Friday, January 29, 2010
Ed, this is concerning the Trenton City Council meeting this past evening regarding the city clerk. I am actually just a little appalled at Councilwoman Annette Lartigue; her actions and conduct were totally absurd. It was like watching a bad circus act. The idea that she is actually running for mayor is just ridiculous. She probably needs to run in another city because I would never, ever, vote for someone who acts in such a manner.
No Vote
Well, as you can read on page 4 of this issue, she’s totally sick of her fellow council members, so you were just seeing the manifestation of her frustration. —Ed. NoteLet Good Times Roll
Ed, I am calling about all these alleged DWIs in Plainsboro. It must be really tough up there; it must be like the OK Corral. All these guys they go over their lane, they don’t hold their lanes, or they swerve to avoid a squirrel and they get charged with DWI. These laws have really gotten out of hand. Either ban alcohol altogether or you have to cut some people a break. And on another page in your paper you have Jayson Williams who gets a booze bracelet. I doubt that these guys in Plainsboro will get a booze bracelet. They will probably lose their licenses, receive heavy fines, and their insurance will go through the roof, maybe even get some jail time. These laws are, uh ... backward.
Loosen Up
Can’t say I agree with you on cutting a break to drunk drivers. We’ve seen too many fatal accidents in these pages. And how stupid do you have to be to not only get loaded and drive — but then swerve to miss a squirrel? Just squish the squirrel you sloshed numbskull. —Ed. NoteCity Housing
Ed, about the article “Small housing projects can revitalize Trenton” by L.A. Parker. I love Mr. Parker. He tells it just like it is. I most certainly hope a new mayor and City Council will address the new housing market. None of those running will I vote for because in my opinion they don’t have our best interests at heart. They are self-serving; they want their 20 minutes of fame. It would be nice to see some of those abandoned houses purchased. At 66 I probably wouldn’t get a chance at one, but there are some young people who could benefit from the housing.
I Love L.A.
If you don’t vote for anyone I don’t want to hear you complaining when they don’t get it done. —Ed. NoteThursday, January 28, 2010
Note To Guv
Ed, this is for Gov. Christie. Yesterday I tried to lodge a complaint against the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office. I contacted the AG’s office and I was told to write a letter. I asked if there were any forms available or if I could come in and speak to somebody. And that’s what my instructions were. I asked if I could speak to somebody. If you want to stop corruption, this is not the way to do it. Governor, you should look into this.
Christie’s Helper
So you chose the fastest vehicle through which to obtain the governor’s attention: BackTalk! Why navigate all that red tape when you can go straight to the most powerful and widely read forum in New Jersey? —Ed. NoteToo Many Chiefs
Ed, you know it is not the small elementary school teachers that you have a problem with, it’s the principals and vice principals. Some schools have as many as four. The schools have too many principals and vice principals. That’s who you have to get rid of, not the elementary school teachers that you have now.
To the Office
Yeah, but if you get rid of the vice principal, then the real principal has to do dirty work — like yell at the bad kids. And the vice principal is just so good at that. —Ed. NoteLet's See You Teach
Ed, This is in response to “Teach Reality.” I don’t work for the school district, but I have seen the children and God bless those who are dealing with them. School district employees pay taxes, too. Everyone who works deserves a salary, why begrudge them? For everyone who feels negative toward school teachers and officials, here’s a challenge: Walk a day in their shoes before you hurl harsh criticism. I would bet you would not be so quick to criticize; in fact, you will say give this person a raise.
Shoe Horn
I guess I would give them a raise if I could stay in their shoes to collect it. What do I do with my old shoes? —Ed. NoteTeacher Talks Back
Ed, I would like to comment on your response to “Teach this lady” in BackTalk. I teach in Ewing Township. There are few, if any, deadbeats and many good and outstanding teachers in Ewing. How many schools have you visited to see how hard teachers work in order for students to learn? Not just the subject matter but about what path to take in life. We plan our lessons, develop our goals and maintain order. And in the second article in BackTalk, “Teach reality,” the person does not know what he is talking about. Teachers are held accountable. They are observed and evaluated three to seven times a year depending upon the number of years of their experience. And they don’t get three months of vacation each year.
