting the behind-the-scenes making of a “true story” of Vietnam soldiers, Tropic Thunder was by far the funniest flick of the year. Any film that puts Robert Downey Jr. in black-face and Tom Cruise in a skull cap and fat suit is OK with me. Not to mention the hilarious fake movie trailers at the beginning … I’m still hoping they make full versions of Satan’s Alley, The Fatties: Fart 2, Scorcher I-VI and, of course, Simple Jack!

iron man Pictures, Images and Photos

2. Iron Man: I had never heard of Tony Stark before seeing this fine flick, but the trailer was enough to hook me. The first bonafide hit of the summer, Iron Man brought back to life the career on one of my all-time fave actors. Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Tony Stark/Iron Man along with Jon Favreau’s directing was enough to rocket this film to the top of the box office in early May. Needlesstosay I was very impressed. I highly recommend it!

dark knight Pictures, Images and Photos

1. The Dark Knight: While this film has made just about every critic’s Best Of list, none of them have the nerve to make it No. 1, opting instead for the obligatory serious films, i.e. Slumdog Millionaire, Gran Torino or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (all of which, to be fair, I haven’t seen yet). But in the words of this flick’s villain The Joker, I ask, “Why So Serious?” The second of director Chris Nolan’s Batman movies, The Dark Knight was more than just a comic book film. It was easily the most anticipated movie of the year and featured a great story, spot on special effects and some of the best performances of the year. It’s made nearly a billion dollars worldwide and tops the Box Office for 2008, with barely any competition. And, of course, it features what is possibly the best performance of the late Heath Ledger’s career. I would never have thought that anyone could best Jack Nicholson’s Joker in Tim Burton’s Batman, but he more than managed. If you see one film this year, make it The Dark Knight.

speed racer Pictures, Images and Photos

And the Best of the Worst: Speed Racer! I was sooo looking forward to this film, being a huge fan of the popular TV cartoon. And I was sooooo disappointed!! Wachowski Bros, what happened? How could you take such a great premise and turn it into an explosion of purple and pink computer generated effects, ruining my cherished memories of Speed, Trixie, Spridle, Chim Chim and Pops. Not to mention giving Sparky the Queer Eye! Awful, just awful! Be warned …

So, what do you think? Let me know what were your favorites -- or least faves! I'll be waiting to hear from you ...

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rock of Love Charm School why? and other news

Rock of Love Charm School
Charm School Girls

Ok, I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet today, wish me luck.Last night, I caught up on VH1's latest skankfest Rock of Love Charm School (originally aired Sunday at 9 pm, but will undoubtedly repeat all week). This show is a carbon copy of last year's Flava of Love Charm School, changing out Monique as hostess, for Sharon Osbourne.
And instead of the "ladies" from Flava of Love, this one features the "ladies" of Brett Michael's Rock of Love. Fourteen of the worst of the worst from Rock's two seasons gathered at some mansion in Los Angeles to battle it out charm school-style for a chance at winning $100,000 (yeah, that's about $60,00 after taxes - it's not gonna go as far as they're hoping). Of course, one can't deny that the publicity one gets from this show won't help (hurt) a career ...
In either case, it's up to Sharon to turn these sorry subjects into "ladies." Good Luck!
All the faves are back: Raven, Jessica, Kristy Jo, Destiny, Rodeo, superdrunk Courtney (she passed out the first day on Rock of Love and did it again last night), Brandi C., Brandi M., Angelique, Megan, Dallas and yes, season one runner-up Heather (who "loved" Brett so much she actually got his name tattooed on the back of her neck).
I've already written too much regarding this mess. But, just to let you know, at the end of every excruciating episode, one contestant will be expelled from Charm School and last night it was the aforementioned drunk Courtney. Hey, at least Sharon arranged for her to go to rehab!
Don't waste your time. It was really bad ...But just in case you don't want to heed my warning, you can check it out at

Over on ABC at 10 pm, Denny Crane continued his hilarious shenanigans on Boston Legal. Who'd ever thought that William Shatner could be so funny and entertaining! He totally makes the show, along with James Spader.
Spader, who started out his career playing the worst teen villians in John Hughes' movies, is the last person I would've thought I would like. But, hey, if I'm ever accused of a crime, I totally want his Alan Shore to defend me!
Don't miss the opportunity to catch this fine show while it enjoys its last season. For info visit

Shatner as the wacky Crane
Denny Crane Pictures, Images and Photos
So, moving on to tonight: It's the return of Fox's superhit Fringe! I found myself really missing this show last week (it wasn't on due to the debate). Tonight's episode finds dangerous and deadly occurrences following a man who has the ability to harness electricity. Dr. Bishop (the superb John Noble) enlists homing pigeons to help him break the case. Fringe starts at 9 pm. For info or to watch previous eps visit

Over on CBS at the same time, Aussie hunk Simon Baker stars in the second ep of the new hit The Mentalist - When a high school girl's body washes up on the beach, CBI investigator Patrick Jane (Baker) sets a trap to get a group of surfers to turn on one another and reveal what really happened.
I haven't checked out this one yet, but coworkers enjoyed last week's show. For info visit

