Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The (Green) Ties That Bind

With 16 years under my belt, I can definitely say that being married is better than not being married.

There are, of course, trade-offs, but on the whole, it's a definite plus.

Now, there's something new to add to the "plus" column -- nothing less than saving the world, at least that's what this Reuters article claims.

Apparently, "staying married is better for the planet because divorce leads the newly single to live more wasteful lifestyles," at least in the opinion of the Australian lawmaker quoted in the story.

"When couples separate, they needed more rooms, more electricity and more water. This increased their carbon footprint," Sen. Steve Fielding told a senate hearing.

"Such a 'resource-inefficient lifestyle' means it would be better for the planet if couples stayed married, he said."

I can't say I've ever heard of the mid-life crisis guy with the new hair plugs, new red sports car and new vapid trophy wife ever referred to as living a "resource-inefficient lifestyle," but Sen. Fielding calls 'em as he sees 'em.

At least there's finally something those on the far left and the far right can agree on. Marriage? Good for everybody.

By the way, this Fielding fellow? He leads Australia's "Family First" Party and he grew up in a family of 16 children and has been married for 22 years, so he knows a thing or two about his subject matter.

So don't just stay together "for the children" folks, do it for us all.

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