Saturday, May 31, 2008
Mature woman seeks job
Set him free
Free ride
Street smarts
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Drunk biking
BackTalk tearjerker
Rock the college vote
Take in your trash
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Losing site
Loose tooth
Cruel world
Slow road to efficiency
Sad memorial
Ahead of the Times
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Votes that count
Don't let 'em out
Guv's grooming
Unsafe streets
Hi, Ed, L.A. Parker is finally telling it like it is in his May 15 column. We’re not safe to walk day or night in Trenton and it’s sad because this is the capital city. It’s a total disgrace. Trentonians, get off your backsides and do something! I’m tired of paying taxes for nothing.
Scared Pedestrian
Are you doing anything to set an example or just yelling at your fellow Trentonians?—Ed. Note
Friday, May 23, 2008
Bend the rules
No thugs in the service
Good morning, Ed, we always hear people saying all the low-life gang bangers should be put into the Army and sent off to Iraq. As somebody who saw combat operations, this is the last thing anybody should suggest. Who would want to depend on these useless, lazy, ignorant and just plain stupid individuals in a war zone? To be in the Army one must have respect for themselves and others, intelligence and discipline. These people don’t even have souls.
Sgt. Standards
Besides, you can’t maneuver on a battlefield with your pants pulled down below your butt.—Ed. Note
Ship him out
Bad gamble
'Trained' to critique art
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The corrupt needy
I’m with you on the Escalade, but I wouldn’t penalize a poor person who cares about her appearance enough to groom her hair and wear jewelry. The size of earrings does not indicate their value.—Ed. Note
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
More squirrel trouble
Try a hardware store.—Ed. Not
Friday, May 16, 2008
Federal presence
Gang distinction
Show of flesh
Can't win
Nice threads
Ed, I’d like to commend The Trentonian on the great article about Tony the Tailor in Chambersburg. I live out of town and I come all the way to Tony. He’s a great businessman and he knows his stuff. It was great to see something nice in the paper. Good job.
You can’t underestimate the value of a fine tailor. As ZZ Top said, “Every girl’s crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man.”—Ed. Note
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A few good men
Tough on the ears
Angry at Angry Lady!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mary needs help
More on cop addicts
Cop addicts
Where's Doug?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Union talk
Cop talk
Cat missing
Success story
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about your story about ex-felons working with juvenile offenders. People do their time for their crimes, get out of prison and have to prove themselves to society, which Francine Williams did as a productive citizen in our society. We often talk of those ex-felons who don’t make it, get reincarcerated and soak up tax dollars. But we’re going to take time from our busy schedules to talk about someone who has made it? That’s a front page story? Francine Williams did her time, got out 17 years ago and made it in this society. We should be praising her for becoming a productive member of society and for rising above her troubled past, not bashing her for it.
I can see where you’re coming from, but if you don’t see the news value in a former felon gaining the top post at a correctional institution, then that’s why we’re in our business and you do whatever you do.— Ed. Note
Success story
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about your story about ex-felons working with juvenile offenders. People do their time for their crimes, get out of prison and have to prove themselves to society, which Francine Williams did as a productive citizen in our society. We often talk of those ex-felons who don’t make it, get reincarcerated and soak up tax dollars. But we’re going to take time from our busy schedules to talk about someone who has made it? That’s a front page story? Francine Williams did her time, got out 17 years ago and made it in this society. We should be praising her for becoming a productive member of society and for rising above her troubled past, not bashing her for it.
I can see where you’re coming from, but if you don’t see the news value in a former felon gaining the top post at a correctional institution, then that’s why we’re in our business and you do whatever you do.— Ed. Note
Where’s his priorities?
We would’ve been impressed had the Rev. Sharpton gone down to Philly to memorialize the police officer killed with an assault weapon last week. Maybe he was primping his hair to get ready for his arrest in NYC.
— Ed. Note
Par for the course
Would someone from the county please step up to the first tee and address the MVGC issues we’ve been hearing about lately?
— Ed. Note
Calling out county exec
Angry duffer
A top-notch university AND golf course? P’shaw.
— Ed. Note
Bush’s reserves
It’s good to be king.
— Ed. Note
Cancer car and cops
OK, who called the cops to have this cancer-fund car towed? Was the car parked illegally? Had it been parked there for months?
— Ed. Note
Friday, May 9, 2008
Flower child?
No, Benci’s probably just using the plants to redecorate his office.— Ed. Note
Put on notice
He's got your keys
OK BackTalkers, which of you lost a set of seven keys?— Ed. Note
Fore shame!
How are we ever going to get Tiger Woods to play Mountain View if the county can’t keep the darn dandelions off the greens?— Ed. Note
Golf wives revolt?
If this doesn’t spur the county into restoring the course, wives throughout central Jersey will revolt.— Ed. Note
Monday, May 5, 2008
Web search
Metal mongers
Santiago saga
Garden shame
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Suck it up
Conflict of interest
Friday, May 2, 2008
Another primary
Hot air, cold facts
Hidden charges
Subsidized travel
Squirrel trouble
Thursday, May 1, 2008