Friday, January 30, 2009
Ed, there were a lot of unhappy Hamiltonians the other day after the inauguration of the president. I say, get over it. I have been waiting seven years for this new man whose policies will be better for America. President Obama cares about the common man. God bless him. Bush was an immoral, ignorant and arrogant man.
Happy in Hamilton
Make a deal. They can get over their disappointment and you can get over your resentment of Bush. Moving forward.—Ed. NoteDead Birds Part II
Ed, I can’t believe the federal official who used chemicals to keep the birds away but ended up killing 5,000 birds. They said it’s safe for animals and people but I don’t know about that. I think they lied! P.S. Why would they use it when the weather is cold and nothing is growing? Can’t trust them.
Chem Free
Never trust a bird poisoner.—Ed. NoteSurprise: Dead Birds!
Ed, who is the insane person at the Department of Agriculture who decided to spray without telling anyone in the Griggstown area. There are thousands of dead starlings, and crows died, too. The farmers wanted them to spray, but don’t they realize that starlings eat grubs and bugs in our soil that can damage crops.
Hard to know which group to root for. Birds are so noisy, but grubs are gross.—Ed. NoteClub Gitmo
Ed, I’m all for closing Guantanamo Bay. We could use this part of Cuba for a resort for military families.
R & R
Wild guess here: You’re in the service?—Ed. NotePay to Plate
Ed, it’s an insult to veterans that the state is asking parents to pay for license plates if their sons were killed in the war. They should be ashamed of themselves. There are not that many people in New Jersey that have been killed in the war. They want them to pay $25-plus registration fee. They should be free.
For the Love of Country
Seems like the least the government could do for someone who lost a child. —Ed. NoteJeff On Politics
Ed, I just finished reading Jeff’s Edelstein column on what Obama should do. Jeff should forget politics and stick to writing about what he knows: drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and football. On second thought, forget football — he doesn’t know anything about that either.
Closet Jeff Fan
Perhaps you’d like to be the first guest on “The Jeff Show” (see column above).—Ed. NoteThe Sign Says
Ed, I get a good laugh when I see McCain-Palin bumper stickers and lawn signs on display. I guess they all want us to think they are losers.
“Laughing Liberal”
As if the problem of leaving up losing campaign signs is restricted to Republicans. Gloating is unattractive. It’s time for you to move on (dot org).—Ed. NotBarack's Birthplace
Ed, the Bush bashers and Barack worshipers continue to ignore the Constitution issue. Where was Barack born, Kenya or Hawaii?
Just Asking
For the trillionth time: According to his birth certificate, Hawaii. This is the final time this issue will appear in BackTalk. —Ed. NoteCold At Home
Ed, it’s very cold in the housing at North 25. At times we have no heating. The heat went off at 4 a.m. Saturday morning and here it is Sunday night, and we still have no heat. Could you get someone to do something about this problem?
Fix this before someone freezes to death.—Ed. NoteMoron Drivers
Ed, these people who insist on talking on the phone while driving, their IQ is the same as their hat size, that’s their problem. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself, don’t take anyone else along with you.
In my Lane
I don’t even know my hat size.—Ed. NoteMary Needs Stuff
Ed, this is Mary from Tender Hearts. I want to ask your Back Talk readers to let me know if they can donate any of the following: a wheelchair with feet, size large men’s PJs, a highchair for a baby. Call me (609) 890-3517. And incidently many of you who have visited us would be sad to learn that “Big Bob” passed away recently.
R.I.P., Big Bob.—Ed. NoteRenegade Tradesmen
Ed, so they fired all the inspectors. I guess any kind of slipshod work will do. It will be a heyday for hooligan plumbers and electricians in the city of Trenton. I pity the homeowners who will be their victims now.
“Hooligan plumbers” ... brings to mind an image of a rowdy, roving band of them, wielding torches and pipe wrenches, melting solder on hapless victims in alleys and stealing water pressure to pay for drugs.—Ed. NoteRyan's Payoff
Ed, last year when Ryan Howard asked for $10 million rather than the $7 million the Phillies offered I thought he deserved the big raise. But this year, 4 million for a player who barely hit 250 and led the league in strikeouts is much more reasonable.
Get Real
It’s whatever the market will bear.—Ed. NoteCash For Trenton
Ed, Obama has cash ($583 million) for Trenton. That kind of money could produce more than 5,200 jobs. Why should the light rail run to the state capital? It’s not necessary. There are buses that travel there. It could be used to remedy homelessness. It is more important to repair city-owned buildings for under wage earners to live in and the city can get a return back. The money would be wasted inappropriately if you give it to the mayor and the governor; they lack the experience. Hopefully the mayor and the governor will see this.
