Monday, December 8, 2008

Amazing Race finale, Survivor Recap finally!

Thanks to everyone for your comments on My 10 Most Fascinating People post. It’s great to know someone’s reading here! Sorry to have left you hanging over the weekend, I meant to post my Survivor recap sooner, but you know how things get away from you when you have time off.

Spent most of my weekend up to my elbows in Xmas decorations, climbing up and down steps from the basement to the first and second floors of the house with boxes loaded with the decor of the season. Yesterday was cool, though, I made the most of ABC Family’s Harry Potter marathon. I love it when I can put all the TVs all over the house and just go back and forth while decorating. And since it was sooooo cold out, yesterday was the perfect day for it.

I started out my weekend on the right note, however, and watched a rockin’ flick – Wanted. Totally loved it! I highly recommend. Based on a popular video game (and many video game-based movies suck), this one totally hits its mark. Great visual effects, tons of action, good story and Angelina Jolie too! Nice to see James McAvoy doing some action stuff, and Morgan Freeman is always good … nice twist in the middle that I never saw coming. Check it out.
Wanted Pictures, Images and Photos

The only new thing on TV I watched was last night’s season finale of the Amazing Race. Siblings Nick & Starr, separated couple Ken & Tina and frat boys Andrew & Dan raced from Russia to Oregon for the final leg of the race around the world and a million dollars …

It was exciting, as always, and being the last episode, I’m not going to go into much detail. In the end, as expected, Nick & Starr hit the finish line first and got the million. Ken & Tina were close on their tails, with Andrew & Dan bringing up the rear, way behind. The boys were quite gracious to their fellow competitors, admitting that even they didn’t believe they had made it to the end.
Nick and Starr Pictures, Images and Photos

Congrats to Nick & Starr
One thing I always like about this show, when the players get to the finish line, all the other
players who’ve been eliminated are all there to cheer them on. Nice sportsmanship.
In case you missed it, you can watch it here

Gabon Pictures, Images and Photos
The players of Gabon
Survivor Time:
Yes, another tumultuous season of Survivor is coming to the end. There’s only Thursday’s episode before Sunday night’s 2-hour finale, followed by the reunion show at 10 p.m. Can you believe it? It seems not that long ago that we first met the competitors of Gabon, Africa. I for one, would’ve never guessed that Crystal would still be there (can't wait till they all find out at the reunion show that she's an Olympic athlete)! Or Bob, even though, Bob deserves to be there. I can’t say the same for Crystal.
But back to last week’s episode. Night 30 started off with Bob being ticked off at everyone’s laughter over the hoodwinking of Randy at Tribal Council. And he let Sugar know about it. Sugar apologized, but didn’t mean it.
Then Sugar and Corinne got into it over talking behind people’s backs.
As promo’d, the Reward Challenge featured a short video message from each players’ loved ones. Jeff, however, broke the bad news that the loved ones actually weren’t there, but the winner of the challenge would get to see their entire video over lunch as reward. Teams were chosen, and Corinne was odd person out, so had no chance of winning.
It all came down to a puzzle between Bob and Ken, with Bob easily winning. Ken decides Bob’s a threat. Bob leaves and get his reward and while enjoying some food and his video, his wife shows up to surprise him! Bob takes his wife back to camp, but not alone, he brings the rest of the players’ loved ones with him, much to their surprise! Lots of crying follows … really people, this part always gets me, it’s Survivor – it’s not like they’re never going to see them again!! It’s only been 30 days!
Actually, the contestants usually get to their host country a couple weeks early to get some “survival” training, so I guess it’s been a bit longer …
Back to the game – Ken brags to his friend that he took out five power players. Sugar’s sister brought their dad’s ashes, and Sugar spreads some out over the water in Africa. And Matty, oh Matty, crumbles into a pile of mush with his girlfriend and actually proposes!! Are you kidding me?

She says yes, of course – would have been better if she had said, “we can talk about it when you get home.” Never, never, propose on TV. Haven’t we learned anything from The Bachelor?

Shortly before the Immunity Challenge, Bob reveals another fake idol to Corinne. To which she replies, that one of them has to win immunity. The challenge had players answering Gabon-related questions via a cube with words on it (true, false, yes, no).

Favorite moment: Poisonous snakes are harmless to humans (true/false). To which Suzie and Corinne said false! Hello, ladies – poisonous? Even Jeff had to point out that one!
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Physics Prof Bob, becoming quite the player
Bob won again, so he was safe from elimination. He and Corinne further schemed with the fake idol and decided to get rid of Matty. I would have gotten rid of him based on that blubbering proposal.
Corinne tells Kenny about the idol (not that it's fake) and Kenny suggests getting rid of Matty (Matty's quite the unpopular boy). Bob tells Crystal about the idol (again, not that it's fake). Crystal and Ken are thrilled about the new plan.
At Tribal Council, Bob, Ken and Corinne vote for Matty, while Crystal, Sugar, Suzie and Matty vote Corinne. Bye Corinne. Let’s see if Matty puts 2-2 together and figures out which one of his alliance voted for him!
Survivor airs Thursday at 8 p.m. on CBS. For info or to watch visit

Tonight we bid farewell to one of my favorite shows. Although I haven’t blogged about it before, Boston Legal is a guilty pleasure I will miss!
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The antics of Denny Crane and the closing arguments of Alan Shore are legendary TV schtick. And so well done that Shore’s James Spader won 3 Emmys for his portrayal, while Crane’s William Shatner garnered himself one too. I will miss their well-humored dialogues on the balcony of Crane's office that ended each show. I hope their Bromance goes on forever ...
Say good-bye on ABC tonight with a 2-hour episode beginning at 9 p.m.

And my Christmas season wouldn’t be complete without A Christmas Carol, my favorite holiday tale of all time! I’m sure it’s because it features ghosts (and you know what a horror freak I am).
Anyway, tonight the Hallmark Channel offers up my all-time favorite melodramatic retelling of this story – the Lifetime Channel’s Ebbie! Oh yeah, it doesn’t get any cheesier than this. Featuring Soap Queen Susan Lucci as Ebbie (get it?) Scrooge, the miserly owner of some department store in New York City, it’s usually the first Xmas flick I watch every year.
It’s not scary at all, laughable at all the right parts, and even a little sentimental, but I love it, with proper cheese, of course!
Check it out tonight at 9. That means you -- Elfman!! You still haven't seen this, but I know what a Lucci-fan you are. Here's a pic just for you!
Susan Lucci Pictures, Images and Photos
Sexy Susan
I think she's channeling a little Padma here ... what do you think?

