Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bad and Worse

Ed, I hope that this message will be an eye opener for voters in November. Our governor has made a lot of mistakes, he has lied, and the taxes are horrible. But I want you to think when you are about ready to push the button or pull the lever. Just remember that Chris Christie thought he was above the U.S. Senate when he walked out on them. It looks like he thinks he has power over everything. Bad move, bad move.
I. Opener
Daggett, anyone?—Ed. Note

Tax & Spend

Ed, candidate Chris Christie was on a New Jersey radio station live recently. Someone called in about her mother who was 90 years old and was paying $9,000 in property taxes for a small home. She didn’t say what area it was in. That tells us senior citizens that the older we get the more taxes we are going to pay under the present administration. We have to do something and get this Corzine out of office. This tax-and-spend business has got to stop. I am voting for Chris Christie based on what I heard him say recently, and I hope everyone else does too.
He said something?—Ed. Note

Lower Taxes?!

Ed, Obama wants people to vote for Corzine for governor for another four years. The reason, Obama says, is that Corzine is lowering New Jersey taxes. I would like to meet one person who has had his property taxes lowered. This is a fallacy. Since Corzine has been in office he has raised the sales tax, not to mention raising taxes on lottery winnings over $10,000, and he has raised the motor vehicle taxes too. Four more years? Let’s put somebody else in there.
Hope for Change
Good luck.—Ed. Note

Footing The Bill

Ed, I could understand President Obama coming to New Jersey and campaigning for Gov. Corzine. I want to know who is picking up the tab for this? Is it the Democratic Party or the taxpayers?
The Dems might pay for the hors d’oeuvres. The Secret Service bill? That’s on you.—Ed. Note

Monday, October 26, 2009

Reaching On High

Ed, this is a longtime parishioner of Holy Angels Church, South Broad Street, Hamilton. We have a painter who is currently painting our church windows frames but he can only reach up to the second-story windows. We have a four-story building and are in need of a bucket truck for the painter to use. If you can help us out contact Father Jeff at the church (609) 585-7049.
Up There
Whose got a bucket? —Ed. Note

Start Castrating

Ed, I was shocked to see that there was 75 registered sex offenders within a 5-mile radius of that little girl’s home in Florida. Just imagine. You don’t think something is going to happen? Look it up, people; be afraid for your children. The country has to stop pacifying these molesters. They have to start castrating them. They would have no more reason to molest kids then. Let’s stop being the bleeding hearts of America. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” It is about time we got back to the basics.
Basic Plan
Parents should be afraid. And they should research the sex offender registry and find out who’s in their neighborhood. Castration seems more barbaric than “basic,” but you’re right — it would be effective. —Ed. Note

Tank Disposal

Ed, since your readers are always so helpful with their opinions and advice I was wondering if they can tell me where I can get rid of one of these 20-pound propane tanks for the gas grill. Wherever I call to take them they are charging money to do it. The township dump does not take them for free anymore. I want to know where I can get rid of them for free like we did in the past. Multiply my problem by a whole township of people and you are going to find propane tanks all over the township.
I think the idea is to refill them. —Ed. Note

Nice Guy, Wrong Candidates

Ed, I read the BackTalk article about Kostas Petris, the independent candidate for governor. He is a wonderful guy, but he has no plan, and no law degree. It would be like putting him in a shark tank; they would chew him up in a matter of seconds. The Republicans are dishonest. Kostas is honest to the core. He would never ever last in politics. Kostas, go get a law degree and have somebody on your independent ticket party that can run with you. Good thing you are running a restaurant because I don’t think you could run this state. Like I said, you would be eaten up alive.
Day Job
Just so we’re clear, only dishonest lawyers can be in power. —Ed. Note

Friday, October 23, 2009

Give Back The Bird

Ed, someone stole a parrot from my home in Bordentown last Thursday night (Oct. 15). I am offering a reward of $1,500 for her safe return. You can call (609) 298-9283. If you have her, please return her to me. Leave her on my front porch, there is a cage there. Please, please, please return her to me.
D. Feathered
There’s a special place in hell for parrotnappers. Give it back or suffer eternal damnation.—Ed. Note