Spending Plan
You want the mayor and the governor to realize it’s a bad idea for them to control large amounts of money? That would be some profound self-realization. —Ed. NoteRick's Birds
Ed, Rick Methot, you got to do your research and watch the news a little better. Those birds were starlings. There is a big difference between a goose and the little birds that eat out of your bird feeder. I would not want to go hunting with you.
Bird Brain
I hear it’s open season on starlings. —Ed. NotStopped Trucks
Ed, I notice that they have put up steel barriers and are dismantling the buildings at the rest stops on I-295. The trucks are parking all over the highway, which is dangerous. Where can the trucks go from now on?
Eighteen Wheeler
Who needs trucks anymore? We just need to spend $78 trillion on boosting railroad infrastructure and subsidizing train shipping.—Ed. NoteWe Are One
Ed, I’m a usually a staunch Republican, but I have to say I am proud of this country for coming together as one. In that large mass of people on the mall, I didn’t see one color, I just saw people who were welcoming a new man and a new beginning. Good luck, President Obama, and good luck to my fellow Americans.
Formerly Staunch
Guess you’re not a loyal Rush listener anymore?—Ed. NoteChief's Ride
Ed, I am a volunteer at the Colonial Volunteer Fire Department. This is for the people who complained about the new van that the chief is currently driving. The chief’s last vehicle was burned up in an electrical fire. Since then he has been driving around in an 18-year-old van, that we also use for snow plowing, that was paid for by the women’s auxiliary. The chief needs to be places. The other night we were helping to put out a fire on Klockner Road. Remember it’s all volunteers. That fire house is manned 24 hours a day by volunteers. I think those people who complained are wrong.
Perhaps if the naysayers walked a mile in the chief’s shoes they’d want to drive a mile in his van. Or something like that. —Ed. NoteFind Our Boo Boo
Ed, please help return one of our family members. My dog, BooBoo, went missing on Jan. 20. He is a tri-color black, tan and white longhair chihuahua, 3 years old and approximately two pounds. His brother Yogi and his human family are devastated. Contact numbers are 651-3693 (Michele) or 651-3694 (Bob). BooBoo is microchipped and you can also call Home Again (1-888-466-3242); the chip number is 461A1B0C55. He was last seen at his home, 2840 South Broad St., Hamilton.
It doesn’t get much cuter than a chihuahua named BooBoo. I hope he’s wearing one of those little sweaters. —Ed. Note
Benci the Sailor
Ed, if Hamilton really is in financial distress the mayor is not giving that impression with his “drunken-sailor” spending and waste. First, three weeks after the Christmas season, town hall still has candles glowing in all its windows well into the night, wasting electricity. Second, the mayor buys a new car even though his old one had under 25,000 miles. And the current topper, spending close to $100,000 for a redesign of a Web site so it can help track when a pothole is filled. The mayor spends and we pay and pay and pay. Please tell him (and his rubber-stamp council) to stop the wasteful spending and silliness. A calendar and a pencil can track how long it takes to fill potholes.
Benci Basher No. 413
Does everyone in the township feel this way? Let’s hear from someone out there who appreciates the open and immediate access to pothole-filling data.—Ed. NoFlubbers
Ed, President Obama did not flub his swearing in. It was chief justice John Roberts who made the mistake. So in answer to Jeff Edelstein’s column, “Taking it all in from my couch,” get your facts straight.
Fact Checker
There was so much flubbing going on, Jeff was just getting in on the act. —Ed. NoteMonday, January 26, 2009
Goodbye, Gitmo
Ed, I did not vote for President Obama, but I do wish him well. But I’m apprehensive about closing down the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Where did he think he would put those terrorists after he closes down Gitmo? Yup, you’re right, it’s in the good old U.S.A. You are wrong, Mr. President, better change it.
My Backyard
What’s that they always say about keeping your enemies closer?— Ed. NoteBum Rush
Ed, I was listening to a recent interview with Rush Limbaugh where they were bashing Barack Obama about the new stimulus package, saying how it’s not going to work. It’s easy to talk, this guy is a Republican. I am 70 years old, and we have just had eight years of the worst leadership that I have seen. When something doesn’t work we have to change it. I love this country, and it upsets me when I hear those guys on television who have multimillion-dollar deals attack Obama after his first seven days in office. It’s not helpful to cry about whose fault it is that we are in this situation. It seems like President Obama wants to try to fix it.