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Playing Catch-Up with Top Chef, Amazing Race, Survivor

Congratulations everyone! We've made it thru Fall Sweeps ... now on to Christmas TV repeat time. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and went out and contributed to the failing economy on Black Friday. Once again, sorry to have left anyone hanging over the holiday weekend, just couldn't bring myself to blog when there was plenty of other stuff to do.
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Top Chef judges Tom Colicchio and Padma Lakshmi sample some food with Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl
For those of you who missed Wednesday night's excellent episode of Top Chef, it repeats tonight on Bravo at 10 p.m. For those of you that watched or managed to catch it on the many repeats this past weekend, let's discuss!

Special guest judges the Foo Fighters made for a particularly interesting ep. The Foos were brought in for the elimination challenge which consisted of contestants breaking into 2 teams and cooking a Thanksgiving feast for the band and their entourage before their concert. The winning team got to go to the show while the losers had to do all the clean-up. The catch, no kitchen. Everything was set up outside the arena with just microwaves and toaster ovens. How fun is it to make a turkey in a toaster oven? I couldn't tell you from experience, but apparently Arianne did an excellent job.
Team Sexy Pants went on to win and had a great time at the show. Team Cougars failed miserably with dessert and got stuck with the clean-up. Danny gave the finger to the winning team after the concert. (Nice, Danny)
At Judges Table, Arianne was complimented on her supreme turkey, Eugene got congrats on his pork dish and Carla and Alex were deemed safe too. Daniel's undercooked potatoes put him on the chopping block, along with Jeff, who tried to do too much and Richard, whose s'mores were "disappointing."
Disappointing enough to get him sent home. Bye-Bye Richard.
I will miss the token gay guy who had the BIG crush on top judge Tom Colicchio. What did you think?
Top Chef offers up a new episode, featuring cooking on the Today Show, Wednesday at 10 p.m. For more info visit

On last night's Amazing Race, the final four teams raced for a spot in next week's finale. So we're down to separated couple Ken & Tina, mother/son Toni & Dallas, siblings Nick & Starr (who I think are a shoe-in to win it all) and Frat boys Andrew & Dan (how have they made it this far?). And, as has become the norm this season, mistakes abounded.

Dallas couldn't differentiate between Stalin and Lenin (Tina helped him out and immediately regretted it). But that was nothing compared to what he did later ... leaving his bag in the taxi with his team's money and passports! Ken & Tina ran to the Pit Stop without first getting their clue. They had seen Andrew & Dan running and just followed them, causing Phil to send them back to get their clue before they could be checked in. Toni & Dallas and Andrew & Dan raced to the woman with the Shetland pony within seconds of each other, but neither team received their clue from her.
Nick & Starr easily came in first, followed by Andrew & Dan and Ken & Tina, all solidifying their place in the finale. Having to beg for cab fare on the street cost Toni & Dallas precious time, and it must have been a LOT of time, because Phil actually went to them to let them know they had been eliminated. For more info visit
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Sorry to see Dallas & Toni go ...

I know this is long overdue, so bear with me or just skip to the next subject. Those of you who tuned in Thanksgiving night to Survivor got what was to be expected ... the oh-so-boring catch-up show. The one where CBS says you'll see never-before-seen clips, but you never learn anything new.
However, I still haven't blogged about the great episode from the week before! If you haven't seen it, it's worth it to go to the website and watch.
Day 28 started out with Bob telling Sugar he made a fake immunity idol ... WTH? Why would you tell Sugar that, she has the real idol, afterall. This episode also featured the fan-fave Reward Auction, which generally consists of contestants getting a certain amount of money and then getting to bid on various food items. Randy won a plate of cookies and gave everyone one. Sugar refused, and Randy insisted she take the last one, which she promptly gave to Matty. Randy said Sugar could kiss his ass.
Matty, Sugar, Ken and Crystal conspired to get rid of Bob first, then Randy and Corinne. Randy wants Suzie gone 'cause she flipped and voted for Marcus, saying "The hell with her."
Crystal called Randy "a troll."Amazingly, Ken won immunity at a Domino challenge. Feeling desperate, Randy schemed to get the "fake" idol from Bob to save himself. Sugar said, "Randy is an ass and I loathe him," then told Bob to give Randy the fake idol just to make even more an ass of him.
The Cookie Controversy came up at Tribal Council. Crystal is still very angry with Randy. At the vote, Corinne cast Suzie saying, "Payback's a bitch." Sugar voted Randy, saying "Randy's a disgusting old chauvenistic, alcoholic bigot." Randy said, "Suzie, this vote is not strategic, it's personal." And, as expected, Crystal voted for Randy. Before the votes were read, Randy brought the fake idol into play and was told by Jeff that it was fake and would not count, causing an uproar of laughter from his tribmates.
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Bye-Bye Randy
Randy left with his tail between his legs ... saying "The Hell with these freaking people!"
An all new Survivor airs this Thursday on CBS at 8 p.m. To watch last week's episode visit

Tonight, Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, stops by for a sit down with James Lipton on Bravo's Inside the Actors Studio at 8 p.m. Can't wait to see this. You have to admit, there's just something about those Brits! I mean, just the fact that this kid is still so together, after being cast as the most famous boy-wizard in literary history at the tender age of 10, and he hasn't gone all Lohan on us, is pretty amazing.
Daniel Radcliffe Pictures, Images and Photos
Lipton chats up Harry Potter
And as long as we're on the subject ... ABC Family will be airing the first four Harry Potter movies this coming weekend, during which there will be exclusive sneak peeks of next July's Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince. Tune in.
Sorry, I couldn't resist ...
Harry Potter, then
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And now
Daniel Radcliffe Pictures, Images and Photos

And now on to the Christmas Shows: ABC celebrates the season tonight with Shrek the Halls at 8, followed by the original animated Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Not to be outdone, ABC Family will air the live-action, Jim Carrey-starring movie of the same name at 8 p.m.
the grinch Pictures, Images and Photos
Sorry, I find this guy creepier than any horror movie I've ever seen ... I find this film unwatchable, literally, I walked out of the theater! And that's the only film I can remember ever walking out of! I'm sure some of you like it, but I'd rather watch The English Patient on a loop than suffer thru this!
I'll take my Grinch animated, please!

And get used to it ... 'tis the season for all your favorite and not-so-favorite Christmas show repeats. If it's not your thing, use this time wisely to get caught up on all those summer movies you missed. They'll all be hitting the DVD shelves before the end of the year.
The CW's Supernatural will be back Jan. 15. And my fave sexy surgeons return to FX Jan. 6 with the remaining eight eps of last season's Nip/Tuck!

