Thursday, June 26, 2008

Men united against graffiti

Coatesville Men United, Coatesville's Weed and Seed program and the CYWA will join forces on Saturday to combat blight.

The groups will be cleaning graffiti and trash, dividing their effort between the west end and east end, in and around Ash Park.

Volunteers looking to help should meet at the Ask Park pool house at 8 a.m. Check out the official flyer here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish them luck. I had writing on my building and repainted it last saturday, by Wednesday of this week it was back. luckily I had some paint left, looks like I will be repainting it again this saturday. Will it ever end??

June 27, 2008 4:38 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish we could spray paint the kids doing it. Or spray paint their grandmothers houses see how it feels.
But I have to work otherwise I would be there to help. Have fun good luck to all who go!

June 27, 2008 5:18 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't realize having a hanky sticking out of your pocket meant that you were in a gang! I've done that for years (accidentally). guess I better make sure it is tucked all the way in from now on. I will be watching to see who has one sticking out around town from now on. (see Saturday's DLN)

June 28, 2008 7:23 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read in the daily local that the african american community has now turned to looting the hispanic immigrants. When is the african american community going to man up and stop acting like thugs. If an illegal immigrant can keep out of trouble and work three jobs so can an african american citizen. If these people can't act responsibly and within the law maybe we need to deport them (the thugs) right out of Coatesville and replace them with immigrants. The current population doesn't pay taxes and commits crime, at least the immigrants who don't pay taxes keep to themselves. This City should be ashamed.

The best part of the article was that they were encouraging the hispanics to monitor their kids to keep them safe. So once again we make excuses for blacks who commit crimes and tell the innocent hard working citizens that they need to be more responsible?

June 29, 2008 4:55 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not thugs, animals. Anybody with a disregard for others, the law and themselves is an animal in my book. While it's not right for anybody to be a victim of crime, illegals are criminals themselves. They're here illegally. Still that gives no one the right to take advantage of them. One thing you are absolutely correct about is how hard immigrants, illegal or otherwise, work. If some in the African-American community would work like these immigrants Coatesville would be a much better place.

June 29, 2008 7:38 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny after reading that article on saturday I've noticed a few young men on the streets with the hankerchiefs in their back pockets. What a shame that there is no one in their lives to teach them.

June 30, 2008 8:29 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to recall a handkerchief in his pocket. A yellow one as I remember. Just could not figure what the dark mark in the middle was however.

So what is the latest regarding the lawsuit you spoke of in your knee jerking resignation letter. What was the outcome and what did it cost us taxpayers?

June 30, 2008 5:31 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did the painting go on saturday? I had to work otherwise I would have been there.

July 1, 2008 4:14 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually read but don't post but the racism on here is ridiculous.

It's a shame y'all brought these blacks to your country.

The "African American community"???

So all blacks are looting the illegal immigrants?

And while that's happening the whole white population of Coatesville is law abiding and just trying...trying, to make things better for all in Coatesville.

I'm glad I took my black a$$ out of Coatesville. I wonder why these so called law abiding whites just don't move on to greener pastures.

And please don't make me barf with the loyal to Coatesville bull after the way the picture has painted on here for the last 5+ years. Or maybe it's a coward that leaves when the going gets tough, yea, I've heard that one before too. Spare me, this has been going on forever.

I'm happy when I pull up to my house with no graffiti in sight and no load music in the cars all night long.

There's no such thing as loyalty when it comes to how you raise your kids and there's no such thing as a coward when you're trying to give your family the best you can give them.

So take your precious white a$$e$ and get up out of Coatesville. If you can't afford to, shut the hell up, because you have failed to provide for your families.

Don't blame your failures on others.

Former Life Long Coatesville Resident and Loving It.

July 1, 2008 9:51 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news article doesn't say ALL african americans are looting the mexicans in coatesville. BUT the whites are not the ones looting them because there are hardly any whites in coatesville. The town is definitely out of control, I think everyone can agree on that!

July 1, 2008 5:33 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, June 29, 2008 4:55 AM says the "african american community" and my reference to racism is the postings on this site.

There are more whites in Coatesville than you would like to lead on to and many of them are a part of the problem as well.

There's a lot we can agree on when the facts are straight, dialog is respectful and not intended to paint groups of people with a broad brush. I remember when the revitalization was very close and the city even felt and looked like it was right around the corner. So now a city council has been "VOTED IN" by the people of Coatesville and everything has gone down the tubes. THAT's where the focus should be, why did things get the way they are.

For all of their faults, I bet the previous council is laughing away at how this has played out.

BUT...Walmart is coming in and that is a bright spot. Now just wait and see how the negative people from this site will start talking about the place getting robbed. Oh I mean, how the BLACK community will be robbing it.

Former Life Long Coatesville Resident and Loving It.

July 2, 2008 9:24 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not hardly Wal-Mart coming - it's Walgreens, which is a horse of a different color altogether. A Wal-Mart would go bankrupt in Coatesville (not enough residents with money to spend to support it alone and no one coming to shop from out-of-town). A Walgreen's, on the other hand, just might make it. Drugstores get paid by health insurance, Medicaid and Medicare to the revenue streams on the highest margin items are more or less consistent. Sante Piscoglio sold drugs on the other corner for generations and made a living, so I imagine Walgreens will do ok.

July 2, 2008 10:32 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a different note... so much for the new trees along Lincoln Hwy. no one is watering them and they are starting to wilt. At least if they were planted in the ground they might find some moisture but with the hot sun beating on those crazy flower pots all day I'm sure they dry as a bone inside. I did see one merchant watering the one in front of his shop but what about the rest??

July 2, 2008 12:46 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people need to stop confusing reality for racism. Look at the racial makeup of the City, look at the wards where the new council members were voted, and you will see a pattern. The crime is being committed by african americans, the young thugs are african american, and the murders are committed by african americans. That is not racist, it is fact. It is time for the african american residents to curb themselves and their kids, get tough on their neighbors and demand change. If not then watch the white flight and $$$ leave coatesville. As to the poster who said the whites should stop complaining and leave? I will say this, if you pay the taxes in the City (and most whites are the land owners so they do) they can complain, but I would also point out that many whites are leaving because they realize that "hope and change" just a silly slogan and that the african american community is to lazy to change.

July 7, 2008 6:49 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One important rule to follow if you are going to deal drugs:

MAKE SURE you pay your suppliers the money you owe them or you will get a bullet in the head!

July 8, 2008 3:32 AM 
Anonymous mattz said...

man u ppl are dumb u should do it and u will like doing it u can get a adrenalen rush from doing it i doit all the time and got busted 2 times and i still do it

March 23, 2009 9:46 AM 

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