Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You need a hero!

It's easy to wander off and get historically lost in superhero oblivion right now, what with all the comic books and super heroes being adapted into movies right now. But it's okay, don't panic! I'm your friendly neighborhood superhero heroin, here to keep you up to speed.

Here is the latest in supehero movie productions this year.

Iron Man - In theaters May 2. (You can expect 2 sequels, and Downey Jr. says he'll do 15 sequels)
The Incredible Hulk - In theaters June 13 (aka Ed Norton vs Marvel Studios)
Hell Boy 2 (The Golden Army) - In theaters July 11 (I'll pass).
The Dark Knight - In theaters, July 18 (aka the comic book movie that's gonna deserve some Oscars)
Punisher: War Zone - December 5 (aka the Punisher movie that isn't gonna be half as good as the Thomas Jane one)
The Spirit - In theaters Jan 8, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Currently filming, set for May, 2009 (you can expect a sequel to this prequel, and another spin off or two: Gambit, Magneto, Deadpool)
Watchmen - In theaters March 6, 2009 (I premise that it will be wicked wild good)
Captain America - Being written, slated for 2009. (As a marketing guru, I'd imagine release date is July 4.)
Justice League Mortal - In writing limbo, but slated for 2010. (supposed to produce lots of Spin offs, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern
The Man of Steel - slated for 2010, "Superman Returns" sequel. Because DC comic movies don't use numbers in titles.
The Flash - coming in the coming years, meant to be a spin off of the Justice League flick
The Avengers - It will probably be after The Iron Man trilogy concludes, but is supposed to be wicked good. So maybe sometime in the next decade?

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Spiderman's Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Well, Marvel comics uprooted the hearts of comic book nerds all over the world recently by wiping away Spiderman's marriage to Mary Jane Watson.

Even though Parker and the love of his life never married in the trilogy of blockbuster movies, they have been married in the ongoing comic books since tieing the knot in 1989. That is, until the recent issue, #545, when their marriage was wiped from the slate--and not from divorce, but from the demon lord, Mephisto.

But if you ask me, all the upheaval and complaining about this turn in the storyline is totally stupid and selfish, unlike the choice Pete and MJ make in the issue. Fanboys are making it sound like Marvel just up and forgot they were married. No sir! It's a great turn in the Spidey saga. Mary Jane and the Webbed Crusader make a pact with Mephisto to save Aunt May's life. But to save her life, they have to agree to allow Mephisto to wipe all memory of their relationship from their minds. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind much?

I say it's the perfect illustration of love AND heroism. It shows complete selflessness on Pete and MJ's side. And besides, it's PETE AND MARY JANE WATSON. He's obviously going to pine over her and fight valiantly for her love and affection yet again. This means they get to be young and affectionately nerdy and dramatic again. Which means we can finally relate to Spiderman once more, because let's face it--most fellas reading comic books aren't getting married any time soon.

Read more about it here.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Top 5 Guide To The Winter Blues

Some call it "the winter blues." I call it ENTERTAINMENT CATCHUP TIME!

Now that it's finally dropped below 60 degrees this week, we can be reminded that it's January and we're being slowly drug into the harsh biting belly of winter. And you know what that means? It means I stop going to the gym. I cut all social ties. Instead, I bask in the warmth of my bedroom watching DVDs and playing video games while forgetting what it means to interract with others, but make up for it by living the lives of countless others in their much more exciting stories. Don't fight it! Embrace it! Then when spring comes, you can chit chat with your friends about all these neato movies and books and they'll wonder where you get the time to take in all this stuff.

So for this week, here's the top 5 things we'll be scening and hearding here at Scene And Heard HQ quite frequently throughout the rest of winter's frosty days.

5. Rolling Stone, Cover To Cover

It's the digital archive library of Rolling Stone, from the first issue up through last May. Ever'body must get Stoned! This will, no doubt, keep me busy, as I look up random artists and then read up on everything about them that was ever printed in the Stone.

4. Elliott Smith catalog
Other than Mr. Smith, is there a voice out there in the music ether as frost-bitten as it is warm and comforting? No sir! It's beauty that hurts! And if you ask me, that's what winter is all about. So, I'll spend countless hours listening to Figure 8, Either/Or, and last year's New Moon, not being totally sure whether he's melting my ice or freezing my bones, and being totally cool with that.

3. Little Miss Sunshine
You can choose from millions of movies to watch this winter. But are there are any comedies as warm and loveable as this one? Naw, doubt it.

2. Kevin Smith-a-thon
While View Askew is currently filming a new flick starring Seth Rogen called "Zach and Miri Make A Porno" and planning for ANOTHER FILM later this year, things are shaping up quite well for us Smith fans. So what better way to prepare than by brushing up on our Jay And Silent Bob Quotes by running through the View Askew Universe in chronological order? Started watching Clerks last night as matter fact. Jersey Girl not included.

1. Holy Heroes, Batman!-a-thon
It can't be a coincidence that heroes have come roaring back in a big way this decade. We need to be saved in a lot of ways. Music, politics, writers strikes, wars, terror attacks, illegal downloading, school shootings, etc. And as far as comic book nerds go, it seems their entire nerdiverse is being adapted into movies and games. So to prepare for hot anticipations like Iron Man, The Dark Knight, and The can bet I'll be perusing it all. From watching season one of Heroes, to slashing through all the Xmen games as Wolverine on Playstation, to watching all the movies...good and bad. I'll even put myself through Batman & Robin, because what's chillier than The Schwartzenattor as Mr. Freeze?

"Allow me to break the ice. My name is Freeze. Learn it well. For it's the chilling sound of your doom."

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