The problem with Rush is that he isn’t just predicting Obama’s failure, he’s rooting for Obama to fail, which is kind of like rooting for America to crash and burn. The Trentonian didn’t endorse Obama either, but now that he’s in charge we’re praying for his success for the sake of the country. — Ed. NoteTax Man
Ed, this person they appointed to be secretary of the treasury of the Obama administration who did not pay his taxes: It’s like putting the fox in the hen house. I would not let him fill out my tax form because I am a member of the middle class and I would not be able to get out of charges of tax evasion like he did.
Turbo Tax
I know, right? Secretary of the treasury. Didn’t pay his taxes. Mindbogglingly absurd. — Ed. NoteLHS Gangs
Ed, I am a Lawrenceville parent. I know that there is gang activity at the Lawrence High School. The police and the schools are acting like there is no gang trouble there. How can they act so stupidly? I want to know how to get through to the authorities. Many times the gang members rob and beat up the other students. Some people just don’t want to get in the line of fire, but most of the parents know what is going on.
Ganged Up
“Gang activity” is hard to define and hard to crack down on unless it involves crimes that are reported. But the cops may be more aware than they let on. — Ed. NoteNew Anthem
Ed, why is the Willingboro school district singing the black national anthem, correct me if I’m wrong but I think there are people of other ethnicities that go to that school also.
Can You See?
As long as the school doesn’t ban or replace the original national anthem, I can’t see any problem with exposing kids of all backgrounds to black culture. —Ed. Note'R" Is For Really Good
Ed, next time you mention Rutgers in the same paragraph with the word pathetic you might want to take a look at the news over the last few years. Rutgers is done being pathetic.
Shining Knight
Go Rutgers!—Ed. NoteJail Help
Ed, from what I understand the governor of New Jersey is planning to close Riverfront State Prison. At the same time he plans to hire new correction officers at $55,000 a year plus pay them insurance. The budget freeze should extend to the juvenile justice system and the department of corrections.
Making Corrections
If only we could freeze crime it would save everybody a ton of money.—Ed. NoteCost of Katz
Ed, I’m referring to page seven in a recent issue where it says the state must cut $2 billion. How much is that Corzine-Carla Katz nonsense costing? That deep-pocket governor of ours always has enough money for things he wants to do. Let him pay the cost this time. I don’t want to see my tax dollars used. He will never get a clue.
Shallow Pockets
You don’t like your tax dollars going to lawyers? What kind of American are you?—Ed. NoteComical Ed
Ed, I want to compliment you on your BackTalk column. I love the new color on Page 6. The only problem I have with your paper now is your comics. Why did you change them? Now they are just like The Times.
The Funnies
We promise not to remind you of them in any other way.—Ed. NoteClothing Donation
Ed, where do I take clothing I wish to donate to a family? Where can I take these clothes?
Shirts Off my Back
The Salvation Army.—Ed. NotePay Your Dues
Ed, that person who called in and had a problem with union dues. How many union meetings have you made it to so that you can understand what unions are all about? A person that does not know his rights, does not have rights. Pay attention and pay your dues.
A Perfect Union
You tell that foolish dissenter! Fall in line and pay up.—Ed. NoteSwitching Camps
Ed, Palmer is begging for a job from Obama. Lartigue and Pintella are looking to salute Obama. Each of those people supported Hillary. Go figure.
King of the Hil
Everybody loves a winner.—Ed. NoteTwo Truths
Ed, Hamilton Mayor Bencivengo is in a state of confusion. A Trentonian article said the mayor is giving Hamilton taxpayers a tax break. The same day I get my first quarter tax bill and it has increased by $40-plus. My math teacher told me when a number is higher there is an increase, not a decrease. Earth to Benci: Please stop telling lies to the residents.
Gimme a Break
Give it time to kick in.—Ed. NoteSlick Streets Part II
Ed, I want to ask Mayor Bencivengo why are we paying high taxes. I work in Newtown, Pa., and traveling back home I don’t have a problem, the roads are clear, until I reach the streets of Hamilton where the roads are covered with ice.
Benci Basher No. 118
Seems to be a lot of slipperiness going around.—Ed. NoteSlick Streets
Ed, the icy streets in the city of Trenton are a disgrace. They were especially bad on our recent Martin Luther King national holiday. I’m sure Trentonians pay high taxes to cover a little salt. Perhaps Mayor Palmer could seek help from the people across the river in Morrisville on how to keep the streets ice free.