I watched Will Smith's Hancock and Vince Vaughn's Fred Claus this weekend. Fred Claus is the usual ... nothing new here, but Vaughn's entertaining. I enjoyed it.
Hancock, I have to admit was a disappointment. It's one of those movies where we already saw all the good parts in the preview. It starts out fine, then tries to become a serious, emotional flick halfway thru ... I wasn't feeling it.


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Monday, November 10, 2008

Amazing Race, True Blood recaps, Upcoming Sweeps Week Highlights

Robot Chicken Pictures, Images and Photos

Part 2!

Although Joel McHale had nothing to say yet regarding Girls Next Door's Kendra Wilkinson's recent engagement, there was another unexpected announcement on this weekend's edition of E!'s The Soup ... one that I couldn't be happier about.

Actor and Robot Chicken creator Seth Green stopped by to plug that the Cartoon Network will be presenting Robot Chicken: Star Wars Pt. 2 this coming Sunday (Nov. 16) night at 11:30 p.m. If you've never seen Robot Chicken: Star Wars Pt. 1, you don't know what you're missing. Well, assuming you're a Star Wars fan, that is. It's a hilarious send up of the popular sci-fi film series, making fun of the emperor, Luke, Leia, George W. Bush, and of course, Darth Vader, himself.

If you're unfamiliar with Robot Chicken, it's a stop-motion animation sketch show with quite a cult following. Innovative, imaginative and well done, you can check it out here

For a taste of the Star Wars edition (which is available on DVD), check out this sketch of Darth Vader calling the Emperor

On CBS last night, another charging episode of the Amazing Race toured through Delhi, India, where contestants raced each other to another Pit Stop and elmination.

Siblings Nick & Starr started out first, since they were the first to check in at the Pit Stop last week. Their clue instructed them to travel through the congested streets of Delhi to find an apartment complex where a traditional Indian celebration was being held called the Holi Festival (Roadblock). Teams had to make their way through the crowd of revelers who pelted them with powdered dye and water. Then they had to climb a ladder and search thru hundreds of envelopes marked "Try Again" to identify one of only six labeled The Amazing Race.

This challenge proved brutal for most of the teams, although Nick & Starr performed it with ease. Dallas was virtually turned pink by festival revelers, Tina's hair remained green throughout the race and Kelly & Christy misread another clue.

Kelly thought she was supposed to grab one envelope at a time and run it back to Christy, thus wasting a lot of time. Kelly tripped and went down face first, prompting her to tell Christy she could not finish the Roadblock. Christy finally realized they're mistake and they finished the task.

Next up was a Detour with the choice of Bleary Eyed or Teary Eyed. Bleary was a task involving teams following a power line and writing down all the numbers in succession. Teary was just what it said - teams had to go to a spice market, pick up 80 lbs. of dried chilies, deliver them on foot and use a mortar and pestle to make enough chili powder to fill a container to the designated line. Only Terence & Sarah picked Teary Eyed. They finished their task, but only after coughing from the spices and complaining of burning skin.

Prior to the Detour, Ken & Tina encountered their Speed Bump. Remember, Ken & Tina came in last before, but it was a non-elimination leg. They must perform the Speed Bump in order to continue with the race. The Speed Bump was a task serving water to temple-goers. Once everyone's thirst was quenched, Ken & Tina could resume the race.

Fortunately, Ken & Tina raced thru Bleary Eyed. They even stopped to offer help to Andrew & Dan afterwards, who were having a particular hard time finding the corresponding numbers. Nick & Starr won their third consecutive leg. Phil rewarded the pair with a trip for two from Travelocity to Kauai. Toni & Dallas were next, followed by Terence & Sarah and Ken & Tina. Andrew & Dan were fifth and Kelly & Christy were last and eliminated.

Kelly and Christy Pictures, Images and Photos

Bye-Bye Kelly & Christy

For more info or to watch visit

Over on HBO, those randy vampires on True Blood were busy holding a trial for Bill Compton, who killed a fellow vamp last week after he attacked Bill's human squeeze Sookie. Fortunately for Bill, the usual sentence of 5 years in a coffin wrapped in silver chains, was lessened to just turning a young girl to the vamp lifestyle. A task he didn't look forward to, but performed it nonetheless.

Back in Bon Temps, Sam revealed his true self to Sookie - he's a shape-shifter, just don't call him Werewolf! He can basically change into any creature, but he prefers a dog. Tara went thru some sort of exorcism to please her newly sober mother, only to find out later that the lady shaman is a fraud and works at the local drug store.

The killer (is it a werewolf?) went after Sookie at Merlotte's, but Sam interrupted and they got away. Only two more episodes left, and next week it looks like Sookie's falling for Sam and Bill isn't happy about it when he returns to town ...

For more info visit

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Following True Blood was another amusing episode of HBO's Sex & The City replacement, Entourage. Entourage follows the life of movie star Vincent Chase (Adrien Grenier) and his "entourage" - big bro Johnny Drama, BFF/manager Eric and friend/driver Turtle. Of course, it's his stereotypical Hollywood agent Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) who steals the show! Not to mention Ari's chicly gay assistant Lloyd!Anyway, this week found Vince still having trouble with his Smoke Jumper's director Verner (Stellan Skarsgarde). Seems Verner's been giving all Vince's lines to his costars. If you've never watched this show, you might want to give it a try.
For info visit

Queen Elizabeth II Pictures, Images and Photos
Sweeps Highlights this week: On Wednesday at 8 p.m. PBS begins a new series titled Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work. Elizabeth II's 2007 U. S. visit will be showcased on this episode. I don't know what it is, but I love watching anything on the Royal Family!
Also on Wednesday - 10 p.m. belongs to Bravo when Top Chef returns for a new season filmed in New York City.
Thursday brings Dr. Mark Greene (Anthony Edwards) back to NBC's ER. Greene, as you may know, died a few seasons back, but he'll be appearing in those oh-so-convenient flashbacks!
Before ER, Jennifer Aniston makes her guest appearance on 30 Rock, stalking Alec Baldwin of all things!
Saturday brings British comedian and The Office's original creator Ricky Gervais to HBO for an all new special Ricky Gervais: Our of England - The Stand-Up Special at 9 p.m. And if his performance at this year's Emmys is any indication, this should be a real treat!
Things are heating up on Wisteria Lane Sunday, literally. According to last night's promos for Nov. 16, that dreaded night club fire will be happening at 9 p.m. on ABC's Desperate Housewives. Who won't survive?
And will we finally get some answers on the mystery behind Edie's new hubby?

In other news: Don't look for Julianne Hough to be back on Dancing with the Stars tonight. Docs think she'll need at least another week to recoup from her recent surgery. That means that cute little Cody Linley will get another go 'round with the hot Edyta Slawinska ...