Real Wives of Atlanta
The "Real" Housewives

At 9 pm Bravo will bring the rich biches back - I mean, The Real Housewives of Atlanta - for their second episode. I have to admit, this is my kind of reality TV. You just have to marvel at the way these broads can spend money! And, of course, money doesn't buy happiness, as is well illustrated on this show! Check it out

Following at 10 pm is the season finale of The Rachel Zoe Project. This show just caught my attention about two weeks on the recommendation of a coworker and I love it! It's ending way too soon for me. Rachel Zoe is a "celebrity stylist" and spends most of her time running all over the world (she's based in LA), finding the "hero" dress that some big star needs to wear to some awards show, or even for a whole press tour.
Tonight it looks like Rachel may have to fire one of her assistants! Will is be mean girl Taylor or nice guy Brad? My vote's for Taylor, she's really been making things difficult for Brad lately, and he's always stepped up to the challenge. Of course, probably no one will get fired, it was just a ploy to make us all watch!
For info visit
Mean Girl Taylor
tinny Pictures, Images and Photos

For those of you who asked yesterday, CMT will be rebroadcasting last weekend's episode of My Big Fat Redneck Wedding tonight at 10:30 pm. Enjoy the wacky redneck nuptials of Jeanne and Phil (refer to yesterday's post for more info). Just prior from 9-10:30 CMT is airing the first two episodes of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making the Team. A fine show that both guys and girls can enjoy - for totally different reasons, you'll see what I mean.
Visit for information on either show.
Jeanne & Phil tying the knot
jeanne and phil

And for the hopeless romantic (girls, you know who I mean), E! presents a favorite tonight at 8 pm. Sandra Bullock stars in Hope Floats, as a jilted wife who moves back home with her mother, and is courted by an old boyfriend ... and if you've seen this one, you know who I mean - Justin Matisse, played breathlessly by the gorgeous Harry Connick Jr.
If you haven't seen this one, drop everything and watch it - ladies, you won't be sorry. And if Justin's just not enough, tune in to Late Night with Conan O'Brien on NBC at 12:35 am, where Harry will be promoting his new Lifetime movie Living Proof, premiering Saturday night at 9 pm.
Dreamy Harry Connick Jr.
Harry Connick Jr Pictures, Images and Photos

For the football crowd, get your fix on FX at 7:30 pm with Invincible, the gridiron saga of Vince Papale (Mark Wahlberg), a 30-year-old sandlot player who earned a spot on the 1976 Philadelphia Eagles. I've seen it, and I recommend it. Enjoy.

Of course, you can always go out and rent/buy Memorial Day Weekend 2008 blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, out today! I know a lot of people have issues with this one (not to mention what the creators of South Park did last week), but I enjoyed it. It's always nice to see Indy in action again ...

I know I said short and sweet, but just a little news ... Terrence Howard is officially out for the Iron Man sequel. He's already been replaced by Don Cheadle as Jim Rhodes, Tony Stark's best friend and future armor-clad hero War Machine.
According to, sources close to the deal with Howard say negotiations fell through over financial differences. Careful Terrence, you may be sorry ...
Handsome Howard
Terrence Howard Pictures, Images and Photos

And last, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia, what were you thinking? I'm talking about the tell-all book coming out today by former Brady Bunch star Maureen McCormick. As usual, with "celebrity bios," something scandalous must always be revealed - I mean, why would we want to read it if there wasn't something juicy being offered (remember Barbara Walters scandalous affair with a gentleman of color?).
maureen mccormick Pictures, Images and Photos
Anyway, McCormick apparently describes a teen life of debauchery that includes romancing her TV brother Barry "Greg" Williams (who also admits to dating TV mom Florence Henderson for God's sakes), dates with Michael Jackson and Steve Martin (Steve, who knew?), hitting wild Hollywood parties at the Playboy mansion and the home of Sammy Davis Jr., cocaine binges, trading sexual favors for drugs that lead to unwanted pregnancies, and blowing an interview with Steven Spielberg because she was high. Need I go on?
Not enough to get me to read it, but just in case you're interested, "Here's the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice" hits bookstores today.

Short and sweet, I'll keep trying ...

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TV News

So, I effectively missed everything on TV last night because I was glued to the DVD of Iron Man. It wasn't as great as seeing it in the theater (I only have a 50-inch TV screen), but I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. Tony Stark - Wow!

But don't worry, I covered my bases and taped Fringe, Paris' BFF (trainwreck), Bravo's Rachel Zoe Project and, yes, I'm still curious about the new 90210. So far, I'm only caught up on Fringe. I had to watch it this morning so I could be in on the water cooler-talk at work! Nothing like coming in unprepared and having everyone spoil it for me. Of course, that would be my own fault. We all know that there are certain shows that must be watched before coming into work the next morning!

So instead of the usual, here's some TV News that needs catching up on ...

The most exciting, of course, is that if you're a fan of the original Knight Rider (the one with The Hoff), you can now KITT your own car!Radio Shack is offering, for $270, a Knight Rider GPS system that features the voice of the original KITT (William Daniels)! For those of you who don't know, KITT stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand. It comes complete with flashing lights timed to the voice synthesizer every time a navigation greeting or a navigation voice instruction is given. The unit also interacts with drivers using a database of around 300 names, just as the car did - "Hello, Michael."
Unfortunately, it does not offer KITT's signature turbo-boost, shape-changing or arsenal of deadly weapons.