Slip and Slide
You haven’t heard of the Great Salt Shortage of 2009?—Ed. NoteThe Pet Angel
Ed, we lost our dog recently. We woke up last Sunday morning and there on our doorstep was a basket with a little stuffed dog with angel wings, and a card for gas for my husband. I don’t know her name but I just want to give a shout out to this woman who neighbors call the “Pet Angel.” God bless and thank you.
That’s a heartwarming story. Unless she’s the one who took your dog.—Ed. NoteMonday, January 19, 2009
Geese Bumper
Ed, I was just reading about the plane that went down in the Hudson River. It occurred to me, and it sounds so simple — why couldn’t they put a heavy metal, conical screen or grid over the front of the jet engine to deflect any geese that might get sucked in and clog the engine? I’m wondering.
Bright Idea
At 600 mph or so it’s not as simple as “deflecting” a goose. I think your screen would produce a nice pâté — gumming up the screen and reducing airflow. But BackTalk has a heavy readership among aeronautics engineers, so if your idea is worthwhile they’ll be testing it shortly in goose-infested wind tunnels. Sadly — and PETA won’t like this one — the only solution may be to exterminate all geese worldwide. Every lakeside property owner and golf course superintendent will get behind the effort. When they’re not bringing down planes, geese are leaving cumbersome slimy turds on every floating dock and putting green. Federal warning to geese: You’re cooked. —Ed. Note Trenton Basketball
Ed, I’m calling about the Trenton High School basketball program. It is slowly going down hill. I was a state finalist in the 1980s, we were ranked nationally. We need a coach like Greg Grant. Greg Grant knows Trenton High basketball.
Foul Shot
Well, they’re not ranked nationally, but they just beat Princeton and are 14th in The Trentonian’s rankings.—Ed. NoteThis Stinks
Ed, they can send you a sewerage, bill for over $100 but they are too cheap to send you an envelope to mail your payment. It’s disgusting. This is your government, your politicians at work. Nothing but scavengers.
Perhaps they’ll let you pay the bill online for a small “convenience fee.”—Ed. NoteClink TV
Ed, where are we getting the money to pay for 23,000 digital TV boxes that are to be installed in inmates’ cells? So far we have spent $2 million.
Boob Tube
We’re taking it out of their entertainment budget. They’re sacrificing cigarettes and PlayStation. —Ed. NoteBad Snowjob
Ed, I am calling to congratulate Bencivengo and the Hamilton Township Department of Public Works. We were probably the only township who didn’t touch the roads after the snow started. The workers didn’t even shovel the walk over at the park pool. What are we paying for over here?
Back in the day they would just let the snow pile up and switch from wagons to sleighs. Now we get a little dusting and everyone’s all, “Oh, plow my road. I can’t go anywhere. Waa, waa.”—Ed. NoteFriday, January 16, 2009
Labor Pains
Ed, the labor unions are ruining this country. I work for the Trenton Postal Service. Why are my union dues used to pay for another member of another craft? To me it’s just good old-fashioned stealing.
You could get a non-union job.—Ed. NoteHigh Scorers
This is Obie, I have a suggestion for a story by your sports columnist. In 1947 Trenton Catholic Boys High School team known as the Golden Wave had two players who both scored 100 points in a game during their tenure. They were Dick Gibbons and Don Siluski. Those were the days before the three point shot. Remember? Thank you much. I buy your paper every day and enjoy it.
And then defense was invented in 1948.—Ed. NoteFake Boardwalk
Ed, I was calling about the plan to use rainforest wood for the boardwalk in Wildwood. My cousin said he heard that they are using a composite material for the boardwalk in East Side Park. So give that public works department a call and ask them what they are using and maybe you can save a few trees.
Wood Gone Wild
But the rainforest wood is so pretty.—Ed. Note
Eli's Double Duty
Ed, I knew it would happen: Eli Manning can’t handle two jobs — pro football and a wife.
Wedding Crasher
Women. First Yoko ruins the Beatles. Now this.—Ed. NotLiquid Money
Ed, my Trenton Water Works bill said my actual water usage was $11.34 for the last quarter. My total bill was $70.25. That’s a difference of $58.91 for “water ready.” What’s going on here? What will it be like when the new people take over the Trenton Water Works?
Dripped On
Well, you wouldn’t want water that wasn’t ready, would you?—Ed. NoteManufacturing Jobs
Ed, no matter how much money the federal government pumps into this economy it can only be a small bandage on our big problem. The only way for this country to ever be great again is to call back that 30 million in manufacturing and high paying jobs that have left the United States in the last 55 years due to outsourcing.
