Friday, February 29, 2008
The real issues
Hey, Ed, why are the presidential candidates not talking about black-on-black crime, white-on-white crime, and crime all around? What are they talking about? Afghanistan and Iraq! But what about this country? We’re not worried about terrorists, we’re worried about the fool on the street. What are they going to do about police brutality, police shootings? Something is wrong with this country! Why aren’t you asking these politicians what they’re going to do about American citizens who live in America?
Angry Voter
If they keep telling you you’re worried about terrorism, eventually they’ll be right, right?—Ed. Note
Give a little bit
Hi, Ed, most New Jerseyans don’t mind when the county, state and local governments steal some of their paycheck. They mind when they want to steal all of it.
Did they leave you enough for booze and trashy magazines? That’s all you need. —Ed. Note
Tickets, anyone?
Ed, I’d like to know why there are cars with Pennsylvania license plates parked every night between South Broad and South Clinton Avenue and along the 200, 300 and 400 blocks of Beatty and South Broad, and from the 200 to 300 block of Genessee? Nine out of 10 vehicles have Pennsylvania license plates. Think of all the money Trenton could make issuing tickets to enforce the law.
Sounds like a safe haven for Pennsy plates if anyone’s looking for a parking spot.—Ed. Note
What's the big deal?
Hi, Ed, I can’t be the only one scratching my head, wondering why the Robbinsville mayor had to apologize while in Florida on a business trip about the ant and grasshopper parable entered into the Conservatives With Attitude Web site by the township Economic Development Coordinator Don Gallic. First, it was not racist, it was leftist. Second, it’s a joke. Everyone has to lighten up; laughter is good for your health. Third, whatever happened to freedom of speech? If every time someone got offended, articles got pulled, there would be nothing in print. And also it’s a joke that the president of the local NAACP chapter said the parable was not worth commenting on. I guess that depends on what the meaning of commenting is because he seemed to let us all know his feelings on the situation. Lastly, Mayor David Fried is not the last Republican in New Jersey, and I’m sure I’m not the only reader offended by his apology.
Free Speech
Well, in the time since you’ve written this, Mr. Gallic has resigned. You can blame it on the crushing of free speech, but a lot of us feel Mr. Gallic’s judgment was terribly poor in his choice of “joke.”—Ed. Note
Sunday, February 24, 2008
And therein lies ...
Ed, If Police Director Santiago feels it’s unsafe for him and his family to live in Trenton, then how can I feel safe?
Concerned in T-Town
You can’t.— Ed. Note.
Hizzoner's search
Ed, I see where Palmer says he did an exhaustive search to find a new police director before he hired Santiago. What exhaustive search is he doing to find a new fire director that lives in the city?
Man of questions
Good question. Hizzoner, can you elaborate?— Ed. Note
Wake up, Capt. Sleepy
Hey, Ed, If Mayor Palmer already has a bodyguard 24/7 outside his door, why can’t Joe Santiago have a bodyguard outside his door, too? Maybe they can put Capt. “Sleepy” Messina in a chair, prop him up, pretend like he’s watching.
Ricky Linderman
Isn’t there a video of that posted at— Ed. Note
It's 3 a.m., do you know where your cop is?
Ed, it’s awful funny that the Trenton police can come onto McLean Avenue at 3 a.m. and give out tickets, but when a neighbor calls for help, they can’t come.
I. Rony
That’s because Trenton cops are on the street busting heads and making Trenton a better place to live by nabbing the bad guys. Haven’t you heard? Crime is down in T-Town.— Ed. Note
Sparing young lives
Ed, now that our wonderful governor and the legislators have abolished the death penalty, even for horrendous criminals like Ambrose Harris, how about if those same legislators vote against abortion, where millions of babies are murdered each year before they even have a chance to kill anybody?
Pro Life
Until the law is changed, it is a woman’s right to choose.— Ed. Note
Not the jackass nor the elephant
Hey, Ed Note, I’m sick and tired of the Republican Party as well as the Democratic Party, and I’d like to register as an Independent. Can you tell me how I would go about doing that?
Party Crasher
I’d start by going to the county registrar.— Ed. Note
Hi, Ed, I just found out there’s something in New Jersey called the “gift card act.” We need this because corporations and banks are stealing our money through gift card sales. I had a gift card for $40, and when I went to use it, it was down to $15. You can call the Mercer County Division of Consumer Affairs at (609) 989-6671. We’ve got to get on these people and make them stop stealing our money with these gift cards.
Is it possible someone else in your family used $25 on the card and just didn’t tell you?— Ed. Note
Friday, February 22, 2008
Money for nothing
Hi, Ed, I’d like to know from what government agency is Mayor Palmer’s wife getting the money to build all the affordable assisted-living buildings? I know she’s doing one at Foxmoor and at Lawrence, and she has a couple already. I’d like to know so I can get some money, too.
Empty wallet
I think the rule is you have to get into Hizzoner’s good graces.— Ed. Note
Ed, this is to my fellow New Jerseyans, I just want to let you know that besides taxes, they have surcharges and fees on everything you buy, own or want to buy. For instance, my car insurance went from a $2 yearly surcharge to $24. If you buy a tire in this state, you pay a federal excise tax, a surcharge and a state tax, which comes down to a tax on a tax on a tax. We are now headed for another revolution.
Fifth Beatle
“You say you got a real solutionWell, you knowWe’d all love to see the planYou ask me for a contributionWell, you knowWe’re doing what we canBut when you want money for people with minds that hateAll I can tell is brother you have to wait”— Ed. Note
More on Bulldog Benci
Hey, Ed, there’s never anything negative in your BackTalk column about Bencivengo, and I’d like to know why. His salary is going up and my taxes are going up. Why doesn’t he take a challenge from us senior citizens and lower his pay, lower than Mayor Gilmore’s, and lower his cabinet’s salaries because we’re in such a bad time in Hamilton, we owe so much money. And what about buying all this new equipment? Did they ever hear of fix and repair daily?
How ’bout it, Mayor: Would you and your cabinet members be willing to take a cut in salary? And what about applying some of the windfall in school state aid toward tax relief?— Ed. Note
Benci's "Bulldog" skin
Ed, thank goodness for Bulldog Bencivengo, a mayor tough enough to move forward without wasting his time or ours, catering to political correctness. Sign me a satisfied customer.
