Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Five Fights We'd Pay To See

I was perusing around on some fellow blogs and came across a post that compared Fight Club's illustrious Tyler Durden to American Psycho's Patrick Bateman. And my first thought was, which one of these dudes would kick the innards out of the other, and would the results change if they were given chainsaws and dynamite?

So this week, is the week of the fiercest battles to never happen, because they would easily shred the fabric of the universe to scraps, and that would be the end of us all. Screw Alien Vs Predator! That's toddler fodder now. We'll cross parallel universes, and pit savage beasts from different dimensions against one another and offer no mercy. No one is safe! Leave your thoughts on who takes all the chips in the comments.

E.T. Vs. Johnny 5 (the vengeful version from Short-Circuit 2's climax)
--officiated by Super Mario
While both are loveable creatures of the 80s, this is not a fight to miss. Neither one wants to fight, but on the inside, they are pure-bred war machines. ET is an alien, so he obviously wants to eat people. And Johnny was created to be a tactical war machine, hellbent on defeating all enemies in his path. One heals cuts with the touch of his glowing finger, the other has a nuclear cannon on his shoulder. When push comes to shove, this one could be the nastiest fight ever recorded.

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Vs. The Cloverfield Monster (officiated by Rudy Guillini circa 2001)
Both hate people, but both want to make loud noises and be responsible for earth crunching explosions. One is a cartoony ghost, one is a wierd ugly thing. Both are crazed lunatics. Evacuate New York now, because Godzilla and Mothra's destruction in Tokyo is gonna look like a child's whimper compared to the havoc that's about to wreaked.

Marty McFly & The Doc Vs. Neo & Morpheus Vs. The Wyld Stallyns
TWO Keanu Reaves in one fight? Can you say WHOA? He can! You know it's gonna get nasty. Even tho Neo and Morpheus are the most skilled fighters here, they can't travel through time like the other 2 tag teams here. The Doc and Marty seem to have the upper hand since they got a flux capacitor, quick wits, a talented guitarist, and a wild-eyed scientist in tow, but Bill & Ted have also outsmarted Satan himself before melvening Death. So the outcome is anyone's guess, and it's likely there will be a few time and actor paradoxes, so we'll all end up ceasing to exist in the end. WICKED!

Animal (The Muppet) Vs. The Zombie Sheep (from Black Sheep) (officiated by Mike Tyson)
Essentially this becomes a battle between Jim Henson's workshop and Peter Jackson's workshop. We pit the wild zaney eyed-albeit child friendly-mental institute escapee nut job against sheep that eat people. Hyper-Rabies vs. ADHD. Yikes!

Hillary Clinton Vs. The Dark Lord Sauron (officiated by Eric Cartman of South Park)
One of the front-runners for our next presidential election vs. the Adolf Hitler of Middle Earth. I would never underestimate what either of these creatures are capable of, and would advise everyone to fear the absolute worst with these two glaring into each others eyes. Evil has a new name.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chew On This

Why didn't anyone TELL ME another Chuck Palahniuk film was being adapted into a movie!? While I've never felt any of his dark and twisted satires could work nearly as well in film as Fight Club did, I've always wanted to see more of his demented stories turned into sights anyway. Especially since I liked the film version of Fight Club more than the book.

Well, later this summer, "Choke" will make it's way onto the big screen with Sam Rockwell starring as the story's tragic center--Victor Mancini.

If you aren't familiar with the story, Victor is a historical re-enactor by day and a faker at night. He goes to expensive restaurants and forces himself to choke on food to be saved by rich fellow diners who then take him under their wing. At it's heart, its a dark comedy about wanting to be 'saved' and the hunger for attention--which is classic Palahniuk fodder.

Is it destined to find a spot on the cult classic shelf next to "Fight Club"? It doesn't illustrate a generation vs. the enslaving advertising culture like Tyler Durden and Project Mayhem did, but it's got some solid chops of it's own about the relationship between a son and his mother and how it affects him.

For some stills from the movie, here ya are.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

YouTube Mondays

I was bored on Saturday and dug Fight Club out of the vaults to watch it for the first time in a while. I almost forgot how much that movie rocks my bones. So without further adieu, I give you DANCE Club.

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