Make Something
Yeah, so it turns out an economy loaded with people moving numbers around and creating nothing of substance will eventually break down. What a shocker.—Ed. NoteThursday, January 15, 2009
Jeff Draws Ire
Ed, I have been a state worker for seven years. I started out at $28,000 and I am still not making $40,000. It’s the state workers who have been there for 35 years and won’t retire who make the money. I’m earning pennies and am barely making it. Tell that to Jeff Edelstein.
Year Seven
Hey, Jeff: what she said.—Ed. NoteEyesores
Ed, this is for the mayor of Hamilton: I see that parts of Hamilton are nice and painted up. The areas around Broad Street, South Clinton Avenue and near the Olden Avenue bridge have a lot of graffiti. You might want to look into cleaning this up and making Hamilton look better.
Benci’s Advisor No. 217
Not into the urban art, huh? Some of those spray-painters are pretty talented. —Ed. NotePerfect Party?
Ed, I was just wondering if Democrats are so great for the people why haven’t we elected a Democrat for president every time? How come Republicans get in there?
Party Pooper
Life goes in cycles. —Ed. NoteSnow Hazard
Ed, you people who are driving around before clearing the snow from your car should know that it is against the law. I almost had my windshield broken today with the ice and snow that’s flying off your cars and trucks. It’s wintertime.
It’s all fun and games till someone gets their windshield and their face smashed in. C’mon, people. Take two minutes and clean off your car. Or if you’re that lazy, turn on the defroster, go back inside and wait five minutes.—Ed. NoteRent Control
Ed, Trenton has a rent control ordinance. The amount of rent a landlord can charge each year is controlled by the consumer price index, which currently is about 3.45 percent. If a landlord attempts to raise the rent higher than that then the tenants should call City Hall and speak to someone in the rent control office and they will contact the landlord.
Going Rental
As always, BackTalkers have the answer. Thanks!—Ed. NoteGood News
Ed, I was glad to hear this arrogant union of state workers is refusing a wage freeze. Now I hope Corzine will cut 30 or 40 thousand state workers. This will save us money in the long run. I hope these arrogant unions suffer.
The Ax
The unions may be leading their workers to a disaster. But you seem a little too giddy about the prospect of their demise.—Ed. NoteAunts In Distress
Ed, I have an aunt and a great-aunt, ages 75 and 95, who have been without electricity since September 2008. There is also an 8-year-old child in that house. They can’t seem to get any help. My aunt wants to go see the governor. But I don’t think that will do any good. Is there anyone out there who can help these two ladies? They have not received their homestead rebate or their stimulus checks either.
That is a travesty. Call back and leave your number this time and we’ll get you some help. —Ed. NoteHot Dog Helper
Ed, I went to a convenience store in Pennsylvania to buy lottery tickets. I took my new puppy with me and the dog got away from me in the parking lot. I thought he might run into traffic. A man suggested I go into the store and get a hot dog to lure the dog. I explained my problem to the clerk at the counter and she told me to get in line and wait. Soon, a guy in line came outside and gave me his hot dog. After 45 minutes the puppy came back to me and is safe. I want to say a big thank you to those two men who tried to help. As for the clerk — where is your heart?
Dog Food
Every Good Samaritan needs a hot dog handy to really make the world a better place.—Ed. NoteOld Beverage
Ed, I was just reading in the paper about the drink called the Moscow Mule. I just wanted to let you all know that it is not a new drink. It came out just as World War II began and every bar in the United States used to serve it up in heavy Schwepp’s copper mugs. It’s a terrific drink.
I could use one right now.—Ed. NoteA.C. Stinks
Ed, Donald Trump complained about how badly the casinos in Atlantic City are doing. Let me tell you, you hardly get anything good there like entertainment and meals. It is twice as expensive as Las Vegas. Atlantic City is trying to grab every dollar. It’s a bad idea and it’s not working for them.
Rolling Away
Between Pennsy’s up-and-coming gaming industry and A.C.’s lack of enough Tom Jones, it’s going downhill fast.—Ed. NoteBeef or Bean
Ed, I read that two employees were recently let go for taking a long lunch at Taco Bell. Yet one employee who walked off the job rather than take a random drug test is still employed. I guess it’s who you know in the administration of the Robbinsville Public Works Department.