Satisfied customer
Bulldog Bencivengo? Hey, it has a nice ring to it. Offers up great headline possibilities, too. Just think: “Bulldog Benci”!— Ed. Note
Charging toward No. 1
Ed, Gov. Corzine in my rankings is the second worst governor in New Jersey’s history, just behind Brendan Byrne, and gathering momentum. No. 3 is Whitman and No. 4 is Florio. Keep up the good work, Gov. Corzine, you’ve got a chance to become the worst governor ever in this state.
Hanging Rank
Not to mention he’d probably be the richest worst governor in state history should he attain that notoriety.— Ed. Note
For which people?
Ed, I was under the impression that government in the United States is by the people and for the people. I suggest that same-sex marriage should be placed on a ballot for everyone to vote on. Why does the governor have his say on this? You notice he wants to wait until after the election to push it through because he knows it’s going to lose. All these important things that he’s doing on his own, like the tolls, it’s so unfair to the people.
Constitutional Scholar
Government in the United States is by the people and for the people ... except when the government determines for “which” people.— Ed. Note
Stop the madness, guv
Ed, I want to tell Gov. Corzine, let’s stop all the bull, huh? Stop putting everything on the public and raising the tolls and everything else. It’s not needed and you know it. Your party made this boondoggle, so why don’t you correct it! Just cut the damn cost of running the state instead of taxing the people every time you turn around. You guys have been doing this for years, and you’ve been getting away with it. If you don’t get your way about the tolls you’re going to threaten us with other taxes. Why don’t you just retire and get out of the business. We don’t need you here in New Jersey.
Fed Up
Fine rant. Care to respond, guv?— Ed. Note
Remembering the birds
Hi, Ed, Tell the woman who saw the large bird in her backyard in Ewing that she shouldn’t be embarrassed and she’s not going crazy. I saw the same bird over here off Lalor Street, and after doing some research, it appears to be is a female eagle. I saw it last week ago, it was actually pulling a squirrel out of a tree to eat it. They are around and they’re making a comeback in Jersey.
Now, if only Andy Reid’s Eagles can show that same spirit and return to the playoffs next year ...— Ed. Note
Start your engines!
Hey, All you NASCAR fans, just come around to Beatty, Genessee (spelling?) or Broad streets and watch the people with the little cars with Pennsylvania license plates as they drive around and chase each other. They have no regard for stop signs or no-turn-on-red signs.
Didn’t you hear: The streets of “T-Town” are a training ground for Talladega and Daytona.— Ed. Note
Rocking 'T-Town'
Ed, for the love of God, stop calling Trenton “T-Town.” It looks so stupid!
Mr. T.
Maybe God likes “T-Town.” Ever thought about asking him (or her)?— Ed. Note
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Right place, right time
Ed, Are Hamiltonians aware that visibly needed repairs in the district’s schools are only made when a school board meeting is scheduled to be held in that building? The Morgan School is the happy winner this month.
Conspiracy theorist
It kind of sounds like Trenton PD’s public ComStat meeting in the West Ward, and how crime numbers in that ward went down drastically the previous week. Conspiracy or reality?— Ed. Note
Smart is as smart does
Ed, Don’t you dare call Mr. Benci an idiot. He has more smarts in his little finger than you have in your whole head. Wouldn’t it be nice if a mayor or governor could come into office and after just one-and-a-half months clean everything up! That would be neat, wouldn’t it? What did you expect, you and the other morons, after a month and a half? Some day you are going to eat your words. My name is Rafe.
Hey, Benci, is that what you’re calling yourself these days?— Ed. Note
Thanks for the notice
Hi, Ed, I’d like to know why, for the fire budget election in Hamilton Township, we residents didn’t get any notification. The only notice we got was through the newspaper. If you guys hadn’t printed it, no one would have known whether to go vote or not. Thanks.
Nose for news
Perhaps Benci has a proper answer to your question. But it’s also a good reason to read The Trentonian every day — we give you the news.— Ed. Note
Overtime over time
Hey, Ed, you can check this out with W-2’s for the state of New Jersey. There’s a bridge engineer who made $428,000 in overtime, claiming he worked from home for his overtime. I guess that’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I’ll tell you, Corzine, I think the inmates are running the asylum known as the state of New Jersey. And he’s just one of many who are doing this with the overtime.
Math teacher
Didn’t you read “The Soprano State”? This bridge engineer is one of the 81 government workers per square mile. But he probably earned every last penny of that $428K, right?— Ed. Note
Benci's Swiss banking
Hey, Ed, this crazy cat, Bencivengo, in Hamilton Township, there was already a law on the books limiting tax hikes to 4 percent, and Corzine just signed a law that it can only be raised 4 percent. Benci is raising the tax 30 percent, claiming we’re $16 million in the hole. Thirty percent of the taxes they are collecting is a lot more than $16 million — it’s $70 million to $80 million. I wonder if he’s raising the business tax 30 percent, like at Hamilton Market Fair. You can bet your booty he’s not doing that! All he’s doing is setting up a new Swiss bank account. That’s why he had that ball in Princeton.
Swiss cheese
Five hundred-plus guests at $200 per plate ... adds up to more than $100,000. If Benci’s ball cost somewhere between $50,000 and $60,000, maybe the remainder went into that Swiss bank account.— Ed. Note
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Skimming foreign aid
Ed, I heard on TV news that George Bush sends $10 million a month to Pakistan. They tell us everything we have is going broke, like Medicare and Social Security, yet they send millions to other countries? Do you know why? Because they rake off a lot of that money. There’s no way it can be looked into or they would get caught. If someone was giving you $8 million and claimed he was giving $10 million, would you reveal that he’s a crook? Our crooked politicians are robbing us blind. That goes for Chris Smith, too.
You can assume a certain level of corruption, but at a lower percentage than here in our home state. —Ed. Note
Born losers
Ed, The residents of the state of New Jersey must be all born losers. I’ve never seen a state with such consistency elect such bad government. Year after year. It’s unbelievable. Do you concur?