No Girls Allowed

Ed, this weekend I went to the mall to a few men’s stores to look for some new clothes. I was in the men’s dressing room trying things on. First of all, Mommie, your 17-year-old son does not need you to come into the dressing room area and stand outside your door to see what you are wearing. Real men do not need their mothers or their wives to come into the dressing room and watch you pose in the hallway or the entryway. You women are taking up room and getting in the way. Stay out of where you don’t belong.
Behind the Curtain
Depends on the man. I happen to have an impeccable sense of style, but many men are clueless when it comes to dressing for success. Besides, it’s exhilarating to have women milling around the men’s dressing room.—Ed. Note

Tender Harvest

Ed, Hi this is Mary of Tender Hearts. Just wanted to let your readers know we are going to be part of the Fall Harvest Festival sponsored by the Hamilton Recreation Department this Sunday from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. at Kuser Park. Please bring canned goods with you to donate so we can use them in gift baskets for the upcoming holidays.
Your heard her, people. Do the right thing. Get your cans to the festival.—Ed. Note


Ed, I am calling in regards to the the insufficient people who work for DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services). DYFS should be dismantled and reconstructed with intelligent people who have feelings for children. They hurt more kids than they help. One top person in DYFS called trying to get information on a child that was fostered a year and a half ago. She did not know who had the child, or where the child lived, or the name of the foster mom. She kept on asking questions. I would not give her any information. I said, don’t you have a file on this child? Then I said, give me your name and number. God help our kids.
Hmmm. Intelligent people. With feelings. You’re asking for a lot there. —Ed. Note

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Candidates Speak

Ed, I just wanted to comment on Jeff’s column in Sunday’s paper, Oct. 18. Yes, the political scene in New Jersey is in a very sad state. It does not matter who wins the election; it will still take a long time to clean up this corrupt and taxed state. However, I really liked what you guys did with the people running for South Ward. Everyone stated who they were, and the plans they would like to enact, with some general idea of how they were going to get there. Maybe you guys can get all three gubernatorial candidates to do that without any smear tactics and then maybe we would have a clearer picture of all the candidates. Well, here’s hoping, anyway.
The South Ward: an exemplar of civility.—Ed. Note

Better Than Corzine

Ed, when leadership is described, one believes it is the trait of an individual who can analyze the issues, look at various viewpoints and develop a consensus with which all considered can live. However, when we think of Gov. Corzine there is a man who is a dedicated liberal who cannot abide the opinions of others and is determined to have his way. That is not true leadership. In the debate about state spending our governor is guilty of budgetary malpractice. The voters can do better.
Not Led Properly
According to opinion and election polls, the voters agreed with you — they thought they could do better! — until they watched Christie campaign. Now voters who feel pretty much the same way you do are willing to hold their noses and reluctantly go for Corzine. —Ed. Note

Unpopular Plan

Ed, analysts who are neutral and have no ax to grind have been telling us that the proposed government takeover of the nation’s health care system is unpopular and politically perilous and that the plan is not only hugely expensive but also unattractive and fraught with risk. President Obama’s self-imposed criteria is that the plan be deficit-neutral. However, the nonpartisan congressional budget office has told him that it will cost many billions of dollars, which this country simply does not have. The only alternative would be massive government borrowing.
Debt Ridden
If you haven’t noticed, the administration has no qualms with “massive government borrowing.” —Ed. Note

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Benefit Stealers

Ed, I am calling about the unemployment benefit extension. Before they do this they need to take time to see who the people are that are receiving unemployment benefits. I can personally name three people off the top of my head who are receiving benefits unlawfully. I can’t receive benefits myself and my disability is running out. I am sure that almost everyone out there can name a person who is receiving benefits, and they should not be. I know people who are sitting back and getting benefits every two weeks. It absolutely enrages me.
Doubting Benefits
This calls for a tipster hotline. —Ed. Note

