Blogs > Photos around Delco

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Hey, a turkey

Little 5 year old Ryan Millay of Green Lane, with his eyes aglow, told me and said he just saw a turkey! Puzzled, I walked up my drive and there at the front door was a wild turkey!!!

The bird kept Green Lane residents on their toes all day long and in awe as he grazed each yard, enjoying the sunshine yet shy with the spectators. He spent the entire day on our block strutting from yard to yard gazing into windows & doors and flying over fences.

We were expecting a gaggle any moment but all we had got were giggles from kids and adults alike!

We were giving thanks to this bird for the excitment he brought to Green Lane!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!! Does Ron Howard know about this kid?
He looks just like Opie!!

May 11, 2009 9:37 AM 

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