Voter Analysis
Cut them some slack. They can only pick from the available candidates.—Ed. Note
Recommended viewing
Ed, after hearing and reading so much about rude cops in Hamilton, I saw a documentary on “Sacco & Vanzetti.” I think blacks, and I’m black, and Anglo-whites should go out and rent this documentary, and they can get an idea of where the Hamilton cops’ attitude is coming from.
Movie Man
Sneak preview: electrocuted anarchists.—Ed. Note
Missing shoes
Ed, on a recent Friday night my 14-year-old son went to Ice Land to skate. He had a pair of purple suede sneakers and someone stole them. I’m a woman living on disability with four kids. I don’t have a lot of money, and I don’t want my kids going to school without shoes. I don’t appreciate the person who stole them. If they would be so kind as to return them to Ice Land or to call you Ed, I would really appreciate it. I can’t afford a lot of shoes.
Listen, you rotten bastard who stole the shoes, the only possible way you’re not going straight to hell for this one is if you bring the shoes back to Ice Land.— Ed. Note
A stand-up kid
Hi, Ed, I’d like to congratulate the young man from Lawrence High School, Mr. Phillip Toussaint-Annand, who won the world’s high school public speaking competition and a $40,000 scholarship to the college of his choice. Congratulations, young man, you’ve done us all proud. It’s a lot more fun reading about a guy like you, a positive person, than reading about all the gang bangers who are turning on each other and all winding up in jail, which is such a shame.
Good News
Congratulations from us, too, Phillip.—Ed. Note
Monday, February 18, 2008
Cops gotta eat, too
Hey, Ed, This is my response to “Pizza Spy,” the clown who complained about the police pizza party at Brothers. There was no party! The police go to Brothers to eat their dinner. They have to eat just like everyone else. And they don’t take up all the spaces. Obviously your friend needs to go on a diet, if he can’t find a place to sit. I thought the comment was very rude and it just turned me off. Brothers has the best food in town, if you’re talking about the one on Nottingham. Pizza Spy ought to find something else to spy on.
Well Fed
Now that you’ve told all our readers how good the food is at Brothers, good luck finding a seat there.—Ed. Note
That's a pricey school
Ed, do the people in Trenton know the city is spending $40 million to build the Daylight/Twilight high school downtown on Hanover Street? You never hear anything about the money they are spending.
Old News
Um, we’ve mentioned it, like, 20 times in recent stories. Remember, the Daylight/Twilight supporters of the suspended principal keep alleging that the district has secret designs to usurp the new building for other uses?—Ed. Note
This isn't clean
Ed, I’m calling about the new mayor who is supposed to clean up Hamilton Township. I just found out township offices are closed on Feb. 15 and Feb. 18. Since when do they have two days off for Presidents Day? I thought this mayor was going to get this place cleaned up. Frankly, I think that’s why Hamilton’s taxes are so high. Looks like they made it pretty convenient for each other.
Hatin’ on Hamilton
Just think how productive those town employees will be when they get back from some refreshing time off.—Ed. Note
Mad at Benci
Ed, this is for Hamilton’s new Mayor Bencivengo. Hey, Benci, I’m a senior citizen, a widow living on a fixed income, and you want me to pay more property tax? I hope all you idiots who voted for this bum are happy. I knew the minute he got elected that our property taxes would go up. Now he blames everything on Gilmore. Gilmore never raised taxes, and he was in office for eight years. Hope you have a nice day, Benci.
Ye Olde Hamiltonian
Benci warned that taxes would go up before he was elected. Yes, he blames it on Gilmore, but don’t say he pulled a fast one.—Ed. Note
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Socio-economic toll impact
Hey Ed, Gov. Corzine wants to raise tolls on our super highways because the inner city poor and the seniors who voted for him won’t be affected. But the people who have to drive to work will be affected.
Drive Time
Maybe you can organize a mass carpooling campaign. That’ll show him.—Ed. Note
Bad cop
Hey, Ed, Hamilton cops are corrupt. Two years ago an off-duty cop in a local bar filed false charges against me and filled out a false police report about me. Now they won’t drop the charges with no proof, even though I have witnesses and everything.
Get a lawyer. —Ed. Note
Too much gas
Ed, I’m calling about the Ewing Valero gas station on Olden and Parkway Avenue. I ask for $40 worth of gas and used my credit card. The guy didn’t put $40, he filled up it and it came to $49. I told him to stop and give me my money back. They said they couldn’t give me my $9 back, and they were very rude. The owner was there and he totally ignored me. There was no reason why I couldn’t get my money back. So I called up the Valero company to complain and I’m calling the mayor.
Gassed up
I’m sorry the attendant was rude — perhaps there was a language barrier — but you would have needed more gas eventually.—Ed. Note
Call McCain out
Hello, Ed, I have no love for Hillary for president, but let’s go to John McCain. I can’t understand why these conservative talk shows don’t hit on him about his record on betrayal of the POWS/MIAs and their families in the 1990s when the push for normalization of trade with Communist Vietnam happened. He denied they existed. Very sad.
He’s No Hero
The were hitting him hard until he became their last resort. Now they need him to win a general election.—Ed. Note
Hey, ho, the snow must go
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about local homeowners and renters who do not shovel snow in front of their homes. We all know it’s against the law to drive a car covered with snow, but there’s also a law that requires snow be shoveled in front of a house within 24 hours. My neighbors never shovel the snow in front of their house. Last year several elderly people almost fell. Is there a way to put flyers on the utility poles? It’s not fair that some of us remove snow and others don’t, even with four or five adults living in the house. Try speaking to them, and boy, do they have attitude!
Snow Job
Did it snow in your neighborhood? Are you calling from out of state?—Ed. Note
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sleep lab
Hey Ed, Mayor Palmer should put his buddy, the ever-alert Capt. Sleepy, in charge of security at City Hall. Then Palmer can hire sleep expert Barry Colicelli to watch Capt. Sleepy sleep.
Sweet Dreams
Ah, yes, they’ll all have a grand ol’ time in the Palmer Cronies Sleepover Society.—Ed. Note
High-priced ghost
Ed Note, I’ve been with the city for 15 years. This week I picked up The Trentonian and, lo and behold, who do I see but Renee Haynes? This is the first time I’ve ever seen this woman. And this is what we’re paying $130,000 a year? I’ve always been told she always sneaks in the back door and never fraternizes with the city workers. I think the council people are right to try to get rid of her. It’s just a waste of money.