And I know I'm late on this, maybe because I'm hoping it doesn't happen, but now that it's been in TV Guide, I guess it will .... Due to the "success(?)" of the new 90210, the CW is working on a deal to bring back the original 90210's spin-off Melrose Place! I mean, really, do we need this?I'm still watching, for reasons I can't explain, the new 90210, but I won't recommend it. And, yes, I loved Melrose Place. I never missed it! The wicked Amanda, bland Billy, feisty Sydney - and who could forget crazy Kimberly (I'll never get over when she pulled off her wig and exposed that huge scar!)? Way before she was a Desperate Housewife named Bree, Marcia Cross, scared the bejesus out of me -- but I doubt they can pull off the magic of Melrose again. What do you think?

Melrose Place (Kimberly) Pictures, Images and Photos

Kimberly Wigs Out!

But just in case you're still watching 90210, on tomorrow night's episode, the illegitimate son of principle Harry shows up.

On TV tonight: Bravo's Inside the Actors' Studio celebrates its 200th episode with special guest host Dave Chapelle. That should be interesting (8 p.m.).
Find out the repercussions of Heidi's firing on The Hills at 10 p.m. on MTV.
Sci-Fi channel continues its LOST mini-thon from 7-11 p.m. (we're in season two).
Jon & Kate Plus Eight arrives in Hawaii (but I'm not sure if the wedding is tonight, you'll just have to tune in) at 9 p.m. on TLC.

And what kind of fan would I be if I didn't share that during tonight's broadcast of Heroes, a new clip of Twilight will be shown, introduced by Edward Cullen himself, Robert Pattinson (NBC, 9 p.m.). If Summit Entertainment keeps this up, we'll see the whole movie before it opens Nov. 21!
You know what that means ... yes, another Twilight photo! Enjoy!
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Bella & The Vamp Edward

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Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Officially November Sweeps! Amazing Race Recap

Well this week's pretty much all about the election isn't it? And just to get us all worked up, NBC presents Saturday Night Live Presidential Bash 2008 tonight at 9 p.m. Speaking of SNL, the funniest thing on TV last Saturday night was John McCain's and Sarah Palin's (Tina Fey's) SNL opener. Apparently, McCain just doesn't have the bucks to schedule the network airtime that Barack Obama has, so the duo ended up on QVC, hawing election themed items. View it here

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Last night, Fox presented the 19th (?) Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror episode and it featured a hilarious send-up of AMC's Mad Men. AMC is so pleased with "How To Get Ahead in Deadvertising" that they're showing it on their site today. Take the time to enjoy it here

Over on CBS, the Amazing Race continued season 13 with episode 6, "Please Hold While I Singe My Skull." The teams departed the Pit Stop and traveled to Delhi, India. Everyone got on the same flight, evening up. After Dallas and Starr secured seats on the plane, they turned their focus to a more important issue: each other. However, Dallas is having a hard time making time with Starr with his mom around.

Nick & Starr took an early lead in Delhi to get to Moonlight Motors for the first Roadblock. Contestants had to paint an auto rickshaw green, after masking the yellow exterior and interior with newspaper. Ken & Tina had troubles with a lost taxi driver, and the tensions started mounting. They were the last to arrive at the Roadblock.

Frat boys Dan & Andrew completed the task first and headed off to the Ambassador Hotel, but immediately lost their lead to Nick & Starr when they couldn't find a taxi.

A Detour ensued at the hotel where teams had to choose between two "Launder" tasks, either making a wedding necklace or ironing clothes. After finishing the Roadblock, Ken & Tina's taxi driver continued to be lost, dropping them once again to last place.

Nick & Starr managed to come in first place again, followed by Kelly & Christy, Toni & Dallas, Terence & Sarah and Andrew & Dan. After more taxi troubles, Ken snapped at Tina when she refused to get back in the taxi until Ken moved his backpack, shouting "Please, get in!!"
ken and tina Pictures, Images and Photos

The separated couple came in last but were told by host Phil Koeghan that it was a non-elimination leg. However, during the next leg, the couple will encounter a Speed Bump, a task that only they will have to perform before embarking on the rest of the race (thus costing them more time). To watch or for info visit

Over in Bon Temps, La., the vampires on HBO's True Blood were out for blood. Literally. Last week's show ended with vamp sheriff Eric using Sookie's mind-reading abilities to find who's been stealing from him. Sookie fingered the bartender, who immediately flew over the bar to kill her. However, Sookie's BF, vampire Bill Compton, foiled his attempt by savagely killing him. It's good to have a vampire boyfriend.
True Blood Pictures, Images and Photos
Another Good Shot of Eric!

This led up to Bill having to leave town and stand trial over his actions (trial looks to be next week's ep). In the meantime, Sookie took refuge at the only place she feels safe, Bill's house, where a dog showed up to keep her company. Only when she woke up in the middle of the night, the dog was gone and sleeping at the foot of her bed was her boss and Merlott's owner Sam (Ok, could this be a werewolf tie-in?). We'll have to wait till next week to find out. Bad news is that there's only three more episodes left to the season :( and just when it's starting to get interesting ...For more on True Blood visit

Hey everybody - Welcome to Fall Sweeps. The fall ratings period that networks use to price their advertising began on October 31 and well run thru November 27. And look out, there's lots planned. I'll try to keep you up on the goods as best I can, starting with the return of Lady Heather to CSI this week (Thursday, 9 p.m.).

Other things in store are a nightclub fire on Desperate Housewives, Jennifer Love Hewitt's TV hubby possibly biting the dust on Ghost Whisperer, Jon & Kate's Hawaiian Wedding, things promise to get worse for the Walkers (Bros & Sis), several mysteries will be resolved (?) on the Nov. 10 ep of Heroes and Drs. Greene, Romano and Weaver will show up in flashbacks Nov. 13 on ER.

CSI: NY celebrates its 100th ep Nov. 19 with special guests Chris Daughtry, Rumer Willis, Scott Wolf and Julia Ormond, while CSI: Miami has a crane crashing into a building where Calleigh and Delko are protecting a witness, sending them on an emotional journey.

"Some established relationships will start to show strain" over at Seattle Grace (Grey's Anatomy), and Chloe and Jimmy are getting married Nov. 20 on Smallville.

TV Tonight: James Lipton talks up Goldie Hawn over on Bravo's Inside the Actors Studio at 8 p.m.

Sci-Fi Channel continues with Season 2 of Lost, airing four episodes from 7-11 p.m.

Bros Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield get one step closer to Scylla on Fox's Prison Break (is anyone still watching this?) at 9 p.m., following another ep of The Sarah Connor Chronicles at 8 p.m.

