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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fair Acres Resident Celebrates 100th Birthday

Fair Acres resident Catherine "Kitty" Tenure celebrated her 100thbirthday on May 21, 2008 surrounded by many of her close friends and fellow residents.

Kitty was born May 18, 1908 in Philadelphia as the youngest of eight children. She had four sisters and three brothers and said, "I was and still am the baby of the family."

As a child, Kitty took care of her sick mother while her sisters worked to help take care of the family. When she was 37, Kitty married Charles Tenure whom she said, "was very handsome. He had all the girls after him." They were married for 31 years before Charles died in 1976. Unable to have children of her own, Kitty often took care ofher three nieces and many of the neighborhood children.

She said, "Every time a mother went into the hospital to have another baby, I would take care of the kids at home."

Upon reaching her 100 year milestone, Kitty remarked, "I'm just happyto be 100 years-old and to be as good as I am. I had good times."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Ms. Kitty we honor
you. My god bless me as you have been. My he continue to bless you.

May 12, 2009 11:08 AM 

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