City Hall Monitor
Just because she doesn’t talk to you doesn’t mean she’s not doing anything. But what is she doing?—Ed. Note
Bad connection
Ed, I live in Ewing, and I have a problem with Verizon. We have real old wires outside, and I cannot receive any incoming phone calls. I’ve been calling Verizon since January and they’ve sent a few technicians, who told me the problem is outside my house. Due to safety reasons, the technicians are not able to climb the poles to make repairs. Verizon promised to call me back but didn’t. I’m sure I’m not the only person in this area with this problem.
Dial Tone
Consider it a blessing. Most calls are just someone who wants something from you.—Ed. Note
All we are saying is give Benci a chance
Hey, Ed, when Glen Gilmore became mayor in 2000 there was a $10,000 budget surplus. Now when John Bencivengo comes in we’re $16 million in the hole. No one attacked Glen when he came into office. So, give Bencivengo a chance!
Benci Backer
As much as we like to have fun with Benci, we’re all rooting for him.—Ed. Note
Time off
Hi, Ed, I read that there’s legislation proposed to abolish Lincoln’s Birthday. Why not abolish the Election Day and Columbus Day along with Martin Luther King Day Jan. 15? State employees have far too many holidays, including Good Friday, which to me is a religious holiday. Separation of church and state! Think about these holidays.
Make ’em Work
Take away enough holidays and you’ll start to lose state workers who live for that time off. Before you know it, we’ll balance the budget.—Ed. Note
Friday, February 15, 2008
Old clothes
Ed, What can be done with old clothing that’s not useable, like jeans that are ripped or torn, or other items that are not even good enough to give to someone. Aside from tossing it into the trash, is there any recycle outlet?
Raggety Ann
Any eco-minded BackTalkers have a suggestion?—Ed. Note
Reckless bus drivers
Hi, Ed, I’d like to know what kind of school bus drivers we have today. I was driving down the street in front of McCorristin High School when a large yellow school bus came flying out of the stop sign and almost hit me. I just don’t understand. We had a little bit of snow and all this drama?
Road Test
Most bus drivers are doing a great job. Sadly, every profession has its bad eggs. I hope that bus wasn’t full of kids.—Ed. Note
Thanks, firefighters
Hi Ed, I want to thank the Trenton police and Trenton fire company so much for helping my son, Thomas Horton, in that fire on Liberty Street. They were brave men and they did a wonderful job. I don’t know if people thank them, but they should, because they did their job. This is Thomas’ mother.
Grateful Mom
Those heroes deserve thanks from all of us.—Ed. Note
Clemens tells the truth
Ed, this is Jake the Snake and I want to stand up for Roger Clemens. I believe him when he says he did not use steroids or human growth hormone. I think this man is a dedicated professional who loved the game of baseball and gave his all over the course of his career. What might have happened is that this slime bag trainer may have been injecting Roger without his knowing it. “Hey, Roger, let me give you a B-12 shot,” and slipped something into it. Roger Clemens is no liar. I don’t know how he’s going to get his reputation back, but I as a dedicated baseball fan will hold true to what I believe: Roger Clemens is innocent.
Jake the Snake
Most of us want to believe he’s telling the truth. No one wants to have to explain to his kid why the greatest pitcher of our time needs an asterisk next to his statistics. But we also think Andy Pettitte is a stand-up guy, and his “misremembered” story doesn’t jibe with the Rocket’s.—Ed. Note
Safer sex
Hi, Ed, Feb. 14 is not just Valentine’s Day, it’s also National Condom Day, so please remind your readers to love safely and responsibly.
Dr. Ruth
Well, that was yesterday, but if you’re sexually active, make every day Condom Day. —Ed. Note
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Double standards
Hi, Ed, why is the youth guard rape suspect suspended without pay and the state troopers are suspended with pay? Can you please give me a reason?
The Riddler
Um, cops have better contracts?—Ed. Note
Cell phone etiquette
Ed, this is a message for all the people with no manners who eat in restaurants while talking on their cell phones. You are not supposed to talk on the phone! Didn’t your mothers and fathers teach you any manners? We don’t have to hear your conversations. Walk outside!
A. Noid
Mothers and fathers grew up before cell phones. They haven’t incorporated them into their teachings.—Ed. Note
Pricey ride
Ed, do you think it’s fair for an ambulance company to charge $500 when you live only one block from the hospital? When I went to another hospital and had to go to a rehab about five miles away, I was charged less than $100. Another person on our street was charged $1,000 by that ambulance company, and as I said, we only live one block from the hospital. Do you think that’s fair?
Who was it who said life was fair? Oh, yeah. No one.—Ed. Note
Grooming the homeless
Ed, I work at the Fantastic Sam’s hair salon in the Lawrence shopping center. We recently participated in the Mercer Alliance “Project Homeless” and we did 65 haircuts for the homeless people. I just want to thank Terry Truit who was my contact person for the very worthwhile event. It was a very self-rewarding experience for me and the stylists who participated. I really think something needs to be done for the homeless people, and this event gets the word out for them. Thanks to all the volunteers. Hopefully we can do this more than once a year.
In Style
You did a good thing. If someone throws in a few outfits to go with the haircuts, maybe we can help those people find jobs.—Ed. Note
The injustice
Ed, my 61-year-old brother has worked hard all his life and last year he had a triple bypass. He goes to get Social Security disability and he’s having such a hard time. Yet these immigrants can come over here and get whatever they want. Mexicans come here, women pop out a baby, and they’ll give her the world. But an American kid who worked here all his life, paid his taxes, did everything else, he’s getting such a hard time. Isn’t this great? Then they wonder why the people are aggravated with this country and the politics. You gotta love it! Maybe we should all move to Mexico and then come across the border. Then they’ll take care of us.
Border Patrol
The stint in Mexico will at least enable your brother to pick up some cheap meds.—Ed. Note
Monday, February 11, 2008
Chief consultant
Ed, I just read in BackTalk about the Burlington police chief who is cleaning up his town. Maybe he could talk to the police chief in Trenton because they are selling drugs like crazy in Trenton.