More crap from The Hills on MTV at 10 p.m.
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And Jon & Kate Plus 8 get one stop closer to their Hawaiian Wedding renewal at 9 p.m. on TLC. On tonight's episode, the Gosselins touch down in San Diego, Calif., for a few days of exploration. The kids get to go to Legoland, a huge theme park celebrating Legos, and embark on a Safari at San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Wrap

2008 World Series Pictures, Images and Photos
Well there's no mistaking that tonight's all about The Phillies and Game 5 of the World Series. This could be it folks, so I'm not going to go into whatever else may be on TV, will any of you be watching anything else?

Hope you all had a great weekend, here's a few of my highlights:
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I'm still catching up on things I taped last week, but my fave so far was Thursday's episode of Supernatural. The Winchester boys battled a ghost demon that had infected Dean and was threatening to scare him to death if they couldn't find a way to destroy it. Of course, they did and the bros will get to kill more demons in future episodes. However, what made this ep great was a short clip at the end of Jensen Ackles (Dean) lip-synching Survivor's Eye of the Tiger ... watch it here and enjoy

On Friday night, AMC hosted a 30th Anniversary Special airing of John Carpenter's classic Halloween. Wow, where did the time go?Anyway, helping Michael Myers scare the bejesus out of you was original cast member PJ Soles (Linda), who gave up some trivia tidbits along with horror meister Rob Zombie. Zombie as you might remember, directed a "new" version of Halloween last year. Not as good as the original, but a gem nonetheless. It's available on DVD.

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Jon Hamm/Don Draper
I watched Saturday Night Live this weekend, mostly because the handsome Jon Hamm was the guest host. Hamm was there to promote the season finale of AMC's Mad Men, which aired last night (taped it, didn't watch it yet, but I heard it was awesome!).
Anyway, the show actually had some pretty funny moments, which, of course, included a send-up of Mad Men. Stopping by to help out were the real Peggy Olson (Elizabeth Moss) and Roger Sterling (John Slattery). I especially appreciated Don Draper's Guide to Picking Up Women. Both can be seen here

I saw Saw V this weekend too. As usual, it had me squirming in my seat (oh the torture scenes)! I can definitely recommend this flick to any fans of the Jigsaw franchise. While not as good as the first (none of them are), it was just as gripping as the other sequels, with more insight into our favorite puzzling killer (actually Jigsaw doesn't really "kill" anybody, they always have a choice). However, if you haven't seen any of the others, don't bother, it would be too confusing.
And in case you were wondering, Saw VI is definitely in the works. Over on VH1, there's another horrible reality show called Scream Queens and the prize has something to do with a part in Saw VI.

Last night on the Amazing Race, the contestants raced from New Zealand to Cambodia without too much fanfare. Bro/Sis Nick & Starr came in first at the Pit Stop and long distance dating couple Aja & Ty were the unlucky last place finishers. The only real interesting thing that happened was that Terence & Sarah were pulled over for speeding to the airport. Terence got a ticket, and we were told by Phil at the end of the show that it will cost them a 30-minute penalty at the start of the next leg.
Amazing Race Aja Ty
Bye-Bye Aja & Ty
Next week's show, however, looks pretty good. Starr and Dallas get close, while Ken finally loses it on Tina! For info or to watch visit

Over on HBO the vampires of Bon Temps were back to business as usual. When we last left True Blood, town vigilantes burned down the home of some of Bill's vampire pals, and Sookie assumed Bill was with them. Turns out Bill was just sleeping in the dirt and emerged in the middle of the night, naked, to re-connect with Sookie again ... Sookie's crazy bro Jason is hooked up with some mystery chick who indulges in his passion for V (vampire blood, which provides some kind of halucinogenic effect on humans).
Eric Northman Pictures, Images and Photos
Vamp Sheriff Eric
Luckily for me, the episode ended up at Fangtasia with Eric, who Bill tells us is the Sheriff of the vampire ward, using Sookie's mind-reading powers to help find who's been stealing from the vamps. Can't wait till next week.

And on Wisteria Lane, the Desperate Housewives gave us a little insight into what has been going on for the past five years (this season jumped ahead five years for the viewers). The best one, I have to say, is Gabby's story! It was hilarious, I love the way she shoves Carlos around. We didn't really find out too much, I guess it's way to early in the season for that!For info or to watch visit

TV News: The NY Post today confirms that Bravo is indeed working on its own Project Runway copycat. Speculation started last week after an ad popped up on craigslist looking for fashion designer contestants. The show is tentatively titled Fashion House and is still in the working stages.
In the meantime, also reports that the original Project Runway just wrapped preliminary competition in Los Angeles. The finalists have been sent home to create their collections to be filmed during Fashion Week at Bryant Park in February.
However, there have been some changes ... apparently show judges Michael Kors and Nina Garcia are hardly in the show. More time has been devoted to guest judges as Rebecca Romijn, Eva Longoria and Lindsay Lohan. Also, fabric store Mood has been replaced. It seems that the LA store was too far from the shooting sites, so producers put a fake Mood storefront on another fabric store and shot there instead.
Before you get all bent out of shape, keep this in mind, with the current court order stopping the sale of Project Runway to Lifetime, who knows if we'll ever see this season?

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up, Amazing Race, vampires and more

Amazing Race's Ken & Tina
Ken & Tina
Well, the Amazing Race got off to a fierce start this week, with bro/sis team Nick and Starr facing off at the Pit Stop with divorcees Kelly and Christy. The divorcees called out Starr, after dating couple Aja and Ty told them that Starr asked them to U-turn K&C during the last leg of the race. Although Starr attempted to mend the situation, it ended with Christy saying, "If you want to play the game like that, we are not going to be nice to you, so don't try to fix it. You don't even know what you just opened." Ummm could there be a nasty catfight ahead?
Teams departed the Pit Stop in the order they arrived and received their clue instructing them to fly to Auckland, New Zealand (host Phil Keoghan's homeland). Despite departing at different times, they all ended up on the same flight. That's one of the things I love about the Race, you can think you've got a head start and then, you all end up at the airport waiting hours for the same flight.
On the way to get their first clue in New Zealand, Aja & Ty suffered a tire blow out, that took them out for a lot of time ... the next clue for the racers included a Fast Forward. The Fast Forward is a task that only one couple can perform, once finished, that couple skips all other challenges and heads right to the Pit Stop (pretty much guaranteeing first place for that leg). Of course, the super competitive separated couple Ken & Tina got there first and had to climb to the top of the Auckland Skytower (they're way braver than me). The rest of the teams had to get thru a Roadblock that involved native Maori warriors and find the Travelocity Gnomes that were placed throughout the city, before making their way to the Pit Stop. By the way, I just love mom/son team Toni & Dallas, I'm rooting for them all the way!
Ken & Tina arrived first and were greeted by Phil's dad, who welcomed them to New Zealand. Unfortunately southern belles Marisa and Brooke were the last team to arrive and were eliminated from the race. Stay tuned folks, there hasn't been a non-elimination leg yet, so it should be coming up soon.
Maris & Brooke
Bye Bye Marisa & Brooke
For more info on or to watch the Amazing Race visit