In too much of a good thing news: Access Hollywood reports that Beverly Hills, 90210 spinoff Melrose Place is being resurrected. Judging by the way the new 90210 is rating, I wouldn't necessarily consider this a good idea. However, this may be just the hit the newly DUI-d Heather Locklear needs!Way to be creative network suits!

And in I Can't Believe I Missed This News: The New York Post ( reports that there was a little slip of the shorts during last week's Survivor: Gabon premiere!
Apparently some viewers (not including me) got a shock last week when CBS did not blur video of Marcus Lehman's private parts slipping out of his shorts during a running competition.
Under normal circumstances, the network would obscure any nudity (we've all seen this before during challenges, when people's bathing suits didn't quite cover them up). Especially since this episode was filmed months ago and presumably the slip would have been caught in the editing process.
The moment, which only lasted a few seconds, has been gleefully posted all over the Internet - I won't be providing a link, however, you'll have to find it yourself!
A spokesperson for CBS said in a prepared statement, "This was a completely unintentional, inadvertent and fleeting incident that was virtually undetectable when viewed in real time. In the first 24 hours after the broadcast, before freeze-framing images were widely posted online, we received one viewer comment from the 13 million who watched the telecast."

In case you haven't already heard, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band have been tapped to play the usually horrendous Superbowl Halftime Show on February 1. According to the NFL, last year's halftime show was watched by more than 148 million viewers in the U.S. Let's hope there's no wardrobe malfuction, a la the aforementioned Survivor.For more information visit

RIP TRL: Soon there will really be no more music videos on MTV. The popular music channel has yanked Total Request Live, its long-running midday video countdown show, after an unprecedented 10-year run.
MTV is quick to point that the show hasn't been cancelled, and it was just a good time to give it a break. The final episode is slated to be a special that will air in November.

TRL debuted in September 1998, and became a focal point of popu culture. It also famously would cause traffic james on the street outside of its Times Square studio when teens would gather to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars.

Over on VHI, The Supreme Bi-otch of Reality TV, Season 1 Apprentice contestant Omarosa is going to star in an "I Love New York"-type dating show. The show will feature her moving into a house with a dozen single men competing for her attention. I guess now that New York, Tiffany whatever, has found true love with season 2 winner Tailor Made, she's no longer available for yet another vomit-inducing dating show.

Tiffany & Tailor Made

The numbers were down for the Grey's Anatomy premiere last week. The ratings average was 18.5 million viewers from 9-11 p.m. and ABC won in the adults 18-49. That's down over 2 million viewers from last season's premiere (20.9 million).
ABC officials were quick to point out that last season Grey's gained an additional 2.1 million viewers-per-episode when DVR recording was factored in, which would put last Thursday's season open roughly on par with the last season.

And how about a little movie news: Last week Disney Studios held a showcase of its upcoming films and proudly announced that Johnny Depp has signed on to bring back the beloved Captain Jack Sparrow for a fourth Pirates movie!! Be still my heart ...And if that wasn't enough, Depp will also be playing Tonto in Disney's version of The Lone Ranger and the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland!
Chairman of Disney studios, Dick Cook, proclaimed, "Believe me, any time this guy wears a funny hat, it's good news for Disney." I couldn't agree more!

On TV tonight: Another exciting ep of Bravo's hugely successful Project Runway at 9 p.m.! Will this finally be super-hated contestant Kenley's downfall? Check out for more information.
In other PJ news, Lindsay Lohan will appear on the first episode of the series when it moves over to Lifetime in January - yes January. Originally planned for a November debut, PJ on Lifetime has been moved back to January, not a particularly good sign. Anyway, LiLo's rep says, "Lindsay is excited to be a part of Project Runway, especially given her love of fashion and her new leggings line, 6126." Leggings? Are you kidding me?

And another dilemma comes my way. Tonight at 10 p.m. I have only 3 shows to watch! Last week's premiere of season 2 of Lipstick Jungle was pretty interesting, so I'll keep that one for now. For info visit
Over on ABC, the second season of the popular Dirty Sexy Money debuts! And, according to the NY Post's Linda Stasi, it's a good one! I'll admit I watched this show early last season, but lost interest because there were other good shows on at the same time (I think it actually lost out to Project Runway, which used to air at 10 p.m.).
Anyway, if you long for the days of the sleazy nighttime soaps Dynasty (Yes!) and Dallas (another Yes!), Stasi says this is the show to watch! For more info visit
But I'll probably watch FX's Sons of Anarchy live and tape the other two to catch up on later. This is definitely my favorite new show of the season so far and things are really heating up! Tonight's show will repeat immediately following at 11 p.m. For info visit

Oh, and finally, though I didn't watch, I found out this morning that justice was served last night on Dancing with the Stars - E!'s Kim Kardashian was the big loser, leaving the show with her cutie partner Mark Ballas - I'll miss him!

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