Does the concept of “Fourthmeal” somehow relate to “double standard”?—Ed. NoteRough Road
Ed, I think the city should do the job right and stop wasting money. I’m talking about the asphalt they put down over the top of the old bricks from Montgomery to Broad Street. They did a poor job. Why didn’t they take up the bricks first? Now it looks like you’re driving through a junk yard, going up and down hills with all those crater holes.
That way they can scrape off the tar later as part of a historic reclamation project.—Ed. NoteRent Control
Ed, I have an nswer for the senior citizen who asked about raising the rent for his apartment. Let him know that we do have rent control in Trenton and you can call this number — (609) 989-3976 — and they will tell you exactly how much the rent can be raised each year.
Housing Helper
Ed, this is for the senior having trouble with the rent. Tell him to call (877) 222-3737, a support service line for seniors, and they will be able to direct his call to whatever department he needs to help him.Housing Helper II
Once again, BackTalkers have all the answers.—Ed. NoteYoung Moms
Ed, this is to “Appalled.” I too am a woman of color, I too had a baby at 15, and I too have survived it. My son has turned out fine. He is a correction officer, now in his 40s. Just because you are young doesn’t mean you can’t be a good parent. You have to stay on top of it. Don’t just look at it as a travesty. Read L.A. Parker’s article in the paper on Jan. 8 and get another side of it.
Been There
Thanks for your story. Putting teen parents in the paper has drawn such passionate response, first from those condemning the idea that the parents would dare be proud and then from former teen parents who’ve made it work. Isn’t there a middle ground where we work hard to prevent teen pregnancy but aren’t disgusted when it happens? —Ed. NoteMonday, January 12, 2009
Power Bill
Ed, we have to be smarter with our use of energy. At nighttime in the city of Trenton there are decorative lights up on the roof. What is our energy bill at night? When you go through the tunnel on Route 29 every single light is lit in the daytime. How many jobs could we save if we were just a little bit smarter with our energy use? We have to control the costs we can control.
Penny Saver
The city should examine every option for savings, but you may not realize how dark and dangerous a tunnel can be, even in the daytime, with no lights. — Ed. NoteFull Color
Ed, I have to say that printing the Page 6 girls in color is the best thing you could have done for the paper.
Eye Candy
Thanks. We’re all enjoying it. — Ed. NoteDon't Speak For Me
Ed, I am a CWA member. This message is for the CWA bigwigs. Before you open your mouth and start telling me what I will and will not take a salary freeze how about asking me first.
Victim of the Union
Here, here. — Ed. NoteRaise Freeze
Ed, hi, I’m Joe the contractor. I am taking any job I can get trying to keep my head above water. We all have got to tighten up. Then I see the Hamilton Township policemen are getting a raise. These police guys are already making twice what I make. My wife’s company has announced that there will be no raises in 2009, period. Why can’t they do that sort of thing to the police? Just refuse any raises. When the state loses money to pay the police they look to make it up in taxes, my taxes.
Well, the police have a union. — Ed. NoteFunny Money
Hey, Ed, did you ever think that one of the people in the Philadelphia Park Casino is a counterfeiter? I have never seen so much counterfeit money wind up in one place.
That’s absurd. The reason you see so many police blotter items reporting counterfeit money at the casino is because they do an excellent job of catching it. — Ed. NoteAccepting Donations
Ed, St. Mary’s Pantry in Bordentown will be glad to accept food and not have a problem with donations. We feed the people in the Bordentown area.
St. Mary
Perhaps the disgruntled gentleman with the Cheerios and bananas can make his way to Bordentown.— Ed. NotYou Asked For It
Ed, I hope the American people get what they deserve. They elected the same people to go to Washington to rob us. Starting Jan. 1, 2009, Congress gets a $4,700 pay raise. Aren’t they the same group who is screaming at us to tighten our belts? What are they doing accepting a pay raise? It’s time to start voting these people out.
Time for Change
Assuming you, too, are an American, you might not want to wish the worst for them. — Ed. NoteFollow the Rules
Ed, starting on March 1, 2008, talking on a handheld cellphone or texting while driving in New Jersey was made illegal. Almost a year later all I see is people driving around using their cellphones. I think it is really getting out of control. They should start enforcing the code and start handing out fines.
Law Abiding
When will Samsung or somebody come up with hands-free texting?— Ed. NoteCollege Football
Ed, I agree with Mr. McCaffrey about the college football polls. In fact if you take away coverage you end up with overage, which I believe is exactly what he is talking about.