Proud Teacher
No three months? So we’re not counting the summer, right? —Ed. NoteWednesday, January 27, 2010
The 'Slinger
Ed, about the playoffs. Brett Farve, you can actually tell threw that game on purpose. He just threw it away. I think this guy should just go and retire and leave the NFL alone. This guy thinks he invented this position of quarterback. For six years he has done nothing since the Super Bowl in Green Bay. Minnesota should go out and grab an NFL quarterback kind of like what Mark Sanchez did with the Jets.
The Draft
On purpose? No, he just likes to balance out every 25 amazing passes with one incredibly stupid one. It’s a pattern. —Ed. NoteGracious Blue
Ed, as a Giants fan I would like to congratulate the fans and the people of the city of New Orleans. Four years ago it was a living hell on Earth; now the fans and the city can celebrate football heaven.
Amen to that. —Ed. NoteDiscrepancy
Ed, former Gov. Jon Corzine claimed he left a $500 million plus surplus. New Gov. Chris Christie can’t find it. Somebody is telling a lie. What kind of man is that man Corzine? Somebody needs to make this man come forward, stand in front of the public and tell us where that budget surplus money is. We will now have to make that money up in taxes and cuts.
Who’s Lyin’?
There are no lies in politics. Just versions of the truth and small collections of strategically selected facts. —Ed. NoteClarification
Ed, I am calling about an article in your paper entitled “Mr. Benci Goes to Washington.” The reporter referred to the U.S. government more than one time as the “national government” as opposed to what it truly is, the federal government. The reporter needs to be reminded that we live in a Republic not a monarchy. The national government is a centralized goverment that holds exclusive and supreme power, whereas the federal government holds limited power given to it by the sovereign people of the several individual states.
Get It Right
You are correct, sir. —Ed. NoteTuesday, January 26, 2010
Dog Lived
Ed, I want to let all the people who were driving down South Broad Street recently know that the little white dog that was running down the center of the street is OK. I saw her from my office window and chased her for three blocks, finally caught up with her near South Clinton and was picked up by a woman who was one of many who stopped their cars to help. I took her to PetSmart, she had an ID chip, her name is Aurora, the owner is in Hawaii, and the dog sitter is extremely lucky. So, as a reminder, everyone should take their dog in to get an ID chip implanted.
And I’ll take one of those chips for myself, while you’re at it. Might as well beat the government to it. —Ed. NoteTested
Ed, I have to pass a drug test to work and to pay taxes. Why don’t the people who get unemployment and this welfare have to pass a drug test in order to receive it? That is what I would like to see.
Inna Cup
I like it, other than the logistics. That’s a lot of peeing going on. —Ed. NoteBilly the Kid
Ed, I see in your paper that an 18-year-old kid got busted with a .38-caliber handgun with the serial number scratched off. The cops should have gone to the people that you are supposed to file with when you buy a gun. They can track them down real easy that way. I am positive about that.
I’m pretty sure the cops know the protocol on that one. —Ed. NoteRespect Teachers
Ed, teach the public that Colleen Rand should be put on one of the highest pedestals that the public has created. She is teaching at an inner city school in Trenton. Many of her students have a good chance for getting college degrees because of her dedication. My wife taught fifth grade for 37 years at a primarily white school in Hamilton. She retired making possibly $50,000 a year with a college degree. Teachers don’t get paid overtime for homework. She always gave her best effort all through the work day and during the night doing school work. Most of her fellow teachers were like she was — committed, loyal, striving and loving every student despite race or religion. Teachers don’t steal money and raise taxes; they do quite the opposite. Let’s see Gov. Christie try to teach one of Mrs. Rand’s classes. Good luck, guv, you are going to need it.
Your wife sounds like a great teacher. But they aren’t all gems. (Wives or teachers.) —Ed. NoteUninvited Visitors
Ed, please tell the Jehovah’s Witness don’t knock on people’s doors if you are not invited. People have things to do. They knock on your door and want to come in and you don’t even know these people. You know people have their own religion. Please, please, please don’t come unless you are invited.
Not Welcome
They’re always polite. Just tell them you’re not interested. You don’t need to be bitter. —Ed. NoteGet This Party Started
Ed, in one year President Obama and Miss Pelosi took over something that was on the brink of disaster and have lifted it back up to life. That being the Republican party. Good job.
Oh, snap! —Ed. Note Womanizer Heroes
Ed, I never knew there was such a thing as sexual healing. While Tiger Woods is going through those classes can I pinch hit for the Tiger? In the 1950s and 1960s we never had classes for this. That’s why they have Viagra. He’s my man — he and Bill Clinton. Oh my God.
