Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey bub, x-actly which mutants are in this Wolverine movie? (and fun with "ex" words)

I'm X-tremely X-cited. Heck, I'm X-static! And you should know X-actly what I'm talking about.

Even though I've given up on bothering with any of the television MTV is responsible for these days, I've become a habitual reader of their well-informed and lovingly written entertainment blogs. Particularly the Movies Blog and the Splash Page.

But today, they really upped their stock in the nerd hearts of us entertainment fiends by unveiling the premiere of the final trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie.

I thought it would be just another 30-second commercial short with recycled footage--but holy f-bomb! This sucker looks more and more like it's finally the X-men movie the world has so long craved. Take a gander at those Gambit and Deadpool scenes! They look x-ceedingly x-cellent. And...a guy with 'radiant' eyes?! Cyclops?! Is that you??? What are you doing in Wolverine's trailer?!

Sure, it's looked awesome in the previous trailers we've seen (and we've seen quite a few)--but this new behemoth of a sneak-peak has sent our heads rolling. Frankly, it seems we got more mutants and X-men in this sucker than we saw in the original X-Men trilogy! And it's all those rad mutants that weren't in those first round of compromised X-Men movies.

Let's do the roll call based on what we've seen in trailers so far. Here are the mutants who appear to be in this Wolvie movie.

Wolverine--um, duh.

Victor Creed/Sabertooth--And he doesn't look like a blumbering idiot for once. I'm impressed.

Gambit--sure to be a screen stealer, particularly since he never showed up in the original X-Men flicks.

Deadpool (and/or Weapon XI)--another sure-to-be scene stealer. And if that fugly looking red dude in this trailer is Deadpool after he gets all nastied up, well, this movie is gonna be The Dark Knight of X-men movies, no doubt. (Or maybe the nasty looking foe is not Deadpool, but the mysterious Weapon XI. OR! Perhaps...Weapon XI IS Deadpool???)

Cyclops...wait, what did you just say?--That's right. I don't know many other dudes who wear red shades to cover up a set of shiny, nuked out pupils. A pleasant surprise, though I'm guessing he doesn't run into Wolvie (just S-Tooth).

Charlie from Lost!--Well, I don't think I've seen him in the trailers or in any pictures, but Dominic Monaghan (see also, the hobbit I look most like) has been confirmed to play some muto-chump named Barnell Bohusk.

The Blob--Speaking of Lost, you remember that a-hole Keamy who shot our beloved Alex dead? Well he's gone Eddie Murphy and become a mutant now--a big, disgusting, blubbering one who seems to have a fancy for boxing. Yeah, that big guy in the previously seen trailers is actually the same actor.

Emma Frost--w00t!

Will.I.Am.--never thought I'd see a Black Eyed Pea in an X-men movie, but stranger things have happened. Here he's Kestral, which makes him like Nightcrawler--but without the ugly blue face and tail.

Storm?--we've seen a toddler Storm in the first trailer, but it sounds as if her scene was pulled from the final cut.

More?--And with all the mutants that Wolvie seems to be freeing in this movie, I'd say we can expect a few more morsels of cameos & fan favs here and there. Is it too much of a stretch to think we'll even see a Captain America appearence in one of these wars that Logan fights in?

For pictures of some of these jokers--cheers.

X-Men: Wolverine hits theaters May 1. Get X-cited.

And while we're on the subject, any other good "ex" words where we can sub in an "x" while talking about this movie? x-ceptional? x-animate? x-orsism? x-cept?

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You need a hero!

It's easy to wander off and get historically lost in superhero oblivion right now, what with all the comic books and super heroes being adapted into movies right now. But it's okay, don't panic! I'm your friendly neighborhood superhero heroin, here to keep you up to speed.

Here is the latest in supehero movie productions this year.

Iron Man - In theaters May 2. (You can expect 2 sequels, and Downey Jr. says he'll do 15 sequels)
The Incredible Hulk - In theaters June 13 (aka Ed Norton vs Marvel Studios)
Hell Boy 2 (The Golden Army) - In theaters July 11 (I'll pass).
The Dark Knight - In theaters, July 18 (aka the comic book movie that's gonna deserve some Oscars)
Punisher: War Zone - December 5 (aka the Punisher movie that isn't gonna be half as good as the Thomas Jane one)
The Spirit - In theaters Jan 8, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Currently filming, set for May, 2009 (you can expect a sequel to this prequel, and another spin off or two: Gambit, Magneto, Deadpool)
Watchmen - In theaters March 6, 2009 (I premise that it will be wicked wild good)
Captain America - Being written, slated for 2009. (As a marketing guru, I'd imagine release date is July 4.)
Justice League Mortal - In writing limbo, but slated for 2010. (supposed to produce lots of Spin offs, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern
The Man of Steel - slated for 2010, "Superman Returns" sequel. Because DC comic movies don't use numbers in titles.
The Flash - coming in the coming years, meant to be a spin off of the Justice League flick
The Avengers - It will probably be after The Iron Man trilogy concludes, but is supposed to be wicked good. So maybe sometime in the next decade?

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