Keep The Cash Here

Ed, I am totally disgusted with the current administration. I believe President Obama has put a slap in the face of senior citizens by offering them $250 extra when he just signed a bill to give $7.5 million to Pakistan. If they have this kind of money to give to Pakistan, why can’t they give the money to senior citizens who are striving every day with health benefits in this country and having a tough time now?
D. Sgusted
First of all, you mean $7.5 billion, so you should be 1,000 times more upset than you are. But it’s all China’s money anyway; does that make you feel better? —Ed. Note

Sign Posters

Ed, In response to Mayor Bencivengo taking down political signs on public property. I have to apologize; me and a group of my friends have been putting signs all over town. We have been so excited to have been able to vote for people who are not little clones of Bencivengo we can’t wait to run him out of town.
Benci Basher No. 32
Well, try to contain yourselves. But thanks for the visual; “little clones” ... I’m picturing a team of miniature identical Bencivengos running around Hamilton — like elves. They could probably get a lot done. —Ed. Note

Too hot for this town

Ed, I am calling about the front page of your paper with that photo of John Holliday, former Playgirl Magazine Man of the Year. You should tell that guy not to worry because he is way too good looking to be in Robbinsville.
Eye Candy
Be nice. There are plenty of attractive people in Robbinsville. —Ed. Note

Monday, October 19, 2009

Council Stands Up

Ed, I would like to say kudos to Annette Lartigue and Manny Segura for finally standing up to the administration at the last council meeting. It is about time somebody started paying attention because this city is a mess and needs improvement.
Take A. Stand
So the council is growing a backbone? Perhaps still in the cartilage stage, but evidence of an evolving vertebrate.—Ed. Note

Good Luck, Dog Doc

Ed, I would also like to wish veterinarian Dr. Smith a happy retirement. When I would take my dog there I would worry that I might be getting a big old bill, but no, Dr. Smith would just come out and tell me to give the dog two Bufferin or he would bring out what I called a magic tonic and reassure me that the dog would be OK. I wish him all the best of luck. We are really going to miss him We have been taking out pets to him for probably 30 years. Dr. Smith if you read this, good luck to you.
Lucky Dog
“Dr. Smith’s Magic Tonic.” I could use a swig of that right now. —Ed. Note

Christie-Daggot Combination

Ed, if Chris Christie is seriously interested in becoming governor of New Jersey, he should make Chris Daggett his lieutenant governor and running mate. Granted, they would make strange bedfellows, but the two of them together can easily win the election. Sign me.
“Dump Corzine”
Well, it’s a little late for that. But if we’re talking hindsight, what about a Daggett ticket with Christie as No. 2? As for bedfellows, something tells me Christie would hog the covers.—Ed. Note

Don't Gimme Shelter

Ed, I am a longtime Ewing Township resident. I can’t understand why they are planning to build a new animal shelter when they don’t use all of the shelter they have now. I have been in that building a few times. They could use parts of that building they haven’t touched. It is a waste of taxpayers’ money. My neighborhood has 15 houses up for sale or under foreclosure. But they are wasting our tax money like that for a new building. The only reason I had to use their services recently was when I called them to get a dead racoon out of a tree at my house.
Don’t you know that cats are people, too? Sure, they don’t pay taxes, but animal activists have evidence that cats are two times smarter, and four times more important, than human people. You are obviously an ignorant cat hater. —Ed. Note

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ed, I would like to comment on “Landlord Blues” about the landlord on Lalor Street. I used to rent a room in that place about nine or 10 years ago. It was a slum back them. Those rooms were already divided up. It was horrible. I wasn’t working then. Thank God I got a job and I own my own house now. That landlord is full of it.
Moving on Up
You were lucky enough to move on. How about becoming a landlord yourself? Set a proper example.—Ed. Note