Old Stud
If rich and famous hotshots want to have sex with a parade of women, more power to them. But for heaven’s sake don’t get married first. Cheating on your wife is sleazy and shouldn’t be celebrated. —Ed. NoteInk Or Stink
Ed, for the person who is calling about stink bugs. If they would call the help line for the Master Gardeners of Mercer County at (609) 989-6853 you could get some information on the brown marmorated stink bug. You will get a sheet mailed to you to tell you all about stink bugs.
Bugging Out
Man, the full name of that thing makes it sound twice as disgusting as it already did. —Ed. Note Spray To Slay
Ed, to the person who calling about the stink bug situation in Hamilton Township. I live in Cream Ridge and we have the same exact same problem, a lot of stink bugs. They love wood and all. Here is how I kill them: I spray them with hairspray, and they freeze up and die.
Aqua Net
Yuck. —Ed. Note Christie's Burden
Ed, I feel very sorry for Gov. Christie. Jon Corzine gave Chris Christie the shaft by passing all those bills before he left office. I would like to see Gov. Christie personally enforce the fact that no state vehicles should leave the area at the end of the work day. These people should be accessed for taking these vehicles home instead of talking the cars and trucks home at taxpayers’ expense.
Don’t feel sorry for him. Corzine’s antics gave the big guy some easy talking points. As for this “personal enforcement” ... what, do you want to see Christie in a mall cop uniform on a Segway patrolling the state parking lot? —Ed. NoteMonday, January 18, 2010
Fisher Biting
Ed, I have been saying for two years now that Fisher Middle School needs to clean house in that office in that new wonderful administration that is so concerned about the Web site as opposed to the children. When is Fisher Middle School going to clean house, straighten up their act and stop hiding what is going on in that school? This better get printed because I am furious.
Glad you got to vent. Take a deep breath. —Ed. Note
Glad you got to vent. Take a deep breath. —Ed. Note
Where's My Relief?
Ed, Wonderful: Obama is sending $100 million in aid to Haiti, and all I need is $30,000 to prevent my house from being foreclosed on. There you go, Barack — help them out, not us.
For Me
The good news is that you’re not buried under a pile of rubble. Try to run with that and dig yourself out of your hole — grateful that it’s a figurative and not a literal one. —Ed. NoteGo To Market
Ed, I have lived in Lawrenceville for two years. I think it is wonderful that they opened a new farmers market on Route 1. I want to let people know it is there. Give them a chance — they are wonderful people.
Farm Fresh
Who’s not giving them a chance? Anti-produce gangs? —Ed. Note Fire Fighting
I read in your paper about the Hamilton Township Enterprise Fire Co. closing. I think it is time for the mayor to step in and put a paid fire department in the township. If they have a million dollars to buy a fire house then the taxpayers are paying too much. Each fire district is a different tax. They already have a paid EMS; they might as well have a fire department.
Ed, I have a way to solve the Hamilton Township Enterprise Fire Department’s problem. Instead of having all these volunteer outfits and their 15 commissioners who think they are bigshots, make it the Hamilton Township Fire Co. One fire company, and one flat fire tax throughout the township. Do away with volunteer status. This will never happen because “Mr. Bigshot” fire commissioner will lose his precious little job. Let’s see Hamilton Township fire districts get together and make one fire department run by one person, not 15.
There’s a lot of pride, identity, camaraderie and tradition in those individual districts. If you can unify without sacrificing all that spirit and dedication, great. But you’re going to need excellent leadership at the top to get it done without taking a step backward in experience and preparedness. Ultimately, it’s not about politics; it’s about keeping your house from burning down. —Ed. Note
Ed, I have a way to solve the Hamilton Township Enterprise Fire Department’s problem. Instead of having all these volunteer outfits and their 15 commissioners who think they are bigshots, make it the Hamilton Township Fire Co. One fire company, and one flat fire tax throughout the township. Do away with volunteer status. This will never happen because “Mr. Bigshot” fire commissioner will lose his precious little job. Let’s see Hamilton Township fire districts get together and make one fire department run by one person, not 15.
