Tide Talk

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Don't drop sports

On and off over the past week, I’ve been watching the Olympics.
Michael Phelps chase for eight for great; the pursuit of gold by the US in basketball is expected and the start of the track and field competition is a blessing. Don’t forget the beach volleyball.
But as the Olympics finally wind down, there’s two things I can’t understand is why baseball and softball are being eliminated as Olympic sports and trampoline and badmitten remain.
Well, Tuesday morning, I got the answer as to why baseball and softball are no longer going to be Olympic sports.
Baseball-wise, the Olympics want “dream teams.” Apparently they want Major League baseball to shutdown for two weeks, or allow their stars to compete in the Olympics.
As a baseball fan, not sure if I like the idea of shutting down the season in the middle of pennant races. Knowing the “powers to be” in baseball,” it will probably happen.
Softball-wise, apparently, the reason is that no one can beat the United States. To me, that’s a poor excuse.
What’s next, not allowing the US to enter the swimming because Phelps won eight gold medals? Or, not allowing the US team of May and Walsh to compete in beach volleyball because no one can beat them?
I wasn’t sure if I liked the US having a “dream team” in men’s basketball. But after listening to reason that the other country were sending their pros, I bought into the idea.
Sometimes I wonder if those in power in the Olympics are just making rules because we are too powerful of a country.
And one thing, before I stop venting about the Olympics. Outside of having to get an atlas out to determine where some of the countries were located, I was taken back a little by the choice of who carried the American flag for the opening ceremonies. The track athlete wasn’t a native American. I heard all the reasons, etc. I don’t really care. We are the United States of America and an American should have carried the flag, not a transplant!
Yes, I am a proud American!

Odds and ends...

• Larry Bowa, the real Phillies’ manager returns home this weekend.
But I will still wear my Charlie Manuel t-shirt (50th birthday gift), perhaps with a sign on the back of it.
By the way, I think this is an important home stand for the Phillies and Charlie needs to manage every game like its the last game of the season.

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