Peace Prez

President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and Americans are not only pleased but also surprised because our president is still getting his feet wet when it comes to foreign affairs and our place on the global stage. When our enemies applaud us, however, it gives us pause because Cuba’s communist dictator, Fidel Castro, has said some nice things about our president and he has never before said anything positive about any American or America.
You’re wise to be wary of praise from a suspicious source. You might also question whether the agenda of the Nobel committee is perfectly aligned with that of America.—Ed. Note


Ed, on Sunday, Oct. 11, page 10, you had a photo you identified as the rapper Ice-T. It was not Ice-T it was Ice Cube. Get it right, Trentonian. You’re beautiful, we love ya.
Iced ID
Just testin’ ya.—Ed. Note

Dirty Signs

Ed, the Democratic candidates for Hamilton Council are always playing dirty. They have their signs on the right-of-way like Hamilton Avenue going up to I-95 north and then on Olden Avenue where the old Buckstone’s is. They know the signs are not to be displayed on a right-of-way. I believe in fairness. Fight clean, get those signs removed or I am going to call the department of transportation.
Driving By
That’s some juicy dirt you’ve got there. —Ed. Note

Monday, October 12, 2009

On Notice

Ed, I would like to express my opinion on a notice that I received in the mail. It was about the election and it came from Linda Greenstein and Wayne DeAngelo. It said that they want corrupt politicians to lose their jobs. I don’t know how you can hold an election this fall. No Democrat or Republican can run for office; they are all corrupt.
Total Recall
What do you want them to say? That corruption is rampant and that’s just the way it is? Get used to it and have a nice day. —Ed. Note

Poll Position

Ed, I am calling to express my opinion about the board of elections. I called the board of elections and asked if I could register to take a training class for the poll workers for the coming election. The woman who answered the phone asked where I lived at and I said Ewing Township. She immediately said there were no openings for Democrats, and the class is full. I told her I had not even said whether I was a Democrat or Republican and she hung up the phone.
Dissed in Ewing
Now that’s just rude. But funny. —Ed. Note

Good Parents

Ed, stop the violence that plagues this generation of children. It is not where or how children are born; there are situations that children are exposed to. Stop blaming the schools, government, or lack of money. The responsibility starts with you, the people who chose to become caretakers. There are some who cannot be classified as parents. Parents instill in their children morals, a good strong work ethic, constructive discipline, respect of self and others. Please let me know how I can become a mentor to children. I do not drive.
Would B. Mentor
Call Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Mercer County at (609) 656-1000. —Ed. Note

Made In America

Ed, I was just reading that GM will be selling Hummer to China. Just what the heck do we make in America that’s a good product? It seems like we import everything in America except paperwork.
Ho Hum
We’re still a leader in pop music. —Ed. Note

Count Your Blessings

Ed, this is in response to “Rebate Racket.” She is complaining about getting a $966 Homestead Rebate check. I would be happy to switch with her. I would be floating on cloud nine if I got a $966 homestead rebate check. I own my own home, I pay my taxes, I live alone and I pay everything myself. I don’t have kids or a spouse so I can’t claim “head of household.” So tell her she should be glad. My rebate check amounted to $313.
That’s Rebatable
Would it be worth it to you to deal with a husband and kids for a year in exchange for $653? Didn’t think so. —Ed. Note

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hamilton Holiday

Ed, who were the morons in Hamilton Township who decided to make the kids go to school for half of the day on Monday, Columbus Day? During a national holiday it might be nice to have the kids home with us parents while we have a day off from work. I hope the Hamilton people get their act together for next year.
Poorly Planned
Speak for yourself. Some people will be delighted to have that half day with no work or kids!—Ed. Note

The Music Died

Ed, how did Hamilton Township have their Septemberfest and Trenton not have their jazz fest? Makes me wonder.
Unrelated events with different circumstances in dissimilar municipalities that happen to share a border. I know you have a point here, but I’m not going to make it for you.—Ed. Note