Call for Backup
I’m sure the chief has some great initiatives in place, but Burlington ain’t no Trenton. —Ed. Note
Mixed messages
Hey, Ed, I just read the article about Mayor Palmer endorsing “Live in Trenton, work in Trenton.” I guess he has no mirrors in his house up in Hopewell. Have fun, Mr. Mayor; enjoy it without cracking mirrors.
The irony was not lost.—Ed. Note
The real McCain
Ed, Here’s my take on Arizona Sen. John McCain, ex-POW for president. You will find there were no POW-MIA families or organizations that supported him in 2000 or now in his presidential run of 2008. Why? I want you folks to look at this Web site, will give you a lot of answers that you won’t hear on these phony conservative TV talk shows and radio. I’m a Vietnam vet and family member of a POW.
Sgt. Smackdown
So for whom do you vote assuming McCain wins the Republican nomination? McCain will certainly paint himself as the pro-military candidate if he’s up against Hillary or Barack. It would be amazing to see you and other veterans come out in force against him despite that matchup. —Ed. Note
Hey, Ed, BackTalk is a great column; it reaches a lot of people. I’m calling about the Chestnut Avenue resident who complained about his neighbors littering garbage. You think this guy was wrong in calling them animals; well you were wrong in calling them neighbors. Hey, I’m just as frustrated, and I, too, would like to know when the city of Trenton is going to start enforcing the trash and litter laws. Here’s a suggestion: Maybe the people who give out tickets for parking in the sweeper zone can write tickets for this problem.
Cleanup Crew
No one should refer to another human as an animal. Besides, animals don’t even have trash.—Ed. Note
Big sign, big bucks
Ed, this is about the Trenton Fire Headquarters sign. Over half a million dollars spent for the fire sign is ridiculous, not counting what it cost to repair. Is this sign needed to find their way back to the fire house? Next time it goes on the blink, have the people who OK the repairs pay out of their own pockets.
Far Sighted
The expense is way over-the-top. And the sign is absurd. But I must confess I love that ridiculous monstrosity. You could make it twice as big and I would want it bigger. —Ed. Note
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Pizza party
Hey, Ed, could you pass along a message to Mayor Bencivengo? Half of his police force is jammed into Brothers Pizza, and I can’t get a seat. By the size of them, it looks like they need to be walking.
Pizza Spy
Hey, it’s better than doughnuts for dinner. —Ed. Note
Cop won't help old lady
Hi, Ed, I did a stupid thing a month ago: I locked my car door with the engine running and went to purchase something in the store. I saw a police car driving by and asked the officer to open my door, but he said he couldn’t. I asked him to drive me two blocks to get another key, and he said he couldn’t; he was not allowed. I am an 80-year-old disabled woman. Did he think I was going to mug him? I bet if I were a young, blue-eyed blond girl he would be more than willing. A complete stranger came to my rescue. The police should be more compassionate. Thank you, strangers.
If we can’t take care of our elders, we’re in trouble as a society. I’m glad some civilians showed you the compassion that the officer wasn’t “allowed to.”—Ed. Note
Those crazy kids
Ed, I’m calling about students in the Trenton school district. I’ve been a teacher for 18 years and dealing with them is an atrocity: their disrespect, foul language and outrageous conduct in halls. How do you handle food fights in the cafeteria? Feed them peanut butter and jelly for a week? Or continue giving them apples and oranges, which they heave around like fast balls and nothing is done. How do we resolve this problem? None of them gets detention or suspended, and it happens over and over. Something needs to be done with these children.
Ed. U. Cater
OK, so you’re a teacher in the school. What are you and the other teachers and the principal going to do about this? You’re complaining to me that they don’t get detention; I guess I’m supposed to come down there and do it for you guys?—Ed. Note
Big, bad, green Birds
Ed, tell Jack Knarr to stop being a loser. If he loves the Philadelphia Eagles so much, tell him to go to Philadelphia and write in their newspaper. This is our town, Giants town! Get used to it, Jack Knarr.
Sore Winner
You dumb schmuck. Jack just wrote two big columns glorifying two very cool Giants fans while poking all kinds of fun at himself in the process.—Ed. Note
Big, bad birds
Hi, Ed, I wonder if anyone in Ewing has seen a strange looking large bird. It’s not black, but it looks like a vulture or falcon. I’m too embarrassed to ask the police about it. It flies low to the ground and it catches other birds. If anyone has seen anything like this, call in and let Ed Note know.
Bird Watcher
Why are you embarrassed? Do you have a crush on the bird or something?—Ed. Note
Saturday, February 9, 2008
More Bill, please
Hi, Ed, I know the law prevents or prohibits Bill Clinton from running for president because he did two terms. But is there any law that says, if Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic primary nomination, she can make him her vice president? I’d rather have Bill Clinton close to the White House instead of the Republicans. We’ve already had eight years of disaster with Bush, who should have been impeached a long time ago. I want good times to come back, and if that means President and Vice President Clinton, it’s fine by me.
Eight More Years
As long as he can still have interns, Bill wouldn’t mind wielding a little power, if you know what I mean. —Ed. Note
Along the lines
Hello, BackTalk, I find it very unnerving that the 2008 presidential race comes down to race and gender. It’s apparent nationally that the majority of African-American voters voted for Obama and the majority of women, especially white women, voted for Hillary. I think it’s a disgrace, but it seems that’s where we are as a nation. Trenton proved it with 7,200 votes for Obama and about 2,000 for Hillary. Any comments out there?
Proof Positive
Um, it’s white old women voting for Hillary. Anyway, what it “proved” is that voters here find Barack to be the most appealing candidate, regardless of our mayor’s allegiance to the Clinton dynasty. —Ed. Note
Clintons shafted
Hi, Ed, this is why racism will never change in this country. No one was better to the African-American community than the Clintons, and this is how they get rewarded, a vote of 3 ½ to 1 or 4 to 1 — in favor of Obama. It’s obvious that the only reason they are voting for him is the color of his skin.