OverIf you say so.— Ed. NoteKids Having Kids
Ed, in regards to the New Year’s baby. What ever happened to morality? Do they realize that their baby will have a 90 percent chance of growing up in poverty? What a shame. What a terrible sign of the times. Unwed teenage parents and they are so proud of it. Where are their parents?
If they’ve been following BackTalk, they’ve heard plenty of the voices of doom. You may be the first to present that specific stat on poverty. They’ll need a lot of luck and a lot of love to make a go of it. They’re not proud to have had a baby out of wedlock. They know they made a mistake. But they’re not ashamed, either. And that seems to be what’s driving readers crazy. — Ed. NotSpyware
Ed, a couple of months ago I read an article about people spying on people and invading their privacy. I want to know how to detect such equipment. Who do you go to report that type of crime without being considered too paranoid?
You’ll need to go see 007’s supplier of all things cutting-edge, secretive and gadgetty. His name is “Q.” He can give you the “top-secret spy detector of secret spy detectors,” enabling you to detect any device that is spying on you, and in turn, be able to spy on those devices and on whomever is using them.—Ed. NoteMean Helpers
Ed, someone should do something about the policies at the unemployment office. The arrogance of the people who are trying to help you is upsetting. People coming into that office have lost their jobs, have questions, and need help.
Maybe if someone threatens their jobs, too, they’ll increase performance.—Ed. NoteMaking Rent
Ed, I am a senior citizen in Trenton. I’m also a renter. Could anyone tell me how much a landlord can raise your rent each year, you know, percentage-wise. It would be a help for me to know as well as anyone else who rents in the area. Thank you.
Usually, whatever the market will bear. See if your landlord will negotiate.—Ed. NoteConvenient Read
Ed, I have been a Trentonian reader for 20 plus years. I just realized that one of the things I most like about your paper is the fact that I never have to turn pages to finish a story. You guys almost always have your stories confined to just one page. So keep up the good work.
Easy on the Eyes
We’re here for you. We know readers don’t have time to be jumping around all over the place. —Ed. Note
Ed, about the young father of the New Year’s baby. I, myself, was a father at 14. Now I own my own business and both of my kids have graduated from college. So don’t doubt the young man; he has a chance of being a great father.
Success Story
Thanks for the uplifting story. It’s certainly welcome amid all the scathing feedback to that article. The naysayers will all call you the exception. But let’s hope that young man has the same fortune that you did. —Ed. NoteSaturday, January 3, 2009
Silly Scam
Ed, Recently in the mail I received a check for $612,000.00 from an outfit in Las Vegas with a flyer that said I was guaranteed the check. I figured something wasn’t right so I read the fine print and then the finest print where it said that a had to mail them a check for $30.00 and I was 100% guaranteed a check from them for $.79. It’s amazing isn’t it? There are so many cons that are out there.
Wise Up
And, sadly, the fact you’re still receiving them means enough people are falling for them to make them profitable.—Ed. NoteSideline Cop
Ed, I was wondering why there was a New Jersey state trooper standing on the sidelines near the Rutgers players at the Papa John’s Bowl recently. Don’t we have better things to do with our police than to send them over to a game?
Off Sides
He’s there to crack down on corrupt referees.—Ed. NoteCutting the Kids
Ed, I have a question about the school programs that they are willing to terminate in the City of Trenton. Why are the programs that are set up to help children the first to be cut? It is unbelievable. Why are our kids always the ones who have to suffer?
Child Advocate
We need to start them on suffering at a young age so they don’t get the wrong idea about the world.—Ed. NoteYowsah!
Ed, I went to see Raw at the Sovereign Bank. John Cena won and there was a girl in the stands who flashed him. She pulled up her shirt, she had on a lacy bra, and all the guys in the audience starting taking pictures of her. Me and my friend caught up with her after the show and I asked her who she was and she said she was the “Pet Angel of Trenton and Hamilton.” She also said that she worked for the department of revenue. I say, wow!
Angel Groupie
You know what they say. State workers have more fun.—Ed. NoteDisability
Hi, Ed, my wife and I are 68 and 73 years old. We have never collected unemployment or disability before. This past Oct. 14 my wife went on disability. It took two months for the first checks to arrive on Dec. 15. I wonder if any of your readers can relate to this?
Golden Years
I’m sure they can. Readers?—Ed. NoteLate-Night Kiddie Garbage
Ed, ABC tonight, New Year’s eve, featuring entertainers the Jonas Brothers. What is this? For the 5- to 12-year-olds to stay up while all the parents are asleep? The Jonas Brothers take four strokes on their instruments, ask any musician, it’s the back up band that plays all the instruments. Who are they kidding? It’s phoney.