Over on Wisteria Lane (ABC), the Desperate Housewives went about their boring business. I gotta say, if it weren't for my coworkers still watching this show, I would give it up. But I don't want to be left out of the conversation ... Anyway, the only thing interesting so far this season is the mysterious Dave - Edie's new husband - who has obvious anger issues.
Hats off to my coworker Sharon (our own Disney Diva), who surmised after the first episode that Dave is probably stalking Fairview because he's possibly the husband and father of the lady and child that got killed in the accident with Susan and Mike ... it's starting to look that way, don't you think?
I will definitely be tuning in next week, however, after seeing the preview. Apparently that's when we're going to get the flashbacks that will let us in on all that happened during that five-year gap between seasons.
For more on this show visit

Bill and Sookie Pictures, Images and Photos
Bill & Sookie
Things got all hot and steamy in Bon Temps, La., last night on HBO's vampire drama True Blood. The show opened up with a vamptastic love scene between vamp Bill Compton and his love interest Sookie Stackhouse. There's a reason this show's on HBO, and last night illustrated it really well. Tune in for the first couple of minutes at least ...The rest of the ep dealt with the town's response to the two bite marks on Sookie's neck (a result of the vampire love-making). Kinda hard to hide in a small town ... And Sookie's bro went to the vamp bar Fangtasia to try and get his fix of V (vampire blood), which included an all too brief cameo of the superhot vamp leader Eric. Why can't they build the show around this guy? It would be so much more interesting!
Oh, and there was that side story involving Bill killing Sookie's uncle after she told him he molested her as a child, and vigilantes burning the home of Bill's former mates, killing them too. Let the games begin ...
For more on True Blood visit

SNL was all the rage Saturday night because of a well publicized visit from Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin. But I though Mark Wahlberg stole the show!In the opening scene, show creator Lorne Michaels is showing Palin around the set, and Wahlberg comes up looking for Andy Samberg (who recently dissed Wahlberg in a sketch about talking to animals). "Do I have to bash your head in too Lorne, because I will," Wahlberg said after asking for the SNL regular. "Third dressing room on the right," Michaels replied in his best Dr. Evil voice.

Wahlberg eventually caught up with Samberg backstage later in the show in a hilarious spoof of Samberg's sketch. Way to go Mark!
To watch visit

Tonight begins a week-long event over on HGTV. House Hunters International Week will air a new episode of the popular show every night at 10 p.m. The original House Hunters will also air new shows each night at 9 p.m. House Hunters is undoubtedly one of HGTV's most popular shows. It features people who are looking for a new home. Three properties are shown throughout the 1/2 hour show, with the people choosing one at the end. The show goes back after a few months and you get to see how everyone settled into their new abode. Explaining this show doesn't do it justice here. If you've ever watched it, you know, it's addictive.

Anyway, HH International features people who are moving to another country and looking for a home. Check it out - you won't be sorry.
For info visit

Sci-Fi Channel continues its Monday night LOST minithons tonight with the end of Season 1: The Greater Good, Born to Run and Exodus: Parts I & II, beginning at 7 p.m.

Two and a Half Men Pictures, Images and Photos
Two and a Half Men
And congratulations to CBS' Two and a Half Men for continuing to be TV's top-rated sitcom! This brilliant little nugget averaged 14.6 million viewers last Monday. Two and a Half Men airs at 9 p.m. Mondays, just a half hour after my fave sitcome Big Bang Theory, which averaged 9.4 million last week. Good job guys!In between these two great shows, is another, and How I Met Your Mother features the spontaneous wedding between Ted and Stella tonight (8:30). Or will it, according to NBC, their exes just happen to destroy what was to be the happiest day of their lives. Tune in ...

I didn't watch last week's Grey's Anatomy, I'm totally fed up with the same storylines, and apparently, a lot of you didn't watch either. Ratings for the "hit" show dropped again to roughly 14.5 million viewers (it averaged 18 million last season), and was again slaughtered by the CSI team on CBS (19.2 million). Following Grey's, Life on Mars dropped around 2 million viewers from last week's premiere and finished third behind CBS' Eleventh Hour and NBC's ER.
And another show on tonight (which I'm still trying to catch up on DVD), Fox's Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been picked up for a full season. This can't be good news for Buffy creator Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, which was being tooled for the 8 p.m. time slot in January to be followed by Jack Bauer's 24 ...
And as long as it's Monday, close to Halloween, and we're talking vampires, I gotta give a shut out to one of my faves ... this week's TV Guide Countdown is for TV's sexiest undead creatures - vampires, demons and zombies!

While Supernatural's Dean Winchester makes the cut at No. 3, I couldn't agree more with their No. 1 choice - Angel! Or Angelis, as I prefer him ... the handsome David Boreanz heated up the small screen as the 270-year-old bloodsucking beau of Buffy, Sunnydale's famous slayer. As quoted from the mag, "Tall, dark and deadly never looked so good." Yeah, baby!
David Boreanz 10 Pictures, Images and Photos
And, now you know, I can't get all vamped up without mentioning my newest fave - yes, that's right, just another chance to add a photo of Edward Cullen to this blog. Only a month left till Twilight dazzles the big screen and things are getting hot over here!
Or how about a link to the film's trailer?
edward cullen

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Sparks flew on last night’s Amazing Race, which for a change, started on time, since there wasn’t a late afternoon football game on CBS.
During the overnight Pit Stop from the end of last week’s episode, Christy accused Starr of pushing her sports bra over the ledge of a window. A stunned Starr denied the accusation, adding, "How does that get us ahead in anything?"
However, Christy was skeptical and warned, "If she wants to play dirty, she’s gonna get something else."
Last week’s first-place finishers, separated couple Ken & Tina were the first to depart on this leg or the race. Their clue instructed them to fly 1,200 miles to La Paz, Bolivia. La Paz is high up in the mountains and the teams immediately noticed the change in altitude. This made for an interesting "race," since the higher altitude tested contestants endurance.
All teams caught up at the statue of Simon Bolivar for an outdoor sleepover, where Starr’s bro Nick tried to smooth things over with rivals Kelly & Christy. It didn’t go well, with Kelly adding "We don’t really care if people don’t like us."
During the Detour challenge, best friends and comic book geeks Mark & Bill made a critical error and didn’t fully read their clue. Instead of continuing to their task on foot (as stated on the clue), the pair took a taxi, that cost them dearly at the Pit Stop.
Following the Detour, came the first appearance of U-Turn. The U-Turn option, if a team decided to pass it onto another team, would force that team to go back and finished the second task offered on the Detour. Thus, costing them more time out of the race.
No one decided to use the U-Turn. However, Nick & Starr asked long distance dating couple Ty & Aja to U-Turn Kelly & Christy.
The Road Block this week had on member of each team taking on a "fighting Cholita" in the wrestling ring and making six practiced wrestling moves, before getting their final clue. Then it was off to the Pit Stop.


