Monday, June 23, 2008

Jaywalkers beware

Coatesville Police plan to more rigorously enforce the city's existing jaywalking laws, Chief William Matthews said recently.
“People just seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are endangering themselves and endangering children that are sometimes with them,” Matthews said during a recent interview. “We need to bring attention to it.”
The video below appeared on with my story.

The crackdown will begin with a grace period, during which time jaywalkers will merely be warned, not cited by officers, unless the offender’s behavior is “excessively dangerous or disruptive,” the chief said.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The children of Coatesville are always endangered! If the cops cared about them they would hire a U-haul and help them move out

June 23, 2008 2:20 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chief can't even arrest someone for J walking, can he?

June 23, 2008 4:58 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God!! With all the city can be worring about they are worried about Jay walkers. What a joke!
Do you think the drug dealers will pay those fines they get for jay walking. Along with Jay walking can we give out fines for littering too?

June 24, 2008 4:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. It's ridicious we have to have a street sweeper constantly go up and down roads in coatesville to clean up trash. Yea thats a job in public works. Start giving out fines maybe they will learn. Don't these kids know what trash cans are for. The city could bring in revenue and have a clean city and he's worried about jaywalking!!!!

June 25, 2008 9:41 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Dallas, TX and we have options to walk or don't walk on the red lights. Maybe this could be an option instead of giving tickets.

I lived in Coatesville for 25 years and never had a problem with crossing the street when it was safe to. Try the lights.

June 25, 2008 3:26 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So while CPD stops "Junior" for jaywalking, hid drug dealing "Daddy" rides by on his dirt bike, atv or scooter on his way to another drug deal. This is another example of why Coatesville is an absolute joke and a disgrace. The sad thing is that Coatesville used to be a nice town but now people avoid it like the plague. There's nothing here due to the high crime areas. I think the so-called chief has his priorities a little screwed up. Of course that comes with old age which is the true reason he can't get certified. He can't pass the physical part of the certification process.

June 29, 2008 7:30 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night I had a friend over for dinner. While we were having drinks on the front porch no less than 5 dirt bike flew by my house. My friend (who lives in West Chester) was horrified that this was legal. I said it's not but the city doesn't do anything about. I was told the police are not allow to chase them. Does anyone know why the police can not chase them. Personally I want to stand in the street with a baseball bat and knock them off their dirt bikes on they way by my house.

June 30, 2008 8:42 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police can't chase for fear of an accident that may injure innocent people. The thing is they don't have to chase. Patrolling the area would work wonders. The other night they were actually racing up and down Strode Ave. That would never happen if the police were in the area. My hope is that one of the jerks actually gets hit by a truck. It would serve them right. Coatesville is nothing but a lawless town where anything goes. Even the police and most city officials are afraid to live here. Imagine a town in the wild west where the mayor and town marshall lived in another town. That's what we got in Coatesville.

June 30, 2008 9:37 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police won't chase those knuckleheads on the dirt bikes and 4-wheelers anymore, after they chased that one guy and he ran into a UPS truck and got hurt and caused an accident. To chase them at high speed is just to risky of someone innocent getting hurt in the chase. Hopefully they will hit something on their own and maybe learn their lesson. And a lot of them are delivering drugs on those bikes. It's been going on all around town for sometime now.

July 1, 2008 3:38 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just standing in my yard I can pretty much tell where those dirt bikes are and what direction they are heading.I wish they would get them off the streets. Some kid crossing the road or better yet someone jaywalking is going to be killed by these idiots.

July 1, 2008 4:18 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Matthews is not even a cop. How can you call somebody a chief if they're not a cop? Why not call him Mr Matthews because that is all he is. This man is a disaster to law enforcement everywhere and he is a wrecking ball that has hit Coatesville. But after all, the people put him there. They should put a fence around Coatesville to stop it from bleeding over into nearby towns.

July 4, 2008 6:50 PM 
Anonymous John M. said...

I was on my way out to the 200 block of Charles St this morning to get a lease signed for my new tenant, she called me on my way to inform me of the "Double Homicide" a couple of doors down. What a welcome for a New Tenant.
I arrived to Police presence and yellow tape. I listened on the front porch of my property as six young children next door discussed whether or not the bodies were still inside the house, 'Yes, they agreed, That is what they would do on CSI" the youngest innocently played with Action Figures, oblivious to the scene unfolding around him.
I stood and shook my head, that this is what these young kids are faced with growing up in Coatesville City. It hit me that this is the start of this viscious cycle where they become immune to Shootings, killings and murder.
Something has to change and quick. When I was finished , I drove up Charles to view the Home that was torched by the "KOD" Kids of Distruction. Then proceeded around the corner to Madison where another Tenant showed me the neighbors Shed torched by the same group, also said to be responsible for setting the fire to home on Madison that trapped the people on the second floor.
Then I drove down an alley behind one of my properties to look at the detached garage that is now tagged with "KOD" and "Crips" and "Young Thugs"...Oh yeah, this is a couple doors down from the "Double Homicide"
Chief Matthews, Think this is serious now??? Still think "jaywalking" should be the focus of the Police Force??
City Council..Time To Stop "PUTTING LIPSTICK on a PIG" and clean this City up once and for all.. It Is the GOOD PEOPLE who are suffering now!
Oh Well, So much for my afternoon in Coatesville, back to West Chester I Go..Shaking My Head and saying a few Prayers! God Knows this City Needs It!

July 6, 2008 8:09 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If an "outsider", someone whom is supposed to be advising this police manager, becuase he shouldn't be called "chief", because he's not certified. Calling 5th St., 6th St. They are called AVE. Thats how much they care, not even enough to relize the proper name.

July 7, 2008 8:10 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that I read right and Joe Carroll is moving into my ward!
I'm all about having him in my neighborhood so I'm not the only one out the blight that is around me. I will be the 1st to knock on his door and welcome him in and bake him a cake. It would be great if Matthew and Walker would follow.

July 11, 2008 7:27 AM 

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