Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hi, Ed, this is about the guy that said minorities cannot pass the state police test. He’s as ignorant as he sounds; he’s just a bigot. I’d like to know how he feels about Barack Obama. He’s a minority.
He probably doesn’t want Obama on the state police.—Ed. NoteL.A.'s the best
Hi, Ed, I believe L.A. Parker’s one of the finest reporters you’ve got at The Trentonian. One of his latest articles was about how we are paying dues to an organization that we don’t care to belong to — Planned Parenthood. It gets almost a half-billion (dollars) a year from the government so they can expand their operations, like into the malls. I think it’s time for the government to wake up.
Paying Their Dues
Smelling salts. Give the government smelling salts.—Ed. NoteSplit Street
Ed, could you help me find out what idiot in Trenton or Ewing decided to repave half of Hillcrest Avenue? The street between Parkway and Homan, one side is Ewing, the other is Trenton. I’ve never seen anything so ridiculous.
Two Tone
One side at a time. Be patient.—Ed. NoteCall for backup
Hi, Ed, I feel bad for Trenton police having to deal with these gang members. The mayor and Santiago should bring in the state police and let them deal with it, too. They don’t play.
Who’s “playing”? The local cops are taking this pretty seriously. —Ed. NoteMedal miracles
Hi, Ed, for “puppy whisperer,” get a St. Anthony Medal and he will find him for you. Ask St. Anthony and he will do his thing. You can find the medal at any religious store in the area, and you will find the lady you’re looking for.
Faith is a beautiful thing.—Ed. Note
Give us a ring
Hi, Ed, my 16-year-old daughter who volunteers at St. Francis Medical Center in the admissions office lost a special gold ring on July 16. It’s very sentimental and has a heart with the number 15 for her Quinceanera birthday. We’re hoping the person who found her ring will return it to the security desk at St. Francis. The people who work there are aware of this situation.
The ring means more to this girl than it possibly could to whomever found it. Give it back!—Ed. NoteWednesday, July 30, 2008
Hit and run help
Hi, Ed, late on July 25 or early on July 26 on Anderson Street near Roebling Avenue, my truck was hit in the rear hard enough for the front wheel to be pushed onto the sidewalk. I don’t know what it was, but it left white paint on my red truck, and it would have damage on its passenger side front from the bumper to the headlight. It may have some red paint from my truck on it. If any good BackTalk readers want to let Ed know who might have done this damage to my truck, I’d appreciate your help. Thanks.
Bumper Car
Just a little paint? Trucks are supposed to get a little scratched up. —Ed. NoteGangland Park
Ed, gang members have moved their operations in our neighborhood park on Garfield Avenue. Every day and throughout the night the trafficking get heavier and we are seeing young men we have never seen in the park selling drugs, doing drop-offs and arguing loudly. We have contacted the East Trenton police on several occasions and talked with representatives from City Hall, but the situation is getting worse. Daycare workers at Macedonia Church walk the children to this park every day to play, and other summer youth programs frequent the park with young kids. This is a plea for help. I hope the TPD will see this and do something before a tragedy happens at the park.
Help Us
It’s a shame when the havens for children become havens for gangs. —Ed. NoteSave PAL
Hi, Ed, I see where the Trenton PAL may close up. With all the churches and charitable organizations around, you would think they would step up to the plate and donate money. All of the people who have young boys and girls should step up and donate, $10, $20, whatever they can afford. I think the PAL is something positive and it should not close.
PAL has helped so many kids over the years. Maybe some alumni will rally to encourage a rescue effort.—Ed. NoteToo hot to handle
Hi, Ed, I read about a “sexy mom” who can’t get enough sex, so she had to seduce two teenage boys in the shower. And not only that, she had a kid in Texas, so what is she doing here when she should be home with her kid? She’s too hot to handle and left me panting.
Dirty Dog
First of all, it’s ALLEGED sexy mom. Second, put your tongue back in your mouth. This is a criminal matter.—Ed. NoteWhere's Benci
Hey, Ed, John Bencivengo was elected mayor to represent us, but he is missing in action more often than not. Most recently, mayors from other towns met (in Hamilton, no less) to oppose the Trenton Water Works sale. Instead of showing up, Benci sends his hired, taxpayer-funded spinmaster (aka aide) to read a statement. If Benci doesn’t want to defend us in person, tell him to resign and we’ll get someone who does. We deserve better.
