Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Help wanted: cops

Only weeks after Coatesville Police Department appeared to get its head above water, regarding staffing, the situation is looming again.

The department has three vacancies now, plus two officers who have informed the chief of their intentions to retire soon.

Compound that with the poor showing by applicants on the recent civil service test -- only three passed, not enough for the city to start an eligibility list -- and the city has decided to continue the use of the provisional hiring process to fill the patrols.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that good cops are hard to find in today's world, and you can't lower or adjust the standards to make more folks "qualify". You need a quality individual in that job. Maybe the article in the newspaper will make more folks apply.

May 6, 2008 5:30 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were a betting person I'd say no one wants to work for this so called police chief.

He's seen almost half of the officers leave or plan on leaving since he was hired a year ago.

May 6, 2008 5:47 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why the City has stopped inspecting homes for the resale (U&R) inspection? I dont think city council decided this, and this procedure has been in effect for years now. So who is authorized to make the decision to get rid of this important and definitely needed protocol???

May 7, 2008 12:26 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard they want to do away with U&R inspections.

Walker and Molina's NEW idea is to charge and inspect EVERY HOUSE in Coatesville ( ONCE A YEAR ) Owner occupied and rentals.

Talk about financial burden for those owner occupied houses when they're made by Walker and Molina to bring their property up too CURRENT CODE !

Walker and Molina need to RESIGN

May 7, 2008 3:08 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rental properties=allowed by ICC codes to be inspected every year and at the time tenants leave.

Businesses =YES codes are written for that and can be adopted by city council but they must identify the year of the code being adopted, section and chapter.

Key word-- must be adopted by the City Council including year and sections.

Healthcare facilities= yes if they receive Medicare and Medicaid funds.

Everyone's home? NO!!!!

Please post the code by chapter and section that even gives direction what can be inspected for a annual private home. You do not reside in a communist based country nor do you reside on a military base. Your comment is wrong!!

Code officials do not have the authorization to enter your home without due cause. That was adressed back during George Washington and our founding fathers tenure.

Please post the facts regarding your statement. Sounds like someone once again is posting feelings/FEAR and not facts.

May 7, 2008 5:15 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can inspect rental properties once a year if they decide to, Downingtown has a codes officer that does only rental property inspections everyday. Now if you want a home inspected before you sell it (which the bank will require) you first have to go to the codes office and pay a fee, otherwise they do not know that you are ready to sell your home and going to settlement. They will not do away with the codes dept. they are basically about people's safety. Even know sometimes it doesn't seem that way!

May 7, 2008 6:26 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just "Wait and See "

Molina has a new Idea everyday.


In the Know

May 7, 2008 7:25 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, the codes office is unionized, they can't just "do away" with it. The trend in America now is for more building inspections and more safety awareness. Heaven forbid how many people would get hurt or killed with no building inspections. Now they could go with a 3rd party (outside company) to do the inspections which would save the city some money but one way or another the inspections will have to be made. Coatesville is one of the many towns across America that chose to enforce the ICC building standards so they are committed. I would be interested in hearing why you think otherwise. have a good day.

May 8, 2008 4:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molina is in way over his head. He has no experience or qualifications. He approves plans that should not be approved and makes up his own rules. He pulls answers out of his ... because he really does not know the answer. Take a look at the handicapped ramp he approved at 12th and E Lincoln Hwy.

May 9, 2008 12:40 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I looked at that handicapped ramp at 12th and East Lincoln.

It looks awfully step for a handicapped ramp. I hope the family has good traction on their feet otherwise they'll be taking a tumble.

Doesn't a ramp or steps have requirements on pitch,or slope.
Like a road it can't exceed a certain percent of slope.

It looks like this particular handicapped ramp may not meet the builders code. If it doesn't it should be up to Mr Molina to pay to have the handicapped ramp done to boca requirements. Not the Family

May 9, 2008 3:58 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the City of Coatesville have certified inspectors.

Does Mr Molina hold the proper certifications to preform the duties that he is doing?

The last I heard he did not.

If he doesn't who does?

Shouldn't Mr Molina lead by example?

May 9, 2008 4:03 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOCA codes no longer exist. They merged with International Code Council a number of years ago (3-4).

Ramps do have to meet a proper pitch and run if they are installed on a business, health care facility or facility open to the public.

One can however, file an appeal and have the code amended as was the case for a ramp located in the west end of town when it was built.

The City adopted the ICC codes in 04-05 and they only adopted certain ones of them. The reason is to help keep cost down that could require some merchants to bring their facility up to current standards if current codes were adopted every three years.

Look on the Internet under ICC Codes and you can see the various codes that are available.

Last I heard the career ff were certified as life safety inspector II. They attended the courses, took the written exam and passed. Do not know if they (city or the individual) paid the fee to become ICC fire/life safety.

One must maintain this certification and resubmit their training every three years if they desire to remain certified inspectors.

The same goes for the codes department employees.

It may be of interest to take a violation through the court system and have the city show the certifications the code official has earned based on completing the required testing requirements to be awarded ICC certification.

The books can be purchased by anyone interested in having a copy for their own edification. The funny part is, anyone can take the training (many offered on line), pass the test, and become certified. It would be amusing if the citizens were better certified as some of the employees.

May 9, 2008 6:46 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 6:46 PM:

Yes, you hit the nail on the head! I do have 2 ICC certs and I am NOT a code officer YET. I am looking for the right job opening, but not in Coatesville. It really is not that hard to get certified, so some folks are just lazy or don't have much upstairs. With Molina being involved in codes for so many years he should have at LEAST one certification. Some things in Coatesville I just don't understand.

May 9, 2008 7:10 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor today that a City of Coatesville Codes Inspector may have quit or left today?

Does anybody know if that is true?

That's one thing Coatesville doesn't need is the loss of a qualified codes inspector.

Maybe Mr. Molina can step in and cover that position himself?

Woops, That can't happen because Mr. Molina isn't certified to be a codes Inspector !!

Way to go BLOC OF FOUR and Walker.

Maybe Councilman Kurt Schenk's son can fill in that position. Kurt would vote for it.

May 9, 2008 7:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked at that handicap ramp at 12th ave. and the first thing that jumps out at me it that it EXTENDS over into the next door property! Now I happen to know that the folks that own the corner property also own the next door property but what if they didn't? And yes it is rather steep. I hope the wheelchair user has a motorized chair and tires with some traction tread!

May 10, 2008 3:06 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Home owners,

Wait till you hear Mr. Walker, Mr Molina and City Council's latest way to make money.

When they charge you at least $50.00 to inspect your personal home yearly and expect you to bring it up to code. Open up your checkbook folks.

Codes can change yearly

May 10, 2008 5:04 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


May 11, 2008 12:57 AM 

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