White Lies
That line of crap is exactly what Bill Clinton wants you to believe. Remember his recent “Well Jesse Jackson won South Carolina, too” statement? He’s the one spinning race. Besides, I thought Barack was white ....—Ed. Note
Obama's "secret"
Hey, Ed, do all these people who are voting for Barack Obama because he’s African-American know that his mother was white and died of cancer in her 50s, and his white grandparents raised him? Not that he’s mentioned it, but he is bi-racial. They think they’re voting for a full-blooded African-American but they are quite wrong. Facts are facts.
Old News
I think most Obama supporters are well aware of his heritage. And you’re selling short his appeal if you think blackness is all he’s got going. I happen to know many white Obama supporters. But they must be voting for him because they’ve been duped into thinking he’s a full-blooded caucasian, right? But anyway, if it makes you feel better, let’s issue a disclaimer: HEY, EVERYBODY! BARACK’S ONLY HALF-BLACK! Yep, his chances are shot now. You really blew the lid off that one. —Ed. Note
Barack trivia
Ed, can anyone tell me if Obama’s mom is still alive, and if she is alive, how come he doesn’t talk about her, or she doesn’t rally for him. Thanks.
Curious in Jersey
Um, see below.—Ed. Note
Friday, February 8, 2008
Can't stand dummies
Hey, Ed, every time there’s an election, I dread going to the polls to vote. Why? Because you have a bunch of illiterate election workers. All election employees should be tested to make sure they know how to read and write. I’m fully aware there are people working on the polls with limited income, but do we all have to suffer because of their incompetence? I’m not the only voter who feels this way. If your workers were tested years ago, test them again. All this should be reported to the board of elections. It’s ridiculous.
E. Litist
Come on, was it that bad? They found your name, right?—Ed. Note
Booths, no stalls
Hey, Ed, I went to vote at the Rusling Fire Co. in Hamilton only to be met with a sign that reads, “No use of restrooms.” Did they forget our tax dollars paid for that restroom and everything else? And I hope they enjoyed watching that large-screen TV.
Gotta Go
That’s one way to speed up the voting process.—Ed. Note
Barack is a dud
Ed, this is for all the people who voted to Barack Obama in the Super Tuesday primary. Don’t all you Obama voters understand that if he gets the (Democratic) nomination instead of Hillary, we will again have a Republican president because no way will Hillary Democrats vote for Obama. I know I would not, and most of my friends wouldn’t, either.
’Bama Basher
Perhaps you missed all the recent national polls showing that Obama, not Hillary, is the one with the chance to beat McCain. But as long as you and your friends stick with Clinton, that should tip the scales her way. Personally, I find her repulsive, regardless of her politics. —Ed. Note
Electoral huh?
Ed, I’m calling after the Super Tuesday primary election with a question. Please explain why the Electoral College, and not the popular vote, elects a U.S. president? For the life of me, I don’t understand this. Bush would not be president if it were the popular vote. I’m confused.
American Curiosity
Take it up with the founding fathers of our fine republic. You could also object to each state having two senators, but states matter. Or at least they used to. —Ed. Note
Save the school
Ed, I’m calling about the renovation or destruction of Trenton Central High School. I look at that building and I see beautiful red bricks that are timeless and really don’t have to be destroyed. Why can’t they just gut the whole building, start all over from the inside? The outside restoration should not be much of a problem. It’s insane to consider knocking down that historic building. I hope some better heads prevail.
School Saver
Have you been to a recent school board meeting? They don’t even know what they’re voting on, let alone how to vote.—Ed. Note
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Redistribute the cash
Ed, I see the American government has spent billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why can’t we divert one billion dollars, give it to the United States of America, to all the states, let them divvy it up to get better housing, get our budgets back in order, and help our poor? I can’t understand why our country doesn’t help our citizens first before they help other people. Help our people first, not those overseas. They could not care less about us.
Originally, the federal government’s prime function was to protect the states from foreign threat, not to become this giant monster that taxes us to death and then redistributes our wealth in our supposed best interests. The question is whether the current wars are, indeed, protecting us from foreign threat. —Ed. Note
Bleed the rich
Hi, Ed, why doesn’t Gov. Corzine raise the corporate taxes? Those CEOs are getting $300 million to $400 million bonuses every year. I think some of that could be siphoned off and given to our poor state.
Tax and Spend
Let’s take from the people who know how to budget to bail out a bloated government that doesn’t.—Ed. Note
Reclaim the state
Ed, can you get in touch with Hands Across New Jersey and have them step up to the plate and help us fight these corrupt politicians so we can get this state back in order? I can’t understand why they haven’t come to the forefront with all the corruption, lying, cheating and stealing that’s going on. An 800 percent increase in our toll tax? Ridiculous! The people in New Jersey need to get together, stick together and fight these corrupt politicians.
Movement of the People
The governor has deemed ridiculous and idealistic the idea that we could possibly fix this mess by tackling rampant spending and corruption. See Vince Zarate’s take on today’s editorial page.—Ed. Note
Ruthless development
Hey, Ed, I’m answering the caller who complained that the silo on Bear Tavern Road that will be torn down for development. The politicians we have don’t care about trees, silos, anything. They only care about McMansions and money pouring into their pockets from the builders. We don’t need trees to purify the air or historic monuments around; they don’t bring money in. No matter what they bring in it’s never enough.
Maybe some developer will find it lucrative to redevelop silos into high-rise condos. A compromise of sorts.—Ed. Note
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Goofing off
Ed, can someone tell me where I can call to lodge a complaint against some employees at the Mercer County Board of Social Services on Wolverton Avenue? I was there last week and they had a girl in Window 1 sound asleep in her chair for the whole hour I was there. Today I returned to find this same girl dealing with a client, and you can tell by looking and listening to her that she had mental issues. The girl was sitting, laughing in her face so loud that I could hear from where I sat, waiting for the specialist to come down to see me. I’d really like to complain about this girl and several other employees. I’d appreciate your help.
Waiting Game
Cut her some slack. We need more laughter in this world. —Ed. Note
Mmmm, deer
Hey, Ed, please tell all those deer-hunt protesters to put down that Big Mac and pick up a venison burger. It’s better for them.