There’s a lot of pride, identity, camaraderie and tradition in those individual districts. If you can unify without sacrificing all that spirit and dedication, great. But you’re going to need excellent leadership at the top to get it done without taking a step backward in experience and preparedness. Ultimately, it’s not about politics; it’s about keeping your house from burning down. —Ed. Note
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Heroes In Action
Ed, it’s Mary from the Tender Hearts. I just witnessed something so horrific I had to vent a little. We were working in our shop and heard an explosion. We looked out our backdoor and we saw a house totally engulfed in flames. I want to say something about the emergency response to this. The police and firemen were there so quickly; they did a wonderful job. We hope everything is OK and everyone got out of the house. Our prayers and blessings are with them. It really makes you feel grateful for what you have. My other two sisters were with me. It makes you hold closer to your heart those that you have.
Everyone was OK thanks to the work of the aforementioned heroes. And thanks for reminding us that life is precious. —Ed. NoteJeff's Look
Ed, you need to tell Jeff Edelstein that he needs to have a nice shape-up on his beard. He has hair growing everywhere. It don’t look sexy. He might want to go to High Class on East State Street.
Speak for yourself. Jeff gets bags of mail every day — some with risque photos and/or undergarments — from women young and old who are driven wild by that scraggly, lanky hunk. They love them some Edelstein. —Ed. NoteTea and kookies
Ed, why does the media characterize the members of the Tea Party movement as Tea Baggers? This is in very poor taste.
Tea Time
It’s only in poor taste if you know the dirty reference, you Dirty Minder. —Ed. NoteSgt. Testing
Ed, can you please tell me how a standardized written test can discriminate against black and Latino police officers? They said in the article that the police sergeant’s exam does. It is a written test based on case law and situations, and personnel management. How can a written test possibly discriminate against someone’s race? We keep lowering the standards over and over again. I thought you wanted the best people to make the decisions in the Trenton Police Department. We should not change the standards to make the test easy.
Sgt. Standard
It seems they’re working backward from the test results to determine that the test is discriminatory. —Ed. NoteChris, Tiger & Charlie
Hey, Ed, I guess you and Mr. Parker are very happy now that Charlie got fired, huh? But don’t play the race card; Chris and Tiger deserve every bit of the criticism them got.
Charlie’s Angel
I don’t feel sorry for any of these guys. —Ed. NoteMonday, January 11, 2010
Gettin' Chilly, Al
Ed, I wonder if Al Gore is watching the Weather Channel and finding out that maybe there is no global warming. If he steps outside his nice cozy mansion, where he probably has the heat turned up to 85, maybe he will realize that there is no global warming. We are all going to freeze to death.
You’ve been led astray by what appears to be a chilling trend. Gore is not so easily deceived! His personal team of world-renowned Ph.D. meteorologists in concert with the world’s most powerful spinning supercomputer deliver him a daily personal weathercast that shows how hot each day “feels like” when you add in the Future Heat Fear Factor. For instance, a sunny 8-degree day with a -15 wind chill factor — when adjusted for the FHFF — “feels like” 85 with a 50 percent chance of hail and/or tornadoes. —Ed. NoteBig Picture
Ed, I don’t think it was proper that you put that girl’s picture on the front page last week “Race claims in Jr. high beatdown.” It’s going to encourage other young teenagers to get involved in fights and whatever if they can get their picture on the front page.
Role Model
Because all kids ever want is notoriety in the press? I don’t buy it. —Ed. NoteThe N-Word
Ed, sorry about the girl who got beat up over a white using the N-word. Come on, the black people use it 50 times an hour. It’s the white people who push not to use it. I hear the N-word more from African-Americans than anyone else. Have you listened to rap music? It’s a shame, it’s a bad word, but everybody uses it and it’s never going to stop. It only comes out when somebody black is offended by it. Everybody has been to school, everybody has been on the street. It’s you people in the media who play it up. It’s a joke. Same with using Nazi — now it’s a law you can’t draw a swastika in school.
Language Barrier
I would guess it is still a big deal to any person of color who has lived in a time and a place where the word was directly tied to oppressive hatred backed by acts of lethal violence. I guess if we’re looking for a ruling on all this I’d rather hear from elders — and not base widespread sensibilities on the modern rapper lexicon. —Ed. NoteProtect My Jewels
Yeah, I own a jewelry store in Bordentown City. The other day my alarm went off, and a fat guy in a cop’s uniform comes into my store to check to see if it was a real alarm or not. He wasn’t even wearing a gun. So if there was a real burglary, what would he have done? What would I have done? I pay taxes, and this is the kind of service I get? This is a joke. I am going to move my jewelry store to another town.
Slightly Included
So I’m confused. Was this a cop or just a fat guy dressed up as one? And can I get a deal on a watch? —Ed. Note