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Monday, June 18, 2007

Surveys to Start Soon

In the next few days the Coatesville Police Department will begin conducting door-to-door community quality of life surveys focusing on public safety issues. Although the department will pick neighborhoods randomly, the effort will begin in neighborhoods where the department has experienced a rash of written citizen complaints, inquiries, or 911 calls regarding public safety.

Citizens who respond to the survey questions will not be asked to identify themselves nor will their identity or address be documented. The survey process will take less than five minutes.

The surveys are a prelude to formal community engagements that will be conducted in September of this year. Community Engagements are organized processes designed to collaboratively solve problems.

In addition to surveying selected neighborhoods, patrol officers will soon begin collecting quality of life public safety information in the city’s four patrol sectors for review and analysis. These actions are a component of the department’s new community policing strategy. -- Coatesville Police Chief William Matthews


Anonymous said...

I'm very confused.

When did the police become the bad guys?

Most complaints I've heard are because the police have caught people breaking the law, and the law breaker doesn't like it! So, they cry, police brutality, racism, profiling, "picking on me"

You know, at some point, you have to take responsiblity for your actions be they good or bad. And it seems as though we reward the lawbreaker rather than hold them responsible.

June 18, 2007 5:08 PM  
Anonymous said...

This is simply absurd.

The reason why this survey is being implemented is because those who are complaining are related to, are "bad guys/gals" themselves!!

Let's face it - Coatesville is a small community which has a big history of various types of crime -particularly drug crime. Has this type of 'survey' been done in any other high-crime area in Pennsylvania or any other type of community the size of Coatesville? Is it because those who think the police are picking on them are supporters of Walker and his minions? Why here, and why now? It's obvious that Walker and Matthews have not done their homework on this.

The reason - the Coatesville Police Department, in collaboration with the DA, State Police, feds and Detectives are doing a fantasic job on cracking down on drug crime before Matthews and Walker!! There are many people that these two know (people like Legree perhaps???) who are concerned about the success of the police department's efforts because THIER famiy members are in danger of going to jail.

This "survey" is crazy. There are people throughout Coatesville in all neighborhoods who are concerned about crime. Why concentrate on just certain areas? Crime occurs everywhere. The results of these surveys will be 'tainted' and biased. Matthews should have his staff interview all residents in Coatesville - all residents will benefit from what everyone has to say. Coatesville is a diverse community which is made up of all types of citizens who should listen to each other. Walker and Matthews should know better because drugs can be moved from one area to another unsuspecting very easily...duh!

I can't wait to see what the results of these so-called surveys reveal.

June 18, 2007 10:22 PM  
Anonymous said...

Mr Matthews,

You should Resign now. I won't even refer to you as the Chief of Police. You don't deserve the title. You haven't earned it. Our police officers deserve all the respect and more.....

June 18, 2007 10:59 PM  
Anonymous said...

So, from what I gather, Matthews seems to think that the actions of the police are causing the crime in the City?

Maybe someone should do a survey to figure out why the people are committing the crimes.

This is a waste of time, money and resources. This kind of mentality from the police chief is going to demoralize and gut the police force - probably what Patsy Ray and her croonies want....

June 19, 2007 6:33 AM  
Anonymous said...

I attended a council meeting one night when a resident spoke about a police incident. Seems he was "just sitting" on his front porch when the police came up to him and ask for identification. He asked why and immediately the police started to beat on him for no reason. I find this story was REALLY hard to believe. I suspect there were a number of parts left out of the story. These are the kinds of "complaints" about the police the City gets. And Matthews thinks a survey is going to give him a clearer picture of what's going on. He needs to put on a uniform and go out on the calls himself to see the real Coatesville and what the police have to contend with. OOPS - I forgot - he can't wear a uniform. Easy to dictate behind a desk! Get real Matthews!

June 19, 2007 6:51 AM  
CVillFuture said...

Kimberly Murray was defended at her sentencing hearing in a letter from Patsy Ray, “I can confirm that (Murray) is a woman of great integrity, (and) is extremely dedicated to her family and neighbors … I have not seen anything wrong with her behavior,” Ms. Ray wrote in the Nov. 14, 2006, letter that was part of a pre-sentencing investigation. I guess selling drugs is acceptable behavior in Patsy’s mind.

Earlier Kimberly Murray complained about the behavior of Coatesville Police at Coatesville City Council meetings. Now it looks like Mathews will have to go into the prison get Murray’s “quality of life” comments about the Coatesville Police Department.

June 19, 2007 12:10 PM  
Anonymous said...

I think these surveys are absolutely ridiculous!! We do not have enough officers as it is and Matthews is going to utilize several of them to take surveys?!? If he wants these surveys completed... they could be sent in the mail or better yet he could go out and get all these answere himself, since he is the "police chief".

June 20, 2007 1:58 PM  

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