Lean Meat
Maybe you should offer them one. All that protesting works up an appetite. —Ed. Note
Benci, talk to guv
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about the $432 tax hike in Hamilton. Why doesn’t Mayor Bencivengo confer with Gov. Corzine, who is a self-made millionaire? Corzine must have something up his sleeve that could help us. Also, why don’t they try to gain revenues some other way than raising taxes? Isn’t there some other way to get some money?
They could sell “I survived the budget crisis of ’08” T-shirts.—Ed. Note
Didn't mean it
Hi, Ed, I apologize about my harsh words about killing someone, but it just makes my blood boil when the elderly are mistreated like that. I’ve seen a lot of cases, and it just gets me upset, but no one should be murdered, they should be properly trained in how to deal with the elderly. The elderly just don’t have a spokesperson to take care of them. Thanks.
Correct. Training, not murder, is in order.—Ed. Note
Free trade
Hi, Ed, our country’s economy has gone down because the Democrats and Republicans passed NAFTA, which was horribly, horribly protested by the labor unions in this country. Why do you think we lost all those jobs as soon as they passed NAFTA? They all went over to China and India. That’s why the U.S. has such a high unemployment rate. Think about it, Ed, it makes sense. Back in the 1940s, everything was manufactured in the U.S., not in China or India. Go America!
Homeland Harry
Remember Ross Perot referring to the “giant sucking sound” that would follow NAFTA’s passing? That said, you’re mixing a few things together. NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement; it loosened trade among the U.S., Canada and Mexico. —Ed. Note
Monday, February 4, 2008
Burlco drug war
Hi, Ed, I’m also from Burlington City and I’d like to respond to the “Burlco drug scourge.” Let me say, John Lazzarotti is doing an excellent job. You’d have to know Burlington five years ago versus now. Our drugs are confined to two streets, and he’s working on cleaning them up. Our rental board has done everything it can about renting to people who should not be in these homes. I’m very proud to live in Burlington and before someone complains to The Trentonian about our drug problem, they should go talk to the chief of police. His office is always open, and he’s willing to answer any of your questions. And one smart thing about John, he doesn’t tell you what he’s doing. Why let the enemy know what we’re doing? That’s the problem in the world today. When he does it, it gets done, but the enemy never knows when he’s coming. Good job, Burlington policemen, keep up the good work.
Chief’s Corner
Sounds like the chief is a man with a plan.—Ed. Note
Junk yards
Ed, I would like to know why the City of Trenton can’t seem to enforce laws to make people clean up in front of their filthy dirty damn property. I live in the 1000 block of Chestnut Avenue and I clean my property almost every day. Unfortunately, I have slobs living next door and down the street, and I can’t get any cooperation. These people live like pigs, slobs and dogs. Get up off your butts, clean your nasty property, and you will gladly live in the city and look at Trenton in a different light. Thanks, Ed, for printing this so these slobs can see what they’re like.
Neat Freak
If you’re looking for cooperation, why don’t you start by referring to your neighbors as humans and not animals?—Ed. Note
No room for lawyers
Ed, I just heard that the construction of the Route 1 toll bridge will take away about 400 parking spaces at the Hughes Justice Complex. I think this would be a perfect opportunity for Corzine to get rid of about 400 dead-weight lawyers.
Law Less
There’s gotta be a lawyer joke in there somewhere.—Ed. Note
Good kids
Hi, Ed, I’d like to respond to “Mean Spirit” who said “screw Trenton kids.” All Trenton kids are not bad. Whoever made this comment is screwed up because, as Ed Note said, you can’t judge everybody by what a few are doing. I’m a Trenton kid, and I grew up OK. As far as the school being ransacked, that wasn’t done by all the kids. Mean Spirit is a jerk who needs to get a life.
Star Student
Thanks for representing the bright side of Trenton youth.—Ed. Note
Thank you, officer
Hi, Ed, I’d like to thank Bordentown Township Police Lieut. Libak who helped me when I had an accident on Georgetown Road. He sat in his car behind me with his police lights on until AAA came. I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart. I was so scared. I’d like to say God bless him and his family.
Forever Grateful
Glad to hear you were taken care of so well. Everyone deserves a good experience with the police every once in a while.—Ed. Note
Illegal township meetings
Ed, I’m calling about illegal Republican meetings. The Mercer County Republican committee meetings have been conducted without sending proper or sufficient notice to all elected committee people. It is a violation of the committee’s constitution and possibly Title 19 of New Jersey state law. Therefore, any votes or straw polls are illegal and non-binding. The state election commission should investigate. Thank you.
Whistle Blower
Has anyone else heard of these “illegal” meetings? Can we get to the bottom of this?—Ed. Note
Spring's on the way
Ed, Happy news for a change! I live in Hamilton Square, and this morning I had a flock of big fat robins in my cedar tree. So spring is around the corner!
A. Bird Lover
It has pretty much been a spring-like winter, but I’m ready for the real thing—Ed. Note
Down the river
Hi, Ed, Just want to let you know how upset I am that Trenton Water is selling for $100 million and will make $31 million a year. Doesn’t make sense to me. After a few years that they can still make $31 million and sell off something so valuable. I think the people of Trenton should realize it’s one more asset they own that’s going down the river. Maybe they’re going to use the money to bail out the Palmer Inn?
Anyone else outraged?—Ed. Note
Kill the fun
Hurray for Hamilton Mayor John Bencivengo! Yes, cut entertainment, such as Septemberfest, winter wonderland, punkinfest, all that stuff! We need to have our taxes stabilized and you can do it. Cut that entertainment, John.
Benci’s Advisor
Who needs festivals? Just give me a store that sells cotton candy year-round.—Ed. Note
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Cost cutting
Hi, Ed, I’d just like to comment on the 40 percent tax increase that Hamilton Township is about to impose on its residents. First, I think they should get rid of all these fire commissioners. I understand there’s something like 40 commissioners, and this is ridiculous. I also think they should consolidate fire houses and get rid of all the unnecessary equipment that seems to be in the fire houses. Please act on this because I’m a senior resident and I can’t take any more taxes from this township.