Mayor Tracker
If he showed up to that you’d blast him for missing something else.—Ed. NoteTuesday, July 29, 2008
Klockner Woods - Placing Blame
Following is a flurry of comments regarding the Klockner Woods fiasco in Hamilton. Blame Benci? Blame Gilmore? Depends on which BackTalker you ask ....—Ed. Note
Hey, Ed, this is former Hamilton councilman Vinny Capodanno with a message for Mayor Bencivengo. Who are you and your council going to blame now that the New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled you must buy Klockner Woods after defying numerous judges’ decision. It’s going to cost another $750,000 in interest. All along you knew the property was worth that money but you had to use it as a campaign ploy, calling it swampland, to get yourself elected. Now the township owes nearly $5 million. When Glen Gilmore wanted to buy this property around 2004 when I was on council many people requested we use it for open space and there was a petition with 1,500 or more signatures. Back then we had money from the county, state and a developer, but you wanted to make it a campaign issue to run for mayor. You caused the problem, you owe $5 million, but you will blame Gilmore now that you don’t have the money. Blame yourself. Stop playing games. You and your council should also pay the legal fees for the horrible decision to defy the judge’s order to buy Klockner. It’s just another fiscal mess you got us into.
Ed, I don’t understand why Bencivengo is being blamed for Klockner Woods. He wasn’t in office when that was purchased. Wasn’t it Gilmore who did all this? How much money did he make on this deal? Why isn’t he being investigated?
Hey, Ed, if the township is wondering about a way to pay for the Klockner Woods property, why not consider selling it to a builder. The previous administration said it could support 41 homes, and that would make it attractive to some developer.
Ed, I understand Bencivengo has several contractors interested in buying Klockner Woods. I heard through the grapevine that Dave Fried has offered $3 million for Klockner Woods. Good job, Mayor Bencivengo! Keep Mayor Fried in business.
Hey, Ed, this is former Hamilton councilman Vinny Capodanno with a message for Mayor Bencivengo. Who are you and your council going to blame now that the New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled you must buy Klockner Woods after defying numerous judges’ decision. It’s going to cost another $750,000 in interest. All along you knew the property was worth that money but you had to use it as a campaign ploy, calling it swampland, to get yourself elected. Now the township owes nearly $5 million. When Glen Gilmore wanted to buy this property around 2004 when I was on council many people requested we use it for open space and there was a petition with 1,500 or more signatures. Back then we had money from the county, state and a developer, but you wanted to make it a campaign issue to run for mayor. You caused the problem, you owe $5 million, but you will blame Gilmore now that you don’t have the money. Blame yourself. Stop playing games. You and your council should also pay the legal fees for the horrible decision to defy the judge’s order to buy Klockner. It’s just another fiscal mess you got us into.
Ed, I don’t understand why Bencivengo is being blamed for Klockner Woods. He wasn’t in office when that was purchased. Wasn’t it Gilmore who did all this? How much money did he make on this deal? Why isn’t he being investigated?
Thanks A. Lot
Ed, well ex-mayor Glen Gilmore has put Hamilton Township into more debt because the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that we have to pay for Klockner Woods at $4-plus-million, and the woods only sold in 2001 for $375,000. Thank you, Glen Gilmore, and your weasel council back then.
Much Appreciated
Hey, Ed, if the township is wondering about a way to pay for the Klockner Woods property, why not consider selling it to a builder. The previous administration said it could support 41 homes, and that would make it attractive to some developer.
For Sale
Ed, I understand Bencivengo has several contractors interested in buying Klockner Woods. I heard through the grapevine that Dave Fried has offered $3 million for Klockner Woods. Good job, Mayor Bencivengo! Keep Mayor Fried in business.
Deep Fried
Monday, July 28, 2008
Don't cut kids slack
Ed, this about the article about the four kids that were pool hopping in Hamilton. This is absolutely ridiculous. These kids were trespassing, plain and simple. I do not agree with what one of the fathers said: Kids will be kids, they made a mistake. They should be taught at home that you do not to trespass on anyone’s property, and to respect people and their property. It seems like the parents and two of the coaches are upset only because two of the players injured themselves and cannot finish out the season. They should be more upset that the kids were acting more like juvenile delinquents, and they should be held accountable for their actions.
Strictly Forbidden
I think the feeling is more that these kids have learned a lesson the hard way, not that they should be given a free pass for their conduct.—Ed. NoteMmmmmmm, chocolate
Hi, Ed, this is a chocoholic from Pennsylvania. I can’t believe Jeff Edelstein wrote a column about Carl Fischer Candies and only let us know it’s in Lawrenceville. Where in Lawrenceville, for heaven’s sake?
Candy Man
I just Googled it for you. Looks like it’s technically in Trenton: “2495 US Highway 1, Trenton, NJ 08648.” —Ed. NoteKids need your help
Hi, Ed, it’s getting close to back-to-school time and there are lots of kids and families who don’t have the money for uniforms or basic school supplies. If your readers can donate notebooks or school supplies to Womanspace or Tender Hearts or other organizations willing to accept such donations, or to the school systems who may have a list of kids in need, it would make a difference and perhaps start a bookbag drive. It’s embarrassing for these kids to start school without these items. School is hard enough, and our kids are our most important commodity.