Dirty Politics

Ed, when Solomon Dwek bounced a $25 million check and was arrested on federal bank fraud charges, he became an FBI informant. It was just another horrible example of the dirty politics in our state. An entire array of pols, mostly Democrats, have been implicated. Dwek offered bribes and made campaign contributions. We should not be surprised that it is more or less accepted that giving money and influencing politicians is pretty much one and the same thing.
“Just Asking”
Who said they were surprised?—Ed. Note

Prosecution Rests

Ed, after JoeBo’s merry men blew the trooper case I have to question their competence. Now that they have blown the Lawrence Township case I have to question their intensions. They really shouldn’t be in business. They are a disgrace to every honest cop in this world. They deserve to be reprimanded for this. It is a sad day in Lawrence Township.
Don’t hang the whole Lawrence fiasco on the prosecutors. Something’s curious with the defendant withholding for 10 months the evidence that would clear him.—Ed. Note

Landlord Blues

Ed, about the fire official who got in trouble because his tenant changed the inside of the building and there was a fire. I have been trying to get this point across to the local fire inspectors for 15 years: If the tenant causes the problem the tenant has to be cited, not the landlord. For example, if a tenant removes the battery from a smoke alarm the landlord gets the warning. I think that the tenant should be cited and fined. As landlords we can’t enter the tenant’s apartment any time we want to inspect things. We must give 24 hours notice to see if the tenant has destroyed any property inside the apartment.
Good ’Lord
Something tells me all the problems at that squalid chicken shack building didn’t arise within 24 hours.—Ed. Note

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beware, Verizon

Ed, everyone who has Verizon for their telephone service should check their bill for a charge of $14.95 for ESBI. It showed up on mine. I called ESBI on their 800 line and they tried to convince me that I had ordered this on the Internet. I had never heard of this company and still do not know what they really do. After a few minutes of hassle, they agreed to remove this charge. Why is Verizon accepting charges from them and passing them on to me and others as part of the Verizon bill? Check your phone bills before paying them.
Sharp Eyes
It’s good advice in genera. Check all your bills carefully. People are getting shafted all the time. Regardless of whether it’s “deliberate,” big companies are making big money every day off lax customers. —Ed. Note

Ever notice that ...

Ed, Have you noticed that there are rarely any Chinese, Japanese or Indian names listed in the obituary column. Ever think about why that is? And have you noticed that the only people you see doing dangerous things like swimming with alligators or handling poisonous snakes are white people? Nobody else does that. Ever think about that?
Andy Rooney
Nope. I never think about that. I just think about how fun it is to say “Dag.” —Ed. Note

Dag is good

Ed, I think independent gubernatorial candidate Chris Daggett is 110 percent right about one thing: Only an independent can really fix all the problems in the state of New Jersey. Maybe it is time that we do get an independent elected as governor. We really do need a big change. You know what? Mr. Daggett is starting to look pretty good to me.
I kind of like him, too. And I like to call him “Dag.” And I like to say, “Dag is Rad.” Rad as in cool, not rad as in radical. I guess in that case you might as well go with “Dag is Bad.” Bad as in good, not bad as in crappy. That should be his slogan. Dag is bad. And his supporters could be like, “Dag is my dog.” Dog as in good friend, not dog as in dog. This is really working. “I dig Dag, my dog, because Dag is bad and rad.” I think I remember that from a kindergarten learn-to-read textbook. Right after “See Dag run” and “Dag likes Jill.” Yep, losin’ it a little. Moving on ....—Ed. Note

Mail this, buddy

Ed, I was just calling in reference to Jeff Edelstein’s comments about the post office. I am sure he has other options. If he wants to pay a little more he can use UPS if he wants no questions asked. This is not the clerks who work at the post office who are causing him problems; our policies come from management.
You know how they say that people aren’t happy unless they’re complaining? Well that goes triply so for columnists. Don’t take it personally. —Ed. Note