Fighting Cholitas
During the cholita fights, Aja told Christy that Starr asked them to U-Turn her & Kelly. An upset Christy thanked Aja for the tip.
Ken & Tina made it to the Pit Stop first for the second time in a row, followed by Toni & Dallas, Terence & Sarah, Marisa & Brooke, Aja & Ty, Nick & Starr, Andrew & Dan, Mark & Bill and Kelly & Christy.
However, Mark & Bill incurred a 30-minute penalty because of their slip up earlier and had to wait while Kelly & Christy arrived. Even though they were last, because of the penalty Kelly & Christy were saved and Mark & Bill were eliminated from the race.

mark and bill

Bye-Bye Mark & Bill
For more info visit

Over on HBO, things got real messy on the vampire drama True Blood. Sookie arrived home to find her beloved grandmother murdered on the kitchen floor!
Obviously, not the work of a vampire, there was way too much blood left all over, the town police are now worried about a possible serial killer in Bon Temps.
Meanwhile, Sookie’s wild bro Jason is suffering withdrawal after tasting vampire blood.
But what really made last night’s ep interesting was that a distraught Sookie sought comfort in vampire Bill’s arms at the end, going to his house in the middle of the night. It all ended with … you know … a passionate kiss and then … wait for it … a bite! Should make things interesting next week … Oh, and according to the preview, vampire leader Eric will be back! I’ll be tuning in.
For info visit

True Blood- Eric Pictures, Images and Photos

Eric, True Blood's vampire hottie

And I was wrong about there being nothing on Saturday night. I almost completely forgot about CMT’s Big Fat Redneck Wedding! This trainwreck of a show is a perfect guilty pleasure. It’s only half an hour, so it’s not a big commitment.
While last week’s season premiere featured a bro/sis wedding (she was actually adopted, so they weren’t blood relatives), this week topped that with the country backyard wedding of Jeanne & Phil of Maryland.
Phil does yard work in a thong and only puts his teeth in the special occasions (the wedding counted as a special occasion). While Jeanne can out-belch the best of them. The episode featured a combined bachelor-bachelorette party that ended with strip poker – it looked like everyone was losing. And the wedding’s theme was – ready? -- Tractors! "Everything’s red and white, just the tractors!" Jeanne exclaimed. Oh, and did I mention, that for her wedding gift to her groom, Jeanne had the neighbor slaughter one of his longhorns and bleach the skull to hang on their barn? -- now that’s CLASS!
For info or to watch visit

jeanne and phil
Jeanne & Phil, hey, check out The Reverend!

After that I watched the forgettable Forgetting Sarah Marshall on DVD. It had some funny moments, but on the whole, don’t waste your time.
A shame, I really like Kristin Bell. Her former show Veronica Mars was one of the most brilliant shows of its genre. Oh well, there’s always hope …

Didn’t get a chance to watch Rock of Love Charm School yet, but I will. Also over on HBO last night was another fun episode of Entourage! Love this show! And HBO announced last week that there will be a sixth season – yay!

This just in: CSI’s season premiere last Thursday totally beat Grey’s Anatomy in the ratings, drawing nearly 23 million to Grey’s falling 15 million. I started to watch Grey’s on Saturday and couldn’t even get thru it. Seems I’m not alone in giving up on this show!

Christian slater Pictures, Images and Photos

Christian Slater

On TV Tonight: NBC is debuting yet another new crime series My Own Worst Enemy at 10 pm. Starring yet another film actor turned TV actor, Christian Slater plays Edward/Henry, the first voluntary split personality government employee.

Described as a modern-day take on Jekyll & Hyde, Edward is an assassin at the headquarters of an outfit called Janus working for a woman called Mavis (Alfre Woodard). He’s also a chick-magnet for spies.
Henry is an efficiency expert who works for some corporation or other that is housed in the same building as the spy’s headquarters. He’s also a family guy with a wife, dog, kids and house in the suburbs.
With the hit Heroes as its lead-in, it should be interesting to see how this one does.
For info visit


The Roloffs

Eariler on TLC at 8 pm tonight, the Roloff family is back for a new season. Little People, Big World: Operation Iraq features patriarch Matt traveling to Baghdad to help out a family that has three children with dwarfism.
If you’re not familiar with this show, Matt Roloff and his wife Amy are both dwarfs. They have four children, including twins Jacob and Zachary (who’s a dwarf as well), and siblings Molly and Jeremy.
For more info visit

Following the Roloffs at 9 pm is more with local faves Jon & Kate Plus Eight. Berks County residents (at least I think they still live in Berks) Jon and Kate’s lives revolve around their eight children, 8 year old twins Kara and Maddie and 4 year old sextuplets (too many to name here).
For info visit

And, of course, over on Sci-Fi Channel is another LOST marathon – tonight’s episodes (we’re still in season one) are … In Translation, Numbers, Deus Ex Machina and Do No Harm (I’m pretty sure this is the one where Claire has the baby).

Twilight Boys Pictures, Images and Photos

Emmett, Edward and Jacob

(Kellan Lutz, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner)

Oh, and to all you Twilighters out there tonight’s edition of The Insider (7:30 pm, CBS) will feature a segment on the Twilight Hunks. So tune in to check out the hot Cullens – Emmett, Jasper and Edward! I guess they’ll probably include Jacob too … I know I’ll be watching!!