School Helper
This is such a worthy cause, and it’s so easy to help. If you’re shopping for your own kids and have the extra cash, pick up two of everything and give some kid a chance to succeed.—Ed. NoteLittle Leaguer loses chain
Ed, my nephew lost a chain with the number 13 on it. It meant a lot to him, since his grandparents gave it to him for a special occasion. It was lost at the Nottingham Little League All-Star tryout baseball game, about the third week in June. It would really be awesome if someone could return it to BackTalk. There will be a reward. I’m leaving my number with you.
Lucky 13
If you keep the chain and don’t give it back to this boy, it will bring you back luck.—Ed. NoteSunday, July 27, 2008
Don't vote on color
Ed, I’m just calling to say I read a comment made by Alex Bethea, and I take offense to it. He goes “I’m Democrat, but when the need calls for it, I will vote Republican. But this time I’m going to go Democrat. We don’t get this opportunity but once in a lifetime and the opportunity to vote for a black man.” Do you understand what that’s saying to us? C’mon, give me a break. Vote for the best candidate, not color.
I think if you talked to him long enough you’d see he thinks Obama is the best candidate. Meanwhile, he’s excited about the historical significance of a black presidential candidate. He just mixed it all together in that quote.—Ed. NoteBig dude seeks tuxedo
Ed, I’m a big guy, about 325 pounds, and I need a tuxedo for a wedding. I’m not sure that Frank’s Big & Tall does rentals. Can anyone help me out with a place?
The Hulk
Can anyone direct this large gentleman to a large tuxedo?—Ed. NoteMoney washed away
Ed, I live in Hiltonia across from Cadwalader Park. The yahoos in administration just put up a beautiful bridge for $12,000, which makes the park look really nice, and they resurfaced the stone path, but all the stones are washing away into the pond, probably another $12,000 of taxpayers’ money washing away. The pond is mosquito infested and overgrown with weeds and poison ivy. The only problem I don’t have is the guys who cut the grass; they make it look beautiful, almost like a golf course. Tell those yahoos in administration to check their work. Tell them the guys who actually do the physical labor deserve our thanks.
Walk in the Park
Next time use heavier stones, I guess.—Ed. NoteCustomer service
Ed, A few months ago I spoke to Trentonian publisher Bill Murray about how difficult it was for me to find The Trentonian, and I told him I’d ‘crawl through broken glass’ to find it. Since then I’ve taken the plunge and subscribed to The Trentonian online and I just wanted to thank your staff for your follow up. With your online version, I can leisurely read the paper and save money in the process. P.S. I think Jeff Edelstein should get a raise!
Happy on River Road
We’re glad you’re enjoying the ePaper, which has the entire print product in digital form (comics and all) and is a good option if you live in an area outside of the delivery zones. And thanks for commending the fine service of our hardworking circulation department. But how do you know what Jeff makes?—Ed. NoteSaturday, July 26, 2008
Groomer AWOL
Ed, does anyone know what happened to the pet groomer, Love My Pet? Several clients have been waiting and they don’t show up. We can’t reach the groomer by phone.
Hey, groomer, don’t you Love Their Pets anymore? You’re in demand.—Ed. NoteHow dare they?
Hey, Ed, I’m a little bit disgusted with The Trentonian because of the Danielle Bonfanti death. There was something personal on, basically speaking ill of her. Whoever did that, you are a low life to belittle the dead. She’s gone; rest in peace. She can’t hear you, so why did you sit there and do that? Whoever that is has a lot of nerve.
The Nerve
What’s wonderful is that the one negative comment prompted about 25 positive comments from people who knew and loved her.—Ed. NoteWhat about my team?
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about the Hamilton Hurricanes, 12-year-olds girls who reached the Babe Ruth World Series. I don’t see them getting very much press, I just see Robbinsville every day with big write ups and big colored pictures. I would think The Trentonian would be happy to do something about these girls who have worked hard. This is the first time they’ve reached the Babe Ruth World Series since 1989. They are playing in Aug. 7-14 in Pennsylvania, and I’d like to see a photographer out there. Let’s give them a little bit of a cheer here.
Proud Parent
Congratulations on your team’s success. Listen, our sports department covers more youth softball and baseball than anyone. George O’Gorman did a story about your team making the World Series. But we can’t be everywhere all the time. If you submit photos from the games we can’t attend we’ll get them in.—Ed. NoteMarriott is busy
Ed, this is a reply to “Who’s Cuckoo.” The Marriott has not been sold “again,” it has changed management from Marriott to Waterford, but it will remain a Marriott. By the way, the hotel runs at 70 percent occupancy for the year. So, before you shoot your mouth off, you need to get your facts straight.