Fat Trimmer
Maybe you can get a spot in Benci’s cabinet—Ed. Note
Brute force
Hey there, Big Ed, I want to contribute something about the Hamilton police. I grew up in Hamilton, I have no tickets, never had an accident or anything, but I have been pulled over by certain police and they do hold themselves higher than any other municipality around here. Hamilton police think they’re superior, and it’s the same as Princeton. They don’t want to have anything to do with Trenton. I hung out with friends at Princeton, and if you say you’re from Trenton they look down on you like you’re dirt. If you’re from Hamilton, they put you in another class when they talk to you. It’s not a couple of officers, it’s the whole Hamilton police force. They need to take sensitivity courses. The last time I dealt with Hamilton cops was on the last day of Hanukkah. I’m Jewish and the Hanukkah decoration on my door was vandalized with “I hate Jewish people” and had the “N” word. It was disgusting! Hamilton police came to take the report and said I should hang the decoration in my window, not on my door. They just wanted to sweep it away and not deal with it. I told them to leave, not to tell me where to put my decorations. It’s unbelievable.
O. Ffended
OK, so maybe these guys do need some sensitivity training. —Ed. Note
Officer friendly
Dear Ed, I read in BackTalk on Jan. 28 about the Hamilton police officer being mean. I had the same experience, and he had no reason to ever be that way with me; he was really nasty. They need to do something about some of these Hamilton officers; they are really rude and outright nasty.
Boo-Hoo Part Two
What this town needs is some kind of meet-the-officers social event. I’m sure they’re good people.—Ed. Note
Good cops, bad cops
Hey Ed, I live in Mount Laurel and I read The Trentonian. I’m calling about the rude Hamilton police officer. These police officers work for the citizens and should not be rude. I think all the citizen needs to do is take the police officer’s badge number and then file a report.
They’re not paid to be nice guys. But maybe all this whining will soften them up.—Ed. Note
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Bus stop vandals
Hi, Ed, I live in Plainsboro and I’m sick and tired of all these glasses being pushed in by vandals at the bus stop rest stops. Ed, could you please do something because every time I complain to the cops they won’t do anything.
On the Bus
Alright, I’ll be out there tonight with a baseball bat.—Ed. Note
Reference library
Hi, Ed, I have a 15-year-old set of Funk & Wagnall’s Encyclopedia that I want to give away. If you know where I can get rid of them or anyone who’s interested, I’ll leave my name and phone number.
A. To Z.
Operators are standing by here at the BackTalk Free Stuff Hotline.—Ed. Note
Trooper chairlift
Ed, on Jan. 23 at 2 a.m., I was getting off an airplane at the Philadelphia Airport, when I saw a New Jersey state trooper car picking up someone with skis or a snowboard. I was wondering if the rest of the citizens of New Jersey can have the same service. We paid $40 to park. I took a picture of the trooper helping the guy with his skis.
Those weren’t skis. It was a skinny prisoner. —Ed. Note
Honor the assistants
Hi, Ed, just wondering, I read how they honor the baseball players and associates and coaches, but don’t they ever honor the assistant coaches? I know people at Mercer County Community College in baseball, soccer, what have you, who put a lot of dedication and time into it. Why don’t they honor them? Maybe that’s an idea they want to kick around.
Credit Manager
Their honor comes when they get promoted to coach. —Ed. Note
Johnny on the spot
Hi, Ed, I’m working on compiling a list of the top 10 dirtiest restaurant bathrooms in Hamilton. I just got another one on Route 33. Usually a dirty bathroom relates to a dirty kitchen in a restaurant, and this combination means someone’s going to get sick. I’m looking for some volunteers to help me do it!
Health Club
I can’t decide if the “Top 10 Dirtiest Restaurant Bathrooms in Hamilton” will make a better coffee table book or calendar. Anyway, good luck rounding up your fearsome band of citizen health inspectors. Restaurateurs, beware!—Ed. Note
Friday, February 1, 2008
Call in the big guns
Ed, let’s get that U.S. Attorney Chris Christie down to Hamilton Township’s municipal building to find out why there’s no money, if Gilmore and his cronies stole it all. I can’t afford these massive tax hikes that this Bencivengo is talking about. I don’t know about the rest of you Hamiltonians, but another 20-25 percent rate hike is going to kill us all.
Call for Help
You busy, Chris?—Ed. Note
They're criminals
Ed, I’m calling about the article where Juan Carlos Avila doesn’t want everyone to feel all illegal immigrants are bad because one guy committed rape. Aw! This is the same Mr. Avila who a few months ago made the threat that if the police started cracking down on the illegal cars, all the people in the Hispanic neighborhood would stop cooperating with the police. I think that’s a form of extortion. Mr. Avila has to realize that someone who’s here illegally is illegal. Stop blaming it on the companies that hire these people. This guy used a fake name, so it’s not the company’s fault. Mr. Avila should realize that a criminal is a criminal, regardless of race, creed or color. Illegal aliens in the U.S. are criminals because they don’t pay taxes. They need to go back to where they came from and come here legally, like all the other people did.
Anti Avila
And who will work for that cleaning company in the meantime?—Ed. Note
Public health
This is for “worried sick.” I’m in the almost same predicament about health insurance. Mercer County Board of Social Services acts like its their own damn money coming out of their pockets. Food stamps, too. They’re just as crooked as anyone else around. I’m 52 and last week I was sick but couldn’t go to the doctor. I had to stay home and buy over-the-counter medicine. It took me two weeks to get better. If I had gone to the doctor, the bill would have been over $100 but my insurance would pay only $50, and I would have to pay the rest. I’m on Medicare, though not all the way because I’m not 55, and that sucks, too. Tell that person to call me, I have a social service book and maybe we can get together and make some phone calls. Health insurance sucks. It’s really bad. That’s why people are dropping dead like flies: They can’t afford to go to the hospital, or to the doctor.
Grim Reaper
It’s the same sad story being told all over the country. The best plan for now is to stay healthy, if you can. —Ed. Note
Details in the Devils
Hey, Ed, can you tell me what’s going on with the Trenton Devils? They win one game and lose the next four. They need to go back to the basics and learn the passing and not be so fancy. Apparently the ball’s not reaching the back of the net. We should bring back the Trenton Titans. We never had this kind of problem before.
Hockey Hack
We like to call it a “puck.”—Ed. Note