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Prison Break, Amazing Race recaps, Tuesday TV

Prison Break's Michael & Linc
For reasons that I can't explain, I'm still watching Prison Break Monday nights on Fox.
Maybe it's because there's just nothing else on, however, I'm sure I would be better off watching Two and a Half Men over on CBS. Anyway, Season 4, Episode 7, "Five the Hard Way" played out like much every episode prior. The escaped convicts are still trying to find the remaining versions of Scylla (The Company's little black book) for the FBI. If they fail, of course, they are all going back to jail. So each week, the episode starts out with hope, only to drag along the way, mishap after mishap, until the viewers end up waiting till the next week, hoping that something will actually be accomplished.
And I knew this from the first episode - it was all set up that finding all the components to complete Scylla would take all season long. Why do we care - we don't even have any idea what this thing does?
Along the way, PB's best character, the infamous T-Bag is thrown into the mix to try to keep things interesting - oh and did I mention that Gretchen's back? Even having Sucre "take one for the team" this week by pretending to be gay and trying to seduce some guy named Scuderi in Las Vegas for a chance to get his version of Scylla wasn't enough to make it interesting ...To watch or just get a quick written recap, visit

Over on ABC, Misty May-Treanor confirmed that she's out for the season on Dancing with the Stars, taking beautiful partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy with her :( Misty apparently ruptured her left Achilles tendon while practicing the Jive on Friday. But at least they didn't bring back trainwreck Kim Kardashian to take her place, which leads me to believe that at the end of tonight's results show (9 p.m.) the judges will not send anybody home.

Misty & Maksim

Before Prison Break, I got a chance to catch up on the full episode from Sunday of CBS' Amazing Race. Only two episodes in and I still love this show! The cat fighting is just starting between the teams and an alliance has already formed between newly dating Terrence and Sarah and separated Ken and Tina. The action picked up where last week left off in Salvador, Brazil, where teams started off exactly 12 hours after they finished the day before. Given their first clue, all teams had to travel to Fortaleza, Brazil, where they completed a Detour by either Beach It or Docket. All but one team, best friends, Mark and Bill, chose to Beach It, with divorcees Kelly and Christy showing off their brains, by combining tasks of both challenges and totally missing the point.

Kelly & Christy
Then, after claiming that they learned from this task that it was important to "read the whole clue," they went on to the Roadblock and let their taxi go. The clue specifically said to make sure your taxi waited ...
Mother/Son team Toni and Dallas showed their true colors when they stopped to help a stranded Sarah and Terrence find their taxi. And Mark and Bill lost first place to Ken and Tina in a foot race to the Pit Stop, leading to the remark, "I'm so glad it's come down to a foot race between us and a former pro football player."

Bye-Bye Anthony & Stephanie
Dating couple Anthony and Stephanie were the last team to arrive and host Phil Koeghan delivered the news, "I'm sorry but you've been eliminated from the Race."For more info visit

Although I mentioned watching HBO's vampire drama True Blood yesterday, I didn't take the time to comment. Maybe that's because there wasn't much to comment on. After a promising episode last week, featuring the vampire's leader, the ethereal Eric, this week's drama centered on vampire Bill addressing the "Descendents of the Glorious Dead" meeting at the local church.
Yeah, it was pretty boring. However, by the end, we at least got to see how Bill, himself, was turned into a vampire during the Civil War. To watch or read a recap, visit

True Blood's Bill and Sookie

And speaking of vampire dramas, Moonlight, last season's short-lived vampire-detective drama will be released on DVD Jan. 20. The package will include all 16 episodes. Visit

Cast of Moonlight

Of course, I can't mention vampires without mentioning the much-anticipated film version of the wildly popular Twilight saga. A new trailer for the film, featuring the hottest vampire ever to walk undead among us (Edward Cullen), debuts in theaters this weekend, and should be available on the Internet Thursday night. For info visit the film's official Web site at

Edward Cullen

Tonight TV offers up yet another Presidential Debate (on all the major networks). This time the candidates will be discussing their platforms at Belmont University in Nashville. Enjoy ...

I will be tuning into Bravo at 9 p.m. for the season premiere of the latest in their Real Housewives series ... this time the money-grubbing, so-so fabulous vixens are in Atlanta, Georgia. Described by the NY Post's critic Linda Stasi as "the most sexist, demeaning depiction of women on TV," she goes on to say that this latest incarnation "dives to new depths." - LOVE IT!
I can't stop watching these shallow, guilt-less, broads in whichever way Bravo deems to depict them. And having seen the preview which aired over the summer, this should be interesting ...
Let's see, first we have DeShawn Snow, whose husband, Eric, is a former Philly 76er, who's now caption of the Cleveland Cavaliers. They recently moved to the Atlanta suburb of Alpharetta, Ga., and into a house that's been decorated without her input.
Then there's Kim Zolciak, a self-described "black woman trapped in a white body," who lives in an exclusive gated townshouse community in Duluth, Ga. The mother of two is currently recording an album and gets all her cash from a man she calls "Big Poppa." (BP doesn't want to appear on the show, hence we never actually see him -- smart man.)
Next is Lisa Wu Hartwell. She's actually a savvy businesswoman and easily the most likable of the women. She is married to NFL player Ed and has a real estate firm, clothing lines and models. What she's doing on this show is a mystery to me - Run Lisa, while you still can.
Then there's rivals NeNe Leakes and Sheree Whitfield. NeNe is married to a real estate mogul and spends the show constantly talking about herself and how "classy" she is. She is a very active member of Atlanta society. Sheree is actually not a housewife. She's in the midst of a nasty divorce and isn't giving up until she gets what she deserves ... it remains to be see what that actually will be (be careful what you wish for Sheree). The premiere ep revolves around her birthday party "that is the talk of Atlanta!"For more info visit

My new favorite show isn't on tonight because of the debate, but Fringe will be back next week and thereafter since Fox has officially ordered a full season of 22 episodes!

For those of you, like me, who haven't watched the Sci-Fi channel's latest series yet, an encore of the 2-hr. premiere of Sanctuary will start at 7 p.m. tonight.

And over on FX you can watch the prequel to the biggest movie of 2008 The Dark Knight. The excellent Batman Begins begins at 7 p.m.

The Biggest Loser: Families contestants continue dropping the pounds prior to the debate at 8 p.m. on NBC. And speaking of Biggest Loser, former winner David Fioravanti has been indicted for allegedly trying to scam insurance companies by repeatedly taking out expensive policies on jewelry before and after reporting it stolen.He faces seven counts of insurance fraud and attempted larceny according to the Boston Herald. A poor loser indeed.
For info on the latest season visit

Out on DVD today: M. Night Shymalan's latest, The Happening, starring Mark Wahlberg, is on my agenda for tonight. The premise of this sci-fi flick (which sounds an awful lot like Stephen King's The Mist) and the fact that it was partially filmed in our area, wasn't enough to get me to theater to see it.

Adam Sandler's summer yawn You Don't Mess with the Zohan also bows on DVD today. I'll let you know ...

And Disney's classic Sleeping Beauty makes its Blue-Ray D debut today. Filmed 50 years ago, Sleeping Beauty is the company's first Platinum Edition title to release in the new format. I don't have a Blue-Ray player, so I really can't compare the difference between this and DVD. What do you think?

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