Let’s hope it gets to 80 percent and beyond.—Ed. NoteSorry situation
Oh, my God, what cowards these gang members are. I would be ashamed of myself if I were one of the six who beat up an unarmed man in Chambersburg, almost killing him. This city is in a terrible predicament. Mayor Palmer has no will or enthusiasm any more to do his job. We are sinking into lawlessness. God help us!
Panic Button
Whoa. Pull it together, there. Blaming the mayor for everything and freaking out like the sky is falling won’t help anything.—Ed. NoteFriday, July 11, 2008
He'll Never Leave
Ed, I admire your work and your wit. We all know better than to think that arrogant and essentially useless Democratic party political appointee Joseph Santiago will be gone in 75 days. He’ll cry his way to the New Jersey Supreme Court. This laughingstock austere group will take years before his appeal will be heard. So, not only will this cost us millions in vital tax dollars that could be way better spent elsewhere, but also we will still be stuck with Santiago.
Stuck on Joe
Not necessarily. Two lower courts ruled conclusively, and the high court doesn’t automatically hear every case. Santiago’s legal team — which may or may not continue to be funded by, you guessed it, your tax dollars — will have to be creative to convince the court there is a reason to accept his case.—Ed. NoteCost of Conception
Ed, I would like to see Horizon Blue Cross-Blue Shield change into a for-profit. That way they wouldn’t have to have all the mandates the state imposes. For example, people can have four or five fertility treatments at $10,000 each, and I have to pay for that. If people are not meant to have children, they’re not meant to have them, and they should go and adopt. I don’t think everyone should have to pay for their sexual activities that gave them diseases which fried their tubes.
Totally Tubular
I’m not saying you should have to pay for others to conceive, but don’t be so slanderous to the infertile. Plenty of fertility difficulties are unrelated to any past transgressions. —Ed. NoteCops have wrong focus
Hi, Ed, I’m a taxpayer in Bordentown City, and I read in the paper that our police are going to be on a drunk-driving task force. We have crimes going on, we had a shooting last weekend. Let’s concentrate on our crime, not drunk drivers. I pay a lot of taxes to live here and have a safe town. It’s disgraceful. These men are so fat and out of shape, it’s disgusting.
Fitness Trainer
I won’t weigh in on the physical condition of your officers, but as for drunken driving, it counts as a crime. If you ever have a loved one killed by a drunk driver, you’ll agree.—Ed. NoteI hate trees
Ed, I’d like to thank the jerk that decided to plant these damn trees all up and down the streets in the city of Trenton. People can’t even take care of their own sidewalk, you want them to take care of the trees? There’s bottles and weeds and everything else all over the place. It looks horrible.
I can’t tell if you’re kidding. What an outrage it is that someone would disturb the continuous beauty of a concrete sidewalk with eyesores of greenery.—Ed. NoteTuesday, July 8, 2008
Bye, bye, new money
Hey, Ed, guess how I’m using my economic stimulus check? I’m going to pay the shortage in my mortgage escrow because my property tax just went up 23 percent. Thanks a lot, Gov. Corzine.
Save some for gas.—Ed. NoteNeed a lift
Ed, I wonder if somewhere out there, there’s a car dealer who would be willing to donate a handicap van equipped to take a wheelchair for the lift. This is for a retired nurse who helped people for 40 years, and now she’s bedridden and confined to a wheelchair. She has not been out in so long. She’s a good person, and now she needs your help.
Nurse Helper
Sounds like she’s earned enough good medical karma for two vans.— Ed NoteThanks, plus a dig
Ed, I’d like to thank Capital Health System for paying for the wonderful fireworks in Hamilton Township. It’s a shame that Robert Wood Johnson didn’t think to do it, but it was a wonderful display, and we thank Capital Health!
Tom Petty
Oh, come on. RWJ does more than its share of community boosting. Starting with all those jobs.—Ed. NoteKnock down the doors
Holiday greetings! At the top of my Christmas in July wish list is a wrecking ball for the new doors at Sovereign Bank, 33 West State St. Those doors are not handicap or senior friendly. Ho, ho, ho!
Wheelchair Santa
Someone designing that entrance has been naughty and not nice. Perhaps with the threat of no presents next year someone will fix the situation.—Ed. NoteFine Force
Ed, I attended Hamilton Deputy Police Chief George Zimmer’s funeral, and I want to say how professional and compassionate the Hamilton Township Police Force was in playing a part in a fellow PBA member’s funeral. From the changing of the guards in the white gloves and ending with a heartfelt salute, our town should be very proud of such honorable men we have to protect our community. Good job, guys, I salute you all.
In Attendance
It’s nice to find a silver lining in such a somber occasion.—Ed. Note