Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Marvel adapts "Where's Waldo" into series of movies

Nick Fury's incognito appearance was pretty big nerd news to Iron Man movie goers. But now I gotta go back and watch this stinking movie again because apparently there's ANOTHER tucked away cameo buried in the film, from yet ANOTHER Avenger...

Well, sorta.

And looks like he'll be showing up (again, sorta) in the Hulk, as will Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark.

I wonder if we can attribute any big hammers or lightning bolts in either movie as Thor cameos?

It's total Where's Waldo.

All I've gotta say is that Marvel taking the leather reigns to make their movies on their own dollar is the best thing to happen to geeks in decades. Avengers unite!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You need a hero!

It's easy to wander off and get historically lost in superhero oblivion right now, what with all the comic books and super heroes being adapted into movies right now. But it's okay, don't panic! I'm your friendly neighborhood superhero heroin, here to keep you up to speed.

Here is the latest in supehero movie productions this year.

Iron Man - In theaters May 2. (You can expect 2 sequels, and Downey Jr. says he'll do 15 sequels)
The Incredible Hulk - In theaters June 13 (aka Ed Norton vs Marvel Studios)
Hell Boy 2 (The Golden Army) - In theaters July 11 (I'll pass).
The Dark Knight - In theaters, July 18 (aka the comic book movie that's gonna deserve some Oscars)
Punisher: War Zone - December 5 (aka the Punisher movie that isn't gonna be half as good as the Thomas Jane one)
The Spirit - In theaters Jan 8, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Currently filming, set for May, 2009 (you can expect a sequel to this prequel, and another spin off or two: Gambit, Magneto, Deadpool)
Watchmen - In theaters March 6, 2009 (I premise that it will be wicked wild good)
Captain America - Being written, slated for 2009. (As a marketing guru, I'd imagine release date is July 4.)
Justice League Mortal - In writing limbo, but slated for 2010. (supposed to produce lots of Spin offs, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern
The Man of Steel - slated for 2010, "Superman Returns" sequel. Because DC comic movies don't use numbers in titles.
The Flash - coming in the coming years, meant to be a spin off of the Justice League flick
The Avengers - It will probably be after The Iron Man trilogy concludes, but is supposed to be wicked good. So maybe sometime in the next decade?

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