Ear Plugs
Most of the music being fed to the teenybopper crowd is absolute crap. But it’s a vicious cycle. The kids keep buying it — so the music industry sees no reason to change the formula. They’ve trained a generation to think that crap is actually good music.—Ed. NoteBenci's Ride
Ed, this is for Mayor Bencivengo: I just wanted to thank you for the purchase of your new car. It could have paid the salary of my daughter, whom you laid off in June. She is a single mother. She and I and the father are helping put food on the table.
Benci Casualty
Maybe he can sell her his old car. At a deal.—Ed. NoteGuv's Words
Ed, I am sick and tired of hearing the governor talk about shortfalls and cuts. He made all these here promises. Why should the public have to handle the brunt of this situation? It was their policy, all these giveaway programs and high-paying jobs for their cronies. How could the government have gotten along fine all these years and now they want so much more tax money from us? It’s a bunch of baloney that these guys can line their pockets with that money and the money they get from the federal government too. I am just sick of the whole state and the way it’s run.
N.J. Sickness
Move out.—Ed. NoteGuv's Words
Ed, I am sick and tired of hearing the governor talk about shortfalls and cuts. He made all these here promises. Why should the public have to handle the brunt of this situation? It was their policy, all these giveaway programs and high-paying jobs for their cronies. How could the government have gotten along fine all these years and now they want so much more tax money from us? It’s a bunch of baloney that these guys can line their pockets with that money and the money they get from the federal government too. I am just sick of the whole state and the way it’s run.
N.J. Sickness
Move out.—Ed. NoteSiren Song
Hi Ed, I’m a resident of South Trenton living near Centre and Landing streets. There is the siren near by that goes off periodically, 3 a.m. or 2 p.m. Crazy times. I am just trying to figure out what this siren is for.
Rudely Awakened
Something’s probably on fire.—Ed. NoteBehind the Scenes
Ed, I have a message that is important to me and probably to others. Hollywood characters and professional athletes make the headlines. They do good and I don’t doubt it, but I have more respect for the husbands and dads, and the wives and mothers. They are facing the world with all its pressures. I give them the credit.
Um, I’m trying to follow you here. You have respect for all husbands, dads, wives and mothers in the world — or respect for the husbands, dads, wives and mothers of famous actors and athletes?—Ed. NoteDon't Blame Bush
Ed, this is for “Good Riddance.” President Bush is responsible for the war but he is not responsible for the economy. That was the Clinton administration that gave all the crooks the power to rip off the people and ruin our economy. It was the Democrats, not the Republicans. Remember that.
Consider it remembered.—Ed. NoteOverreaton
Ed, I saw an article about a man who shot another man at a movie theater for being really loud while watching the movie. I don’t blame the man for being upset, but why shoot the other guy? Isn’t it the manager’s job to remove the problem moviegoers? I put up with seat kicking, loud talking, cell phones, babies crying, etc., and those people are the ones who should stay home and let us watch the movie in peace.
When we’re talking about a guy who whips out a gun in a movie theater, we might as well set aside all the logical arguments. Dude is just nuts.—Ed. NoteDeck The Roads
Hey, Ed, I hope you have a great new year. On Christmas morning I found some Christmas decorations that were dropped in the middle of the road, near the Hamilton-Lawrence border. They look as if they were thrown there or had fallen off of someone’s vehicle. If anyone is missing them I turned them over to the Hamilton Township Police.
Christmas Finder
Someone missing your Christmas cheer? The cops have it.—Ed. NoteLogistics
Hi, regarding the roundabout on George Dye Road in Hamilton Square. You would think that Benci in all of his infinite wisdom would have given some thought as to how the Nottingham Fire Company is going to manipulate the ladder truck around the roundabout. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Those trucks have front-and-rear steering, right? It might take half an hour, but they’ll get around.—Ed. Note24/7 King
Ed, the King of Hamilton, aka Mayor Benci, has a new Crown Vic. They say he is a 24/7 mayor, he is always on call and needs a new car to tool around in. Quite a turnabout from a year ago when, in his own words, he said he couldn’t do weddings because he relaxes with his family on weekends. So if my logic is correct a 24/7 mayor means he will now perform weddings. Ask him if we can be the first.
Going to the Chapel
At the time the accusations were that he wouldn’t do weddings so he wouldn’t have to marry any gay people.—Ed. Note